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Thread: Member Questionnaire (TheWholeEnglish)

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    Default Member Questionnaire (TheWholeEnglish)

    Member Questionnaire 1 (TheWholeEnglish)
    What is beauty? What is love?

    Oh, god, guys this is such a loaded question...

    Um, ok, well, there's no such thing as either really, because we made them up, but the things I percieve of as beautiful all revolve around time. I think the ephemeral nature lf life is beautiful. There was a passage in Nausea where Sarte draws this metaphore between the dying notes of a song, and life. He talks about how each note is beautiful on its own, but it wouldn't be if it didn't propel itself forward to an end, and towards the next note. It's fleeting, but otherwise it would hand in the air like as a sad, languishing sound.

    Great book, btw.

    I don't know what love is.
    What are your most important values?

    I don't have any I don't think. I'm very detached.

    I have trouble explaining to people that I see the world as beautiful the way it is. Everything passing--happiness, sadness, cruelty, brutality--in its own right to exist. I don't want to say I'm not judgemental, because that isn't the case. I also can't say I'm unempathetic, because I'm easily moved. But I'm detached.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

    No. I'm an athiest.

    At one point in time (and I supposed I still do) I had a very strong attachement to the transcendental idea of "oversoul"--the connectedness in all things. In hunduhism I believe this is called Brahmen.

    I can feel that sometimes.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

    Wars happen. The miltary exists. Power exists.

    I will say that those Coexist bumperstickers get on my nerves to no end. Like, seriously guys? Coexist? That's the least constructive bit of corporate idealism that's ever existed. I guess it's there to make people feel like they care about "causes"...that maybe they're "making a difference, man".

    Sorry if that offends anyone.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?

    Conversations? Like, with people? Ha.

    But, yeah, anything really. See my coexist comment above.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

    Yeah, sure. I exercise and stuff. Medicine is cool to learn about. I went on a date with a doctor once, and he had a book of parasitic disease on his coffee table and we spent about an hour reading it.
    What do you think of daily chores?

    What? Does anyone like those?, seriously....
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

    I like Lost in Translation. Also, Wes Anderson films.

    I like Jane Austen.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

    I don't cry much. PMS? Does that count?

    Lots of stuff makes me smile. I like humor.

    ILEs do because they're funny.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

    I like gardens a lot. Like, a whole lot. Especially if there are magnolia trees, or cherry blossoms.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

    I think everyone would say something different about my weaknesses. Impulsiveness might be one. Neuroticism another.

    I dislike almost everything about me, but I've learned to be ok with that. I'm actually pretty happy fighting with myself all the time.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    I can do three pullups, so, I'm pretty strong.

    I already mostly said I don't. I ha e pretty decent self esteem, though.

    I don't know how to explain that to anyone.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?

    Um, I would love it if someone would fill out forms for me, and/or pick a grad school for me so I don't have to.

    Also, I'm short...could you reach that top shelf for me?
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.p

    So, I took a graduate class my last semester in school. I took it because I idealized the subject, and the professor teaching it, and the people in the class. It was not my strong subject, or one that interested me. I wound up failing because I never finished my final paper. I completed about half of it. I took an incomplete in the class, and had a year after to do the paper. I literally spent a whole year saying to myself "I need to do that paper". And I just didn't. I cried about it a lot. I felt guilty. I just could not get myself to do it.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?

    I dislike sentimentality, poorly hidden manipulation (my mother is an IEE, and an unhealthy enneagram 2), empty statements (example: Coexist), rudeness, intollerance, and shortsightedness.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?

    I'm terrified of it. And I hate talking about it. Although, as reticent as I am to admit, I'm a very romantic and sexual person.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    I won't raise a child, but if I did, it's education would come before everything. Also, with that, I would want the child to learn the value of humility.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?

    When I was a teenagerand I found out about factory farming, I became a vegan. Shortly after I started dating a boy who had this weird thing about fruits and vegetables. He literally only at meats and carbs. I used to make us separate meals, his with meats, mine with veggies, etc.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    I passively watch society. Capitalism is a big one.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?

    I'm really not good at maintaining friendships. There's one man I talk to that I really hope I never lose touch with. He most certainly doesn't see our relationship as anything significant. He's very extraverted, and personable. He's the only person I know that I respect, don't get bored with, and at the same time am not intimidated by. He always manages to calm me down.

    When we're together I get worked up about one thing or another and he makes a light joke, and agrees, and I feel at ease, so I joke back, and tell him he's wonderful.
    How do you behave around strangers?

    It depends. Sometimes I'm very shy, and others I'm very gregarious. I haven't figured out the rhyme or reason to that yet, though.

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    I think you are SEI or IEI.

    Edit:Bias warning: you wrote that you don't like rudeness imo all Beta ST are Kind of rude from my pov. At least the ones I know. I could also imagine that you are Alpha NT

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    Quote Originally Posted by DaftPunk View Post
    I think you are SEI or IEI.

    Edit:Bias warning: you wrote that you don't like rudeness imo all Beta ST are Kind of rude from my pov. At least the ones I know. I could also imagine that you are Alpha NT
    Agreed. Most likely SEI until proven otherwise....
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    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post

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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post

    SEI keeps getting thrown out there. I'm not saying anyone's wrong. You guys are totally probably right. I just happen to be really bad at everything SEIs are good at...:/

    edit: sorry for being rude...:/

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
    SEI keeps getting thrown out there. I'm not saying anyone's wrong. You guys are totally probably right. I just happen to be really bad at everything SEIs are good at...:/
    ^ did that just happen?

    I was only wanting you to prove you're an Ni dominant... plenty of time left.
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    ^ did that just happen?

    I was only wanting you to prove you're an Ni dominant... plenty of time left.
    I don't know that I'm an Ni dominant, but I'm definitely not an SEI.

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    What specific things do you mean you're 'bad' at, but you believe SEIs to be 'good' at?
    Nurturing people, being graceful, I imagine them as sort of tranquil, although maybe I just fabricated that....they're described as this picture of traditional femininity. I'm not any of those things.

    I can really be quite harsh and critical at times. I don't make any particular efforts to make sure the people around me are comfortable. The other day I promised to make my family a special dinner. I put it off for like two days because of what a begrudging chore it was.


    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
    I don't know that I'm an Ni dominant, but I'm definitely not an SEI.
    Well, now we know you're not Ni dominant
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
    Member Questionnaire 1 (TheWholeEnglish)
    What is beauty? What is love?

    Oh, god, guys this is such a loaded question...

    Um, ok, well, there's no such thing as either really, because we made them up, but the things I percieve of as beautiful all revolve around time. I think the ephemeral nature lf life is beautiful. There was a passage in Nausea where Sarte draws this metaphore between the dying notes of a song, and life. He talks about how each note is beautiful on its own, but it wouldn't be if it didn't propel itself forward to an end, and towards the next note. It's fleeting, but otherwise it would hand in the air like as a sad, languishing sound.

    Great book, btw.

    I don't know what love is.
    What are your most important values?

    I don't have any I don't think. I'm very detached.

    I have trouble explaining to people that I see the world as beautiful the way it is. Everything passing--happiness, sadness, cruelty, brutality--in its own right to exist. I don't want to say I'm not judgemental, because that isn't the case. I also can't say I'm unempathetic, because I'm easily moved. But I'm detached.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

    No. I'm an athiest.

    At one point in time (and I supposed I still do) I had a very strong attachement to the transcendental idea of "oversoul"--the connectedness in all things. In hunduhism I believe this is called Brahmen.

    I can feel that sometimes.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

    Wars happen. The miltary exists. Power exists.

    I will say that those Coexist bumperstickers get on my nerves to no end. Like, seriously guys? Coexist? That's the least constructive bit of corporate idealism that's ever existed. I guess it's there to make people feel like they care about "causes"...that maybe they're "making a difference, man".

    Sorry if that offends anyone.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?

    Conversations? Like, with people? Ha.

    But, yeah, anything really. See my coexist comment above.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

    Yeah, sure. I exercise and stuff. Medicine is cool to learn about. I went on a date with a doctor once, and he had a book of parasitic disease on his coffee table and we spent about an hour reading it.
    What do you think of daily chores?

    What? Does anyone like those?, seriously....
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

    I like Lost in Translation. Also, Wes Anderson films.

    I like Jane Austen.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

    I don't cry much. PMS? Does that count?

    Lots of stuff makes me smile. I like humor.

    ILEs do because they're funny.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

    I like gardens a lot. Like, a whole lot. Especially if there are magnolia trees, or cherry blossoms.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

    I think everyone would say something different about my weaknesses. Impulsiveness might be one. Neuroticism another.

    I dislike almost everything about me, but I've learned to be ok with that. I'm actually pretty happy fighting with myself all the time.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    I can do three pullups, so, I'm pretty strong.

    I already mostly said I don't. I ha e pretty decent self esteem, though.

    I don't know how to explain that to anyone.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?

    Um, I would love it if someone would fill out forms for me, and/or pick a grad school for me so I don't have to.

    Also, I'm short...could you reach that top shelf for me?
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.p

    So, I took a graduate class my last semester in school. I took it because I idealized the subject, and the professor teaching it, and the people in the class. It was not my strong subject, or one that interested me. I wound up failing because I never finished my final paper. I completed about half of it. I took an incomplete in the class, and had a year after to do the paper. I literally spent a whole year saying to myself "I need to do that paper". And I just didn't. I cried about it a lot. I felt guilty. I just could not get myself to do it.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?

    I dislike sentimentality, poorly hidden manipulation (my mother is an IEE, and an unhealthy enneagram 2), empty statements (example: Coexist), rudeness, intollerance, and shortsightedness.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?

    I'm terrified of it. And I hate talking about it. Although, as reticent as I am to admit, I'm a very romantic and sexual person.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    I won't raise a child, but if I did, it's education would come before everything. Also, with that, I would want the child to learn the value of humility.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?

    When I was a teenagerand I found out about factory farming, I became a vegan. Shortly after I started dating a boy who had this weird thing about fruits and vegetables. He literally only at meats and carbs. I used to make us separate meals, his with meats, mine with veggies, etc.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    I passively watch society. Capitalism is a big one.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?

    I'm really not good at maintaining friendships. There's one man I talk to that I really hope I never lose touch with. He most certainly doesn't see our relationship as anything significant. He's very extraverted, and personable. He's the only person I know that I respect, don't get bored with, and at the same time am not intimidated by. He always manages to calm me down.

    When we're together I get worked up about one thing or another and he makes a light joke, and agrees, and I feel at ease, so I joke back, and tell him he's wonderful.
    How do you behave around strangers?

    It depends. Sometimes I'm very shy, and others I'm very gregarious. I haven't figured out the rhyme or reason to that yet, though.
    Nice avatar btw
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    Nice avatar btw
    It's the King bird. Cicinnurus regius.

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    I'm not good at anything. That makes this process more difficult, I guess.

    I got a message on facebook today from someone who watched the video that said he thought I was an LII.

    As far as valuing Se goes, what exactly does that look like? I don't feel like I have a firm understanding of what that function is like irl.

    And no, I'm definitely not gamma.

    The caution is learned behavior. I really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, or offend anyone, though. I lose sleep over that sort of thing.

    Thank you for inviting me to relax, though. It's a nice sentiment. I'll try.

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
    It's the King bird. Cicinnurus regius.
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    Watched. Can confirm: no birds of paradise or David Attenborough.

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Hmm.... Im going to guess LII. I was going to guess, ILI ( you said you were very detached about the world) but since you said you were not gamma, LII seems to be the only typing that makes sense (to me) maybe your ILI, but you don't really relate to gamma that well?
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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    I think it's become obvious to me that you're Alpha. And at this point I believe LII > SEI. Some clues:

    Very Ne-valuing. And I have a female LII friend in real life who will go on a descriptive tangent like that and end with 'great xyz, btw.' and you reminded me of her there. Also - promoting fictional books, movies, etc. is typically very Alpha. Promoting newness of thought in an enjoyable way.

    Perhaps you feel detachment because of Ti. And you generalize emotions here in an Ne way.

    Very LII right here. Liking a transcendental idea. Intellectual tangent.

    Seems Se-devaluing and could be Se-POLR. Seem to lack an awareness of influence and power and control, downplaying it with an all encompassing ‘power exists’.

    Very Fe-valuing. Definitely Ti here, seems LII.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS IS HUGE ALPHA. I just can’t see a Gamma getting distracted this way on a date. This is huge Ne-valuing, pursuing different intellectual ideas and tangents. Gammas seem like they’d be more focused on sex/the date, not learning about parasitic disease.

    I like them.

    More Alpha-ness.

    You have a good sense of humor, quit being so down on yourself.

    Very Fi-devaluing and Fe-valuing.

    Extremely Ti-valuing and LII. ‘its education would come before everything’

    Lol you should get along with other Alpha NTs in criticizing capitalism. *rolls eyes* Te-devaluing, btw.

    Perhaps he is ESE, your dual. So you’re unconsciously looking for someone to help you relax, make light jokes, and who is respectable/intelligent?

    Meh, it's nothing important.

    Welcome! And you better be happy, I don't usually take the time to type out a full analysis for everyone.

    I do believe you're LII. I could give other examples/quotes from what you put, but that is the type I'll go with for now. *possible* SEI but LII seems much more likely.

    You could check out more about the Quadra values by clicking here. That might help you understand Alphas better and compare/contrast that with Beta/Gamma/Delta.
    Boy oh boy! That's lots of juicy analysis. Thank you very much for being so thorough! I think you might just be right.

    There's a boy at work who is most likely ESE. Maybe I'll go have a chat with him and see how well we get along, although I've never imagined myself being with someone that nice.

    And yes, I am very Te-devaluing. Fi-devaluing too. Sorry everyone! They're super great, I just don't get them...and they get on my nerves really bad...sorry...ish...

    Also, to be fair, the date was with someone I had no physical atraction to whatsoever, who was also very sexually submissive, so things just kind of didn't go anywhere.

    Hey look everybody! I can Ti!

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nousername123 View Post
    Hmm.... Im going to guess LII. I was going to guess, ILI ( you said you were very detached about the world) but since you said you were not gamma, LII seems to be the only typing that makes sense (to me) maybe your ILI, but you don't really relate to gamma that well?
    I don't relate to gamma at all.

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
    I don't relate to gamma at all.
    Why not? I may be a Gamma, but I'm not an asshole ( at least I do't try to be anyway) From your video I watched I'd say.....
    SEI LII ILI Have you read about socoics temperments

    I made a modified description of the Gamma Qadura is the Gamma sub forum..
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    Your questionaire doesn't clear it up for me... Yes I can see some LII stuff, but also things that push me away from that.... Williams analysis is thourough, but still I'm not convinced.

    Some of the stuff is just conflicting in vibe or something, like you switched from dark to light or the other way around.

    Also, a lot of things in there remind me of my questionaire....You could be ILE ;-) I'd pick that over the LII if only because LII's are cool robots to have fun with, but not really people! ^^

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    Boy oh boy! That's lots of juicy analysis.
    LII? Don't think so.. unless you were very ironic and wry and Williams post doesn't deserve that so I'd go with real enthusiasm, which...well.. A LII might say "thank you for your structured post, but DOH! I knew that already" instead of "boy oh boy"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    LII? Don't think so.. unless you were very ironic and wry and Williams post doesn't deserve that so I'd go with real enthusiasm, which...well.. A LII might say "thank you for your structured post, but DOH! I knew that already" instead of "boy oh boy"
    I say boy oh boy a lot. Ad niffty! And neato! And holy canoli!

    I really don't think I'm LII. My manager at work is LII. I'm not anything like that guy. Also, I dated one. We had the most unbelievably frustrating relationship for like a month. Like, I wasn't emotionally open (because I'm terrified of people), and when I'm not emotionally open I rely on humor and sarcasm (see, like, all of my posts), and his behavior looks like what I'm doing when I make fun of neither of us ever knew if the other was being honest or protective...we looked identical, but for different reasons...?

    Is that useful information at all?

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    HEY I wanna go Ne-ILE for you! I just saw the vid; first thing that jumped out at me was Irrational, then likely Intuitive, then "hey, this girl gives me vibes like FoxOnStilts, Ellen Page, and a few other girls I've known, all ILE or whereabouts", and then "hey, there's probably an ethical function in the PolR", so that's what I'm gonna go with. As for Enneagram, I can't make a solid call there yet.
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    HEY I wanna go Ne-ILE for you! I just saw the vid; first thing that jumped out at me was Irrational, then likely Intuitive, then "hey, this girl gives me vibes like FoxOnStilts, Ellen Page, and a few other girls I've known, all ILE or whereabouts", and then "hey, there's probably an ethical function in the PolR", so that's what I'm gonna go with. As for Enneagram, I can't make a solid call there yet.
    Wow. You know, I think you might be right. Haha. Who would'a thought?!

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
    I say boy oh boy a lot. Ad niffty! And neato! And holy canoli!

    I really don't think I'm LII. My manager at work is LII. I'm not anything like that guy. Also, I dated one. We had the most unbelievably frustrating relationship for like a month. Like, I wasn't emotionally open (because I'm terrified of people), and when I'm not emotionally open I rely on humor and sarcasm (see, like, all of my posts), and his behavior looks like what I'm doing when I make fun of neither of us ever knew if the other was being honest or protective...we looked identical, but for different reasons...?

    Is that useful information at all?
    Do people sometimes accuse you of condescending, when really you were just trying to explain something clearly? When you do something awkward, are you more afraid of people laughing at you or getting blank stares?

    Identical relationships don't always work out for a variety of reasons. I've never been in one but I imagine two LIIs in a relationship would be indistinguishable from fuck-buddies.

    Ctrl-f "Researcher" at the link. If my sense of your type is correct (and it almost certainly is ) then you are my identical sociotype and subtype
    Last edited by nefnaf; 12-16-2013 at 12:09 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nefnaf View Post
    Do people sometimes accuse you of condescending, when really you were just trying to explain something clearly? When you do something awkward, are you more afraid of people laughing at you or getting blank stares?

    Identical relationships don't always work out for a variety of reasons. I've never been in one but I imagine two LIIs in a relationship would be indistinguishable from fuck-buddies.

    Ctrl-f "Researcher" at the link. If my sense of your type is correct (and it almost certainly is ) then you are my identical sociotype and subtype
    I don't think I get accused of being condescending? But I probably am.

    I guess blank stares? If you're laughed at you can play it off cool.

    yeah, that sounds decently like me...unfortunately a lot of them do....i'm worried a lot of this is becoming foyer effect-y.

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
    I don't think I get accused of being condescending? But I probably am.

    I guess blank stares? If you're laughed at you can play it off cool.

    yeah, that sounds decently like me...unfortunately a lot of them do....i'm worried a lot of this is becoming foyer effect-y.
    The "Foyer" effect, you read so many descriptions of personalities that you turn into a lounge-chair into the Foyer"

    Often confused with the much more boring Forer effect by which turn into chairs due to barnem statemens about being chairs....

    Also... if you're condensending you'll hear it from others.... you'd know.

    Both Woof and Ï think you're ILE rather than LII, so...naked people are never're ILE!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    The "Foyer" effect, you read so many descriptions of personalities that you turn into a lounge-chair into the Foyer"

    Often confused with the much more boring Forer effect by which turn into chairs due to barnem statemens about being chairs....

    Also... if you're condensending you'll hear it from others.... you'd know.

    Both Woof and Ï think you're ILE rather than LII, so...naked people are never're ILE!
    yeah, but just to be clear, I did mean the foyer effect. I've noticed a few cushions growing on me since I started reading these, and my legs are turning into wood.

    I went on tinychat last night. I'm pretty sure woofi revised his opinion that I'm an extrovert.

    They actually had to tell me to talk.

    I think the only concensus that's been made so far is that I'm a Ti user.

    Edit: I'm starting to think that the closest thing so far is SEI, because some of that fits. I do care a good deal about how I dress, and I like to look elegant. I also like decorating my living space. However, I still hate taking care of others. Maybe I just haven't found people I want to take care of.

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
    yeah, but just to be clear, I did mean the foyer effect. I've noticed a few cushions growing on me since I started reading these, and my legs are turning into wood.

    I went on tinychat last night. I'm pretty sure woofi revised his opinion that I'm an extrovert.

    They actually had to tell me to talk.

    I think the only concensus that's been made so far is that I'm a Ti user.

    Edit: I'm starting to think that the closest thing so far is SEI, because some of that fits. I do care a good deal about how I dress, and I like to look elegant. I also like decorating my living space. However, I still hate taking care of others. Maybe I just haven't found people I want to take care of.
    Not going to talk about type.

    Dress, elegance, decorating heavy interrelates many functions.

    is actually something that is quite unique about aesthetics. It ranges from the goth vampire insane clown posse style, to the unintrusive utility of something like The North Face. Also crocs, Mario Batali is a ego, and he's known for his orange crocs. can be quite unfashionable and in Delta when blocked with , anti-fashion(trends), or nostalgic fashion.

    One of the things about fashion and elegance is a lot of it is designed to be very uncomfortable for the sake of aesthetics, this is often a devaluing of for and especially in haute where clothing takes on a fantastical and dream like quality.

    Quadra wise imo fashion is really interesting because I think each quadra starts heading towards certain qualities in aesthetics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    Not going to talk about type.

    Dress, elegance, decorating heavy interrelates many functions.

    is actually something that is quite unique about aesthetics. It ranges from the goth vampire insane clown posse style, to the unintrusive utility of something like The North Face. Also crocs, Mario Batali is a ego, and he's known for his orange crocs. can be quite unfashionable and in Delta when blocked with , anti-fashion(trends), or nostalgic fashion.

    One of the things about fashion and elegance is a lot of it is designed to be very uncomfortable for the sake of aesthetics, this is often a devaluing of for and especially in haute where clothing takes on a fantastical and dream like quality.

    Quadra wise imo fashion is really interesting because I think each quadra starts heading towards certain qualities in aesthetics.
    Do you have any examples you could give?

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Now I will talk about type.

    She's a high anxiety, high introversion type imo. She is idealistic.

    I think she's difficult to type because she doesn't really know how to portray herself image-wise, nor is this her orientation. I really don't think she's extroverted but if she is ILE isn't a bad one, however I've never met any ILE's that are this anxious...!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
    Do you have any examples you could give?
    What kinda of examples, quadra or type. ^_^

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    What kinda of examples, quadra or type. ^_^
    Well, now I wanna know about all of them!

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
    Edit: I'm starting to think that the closest thing so far is SEI, because some of that fits. I do care a good deal about how I dress, and I like to look elegant. I also like decorating my living space. However, I still hate taking care of others. Maybe I just haven't found people I want to take care of.
    One of close friends is SEI. Now that we're both older, when we're together it can be hard to distinguish us, personality-wise. When we were younger the differences were more obvious. One difference I can think of: whereas I will actively seek out new and interesting things, he likes it when new and interesting things are brought to him, but seems unsure how to go about finding those things for himself. He's always friendly and excessively polite (inert subtype). I always want to be friendly, but sometimes I'm just completely at a loss as to what the socially appropriate response is to a given situation, so I come off unfavorably. I usually just crack a joke because that's the only way I know how to put people at ease.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
    yeah, but just to be clear, I did mean the foyer effect. I've noticed a few cushions growing on me since I started reading these, and my legs are turning into wood.
    Just take a break from reading them. Seriously, some of us might even still be here when you come back

    Oh, and this video is a pretty good example of a female Ne-ILE:

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWholeEnglish View Post
    Well, now I wanna know about all of them!
    I'm quite interested in fashion because it's one of those outward expression of cognition that I find everyone does. Everyone chooses or don't chose what they were every day, and there is a divergence in style even when people follow trends or anti-trends.

    However what people actually were can be quite different between individuals colored by class, associations and the group they belong to. As they start forming a identity outside of their group/class and associations, they start creating their own sense of style and aesthetic.

    A good example of SEI imo is Alyson Hannigan.

    And she imo embodies a lot of Alpha values in how she dresses as well as how she dresses her child.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nefnaf View Post
    One of close friends is SEI. Now that we're both older, when we're together it can be hard to distinguish us, personality-wise. When we were younger the differences were more obvious. One difference I can think of: whereas I will actively seek out new and interesting things, he likes it when new and interesting things are brought to him, but seems unsure how to go about finding those things for himself. He's always friendly and excessively polite (inert subtype). I always want to be friendly, but sometimes I'm just completely at a loss as to what the socially appropriate response is to a given situation, so I come off unfavorably. I usually just crack a joke because that's the only way I know how to put people at ease.

    Just take a break from reading them. Seriously, some of us might even still be here when you come back

    Oh, and this video is a pretty good example of a female Ne-ILE:

    Like I said, I dated an LII briefly and we were, like super alike. There were very obvious differences, though. He was weirdly detached and dispassionate. There was always a very strange disconnect in our conversation. Like, he didn't want to hear what I was saying, and I didn't want to interpret what he was saying the way I knew he meant it. We were also very incompatible sexually.

    And, yeah, definitely not Ne-ILE. That girl certainly is, but not me. I'm really quite subdued. Until I'm around ILEs actually, and then I perk up.

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I'm quite interested in fashion because it's one of those outward expression of cognition that I find everyone does. Everyone chooses or don't chose what they were every day, and there is a divergence in style even when people follow trends or anti-trends.

    However what people actually were can be quite different between individuals colored by class, associations and the group they belong to. As they start forming a identity outside of their group/class and associations, they start creating their own sense of style and aesthetic.

    A good example of SEI imo is Alyson Hannigan.

    And she imo embodies a lot of Alpha values in how she dresses as well as how she dresses her child.

    That reminds me a lot of the way the one SEI I know dresses. Very understated.

    I almost always wear heels and a dress. Even when it's cold. I like glamorous, and tight fitted, but not revealing clothing. A lot like Christina Hendricks on madmen. She's my fashion icon.

    Jim, Invisible. "Socionics something something". shoutbox; May 15, 2014.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nefnaf View Post

    Oh, and this video is a pretty good example of a female Ne-ILE:

    Bring her to the forum she thinks she's INFJ

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