I think it's a little bit silly of us to deprive ourselves of audio-visual information when typing others. At the same time, I think it is silly to do pure VI threads where any empirical proof for facial features correlating with certain types is sketchy at best. As a result, I would like to present a new questionnaire to be done as a video. This is not really a VI exercise, rather, I want to get a sense of your personality as it would be communicated in natural social interaction and this includes visual and auditory elements.


Try and put the video at around 15-20 minutes. These are clusters of related questions, looking for long, general answers rather than anything too curt or precise. You don't have to answer all the questions and may put in other stuff that feels natural to you.

Try to relax and be aware that everything from the buttons on your coat to your nervous chuckle are being carefully scrutinised.


  1. How did you get into typology? What interested you about psychology?
  2. What do you do for a living? What do you do for a college degree? Do you like your job? Is there something you'd prefer to be doing? Why? What are you like when doing your job? Are you much different at home?
  3. What aspects of your life are you especially good with? What do you feel that you are especially bad at? What have you done to draw admiration or criticism from others?
  4. What sort of environment would you feel most at home in? Describe its atmosphere and surroundings, its inhabitants, the conversations or lack thereof, the philosophy of this ideal environment.