Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
Edit: I'm starting to think that the closest thing so far is SEI, because some of that fits. I do care a good deal about how I dress, and I like to look elegant. I also like decorating my living space. However, I still hate taking care of others. Maybe I just haven't found people I want to take care of.
One of close friends is SEI. Now that we're both older, when we're together it can be hard to distinguish us, personality-wise. When we were younger the differences were more obvious. One difference I can think of: whereas I will actively seek out new and interesting things, he likes it when new and interesting things are brought to him, but seems unsure how to go about finding those things for himself. He's always friendly and excessively polite (inert subtype). I always want to be friendly, but sometimes I'm just completely at a loss as to what the socially appropriate response is to a given situation, so I come off unfavorably. I usually just crack a joke because that's the only way I know how to put people at ease.

Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
yeah, but just to be clear, I did mean the foyer effect. I've noticed a few cushions growing on me since I started reading these, and my legs are turning into wood.
Just take a break from reading them. Seriously, some of us might even still be here when you come back

Oh, and this video is a pretty good example of a female Ne-ILE: