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Thread: How do you use your conscious agenda?

  1. #1
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Default How do you use your conscious agenda?

    I've been wondering recently about the conscious agenda and how it manifests itself in people.

    The way I see it(now), the conscious agenda is like something you constantly try to develop throughout your life, whereas your foundation(=1st function) you accept as is. (feel free to disagree, if you have a better idea)

    If you wish to share, how does your conscious agenda manifest itself in your life?

  2. #2
    snegledmaca's Avatar
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    It's easier to express this through a metaphor. Imagine you are hovering above a great lake. And imagine that you have a magic wand. With that wand you can create ripples in this lake. But with it you can also smooth out the ripples. With the wand you can actively (Consciously) control the lake. You can make water spiral in a whirl pool, you can make it dance, you can make it flow upwards, make a fountain, do anything. Of course how much you can do is determined by your skills with the magic wand. To make water spiral in a sphere for instance would require mastering.
    That would be a picture of my creative function.

    A picture of my foundation would be the lake metaphor again, but this time you are the lake, you are a part of the lake. When you move, the lake moves, the flow changes. As the lake changes, anywhere, no mater how small, you can feel it. That change is a part of you, everything is a part of you. You may forget that you are a part of the lake the same way you forget about your clothes or that you are breathing. Here the possibilities are endless. Here you can make the water rise like a mountain because it is you that is rising.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    It's easier to express this through a metaphor. Imagine you are hovering above a great lake. And imagine that you have a magic wand. With that wand you can create ripples in this lake. But with it you can also smooth out the ripples. With the wand you can actively (Consciously) control the lake. You can make water spiral in a whirl pool, you can make it dance, you can make it flow upwards, make a fountain, do anything. Of course how much you can do is determined by your skills with the magic wand. To make water spiral in a sphere for instance would require mastering.
    That would be a picture of my creative function.

    A picture of my foundation would be the lake metaphor again, but this time you are the lake, you are a part of the lake. When you move, the lake moves, the flow changes. As the lake changes, anywhere, no mater how small, you can feel it. That change is a part of you, everything is a part of you. You may forget that you are a part of the lake the same way you forget about your clothes or that you are breathing. Here the possibilities are endless. Here you can make the water rise like a mountain because it is you that is rising.
    I love this Can you figure out how to add your hidden agenda or PoLR into this metaphor or create a new metaphor for them?

  4. #4
    snegledmaca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    It's easier to express this through a metaphor. Imagine you are hovering above a great lake. And imagine that you have a magic wand. With that wand you can create ripples in this lake. But with it you can also smooth out the ripples. With the wand you can actively (Consciously) control the lake. You can make water spiral in a whirl pool, you can make it dance, you can make it flow upwards, make a fountain, do anything. Of course how much you can do is determined by your skills with the magic wand. To make water spiral in a sphere for instance would require mastering.
    That would be a picture of my creative function.

    A picture of my foundation would be the lake metaphor again, but this time you are the lake, you are a part of the lake. When you move, the lake moves, the flow changes. As the lake changes, anywhere, no mater how small, you can feel it. That change is a part of you, everything is a part of you. You may forget that you are a part of the lake the same way you forget about your clothes or that you are breathing. Here the possibilities are endless. Here you can make the water rise like a mountain because it is you that is rising.
    I love this Can you figure out how to add your hidden agenda or PoLR into this metaphor or create a new metaphor for them?
    I view every functions a lake, a continuum that we somehow access. What our function on the lake is are the functions of psyche.

    The Hidden agenda would be swimming in the lake. "A jolly good swim!" but you must get out of the water at some point.. And when you do you sit on the shore, sun bathing, and observe the "magicians" as they fly over the water and make the water flow upwards, make fountains, make bridges and pass under them, like mystical beings playing with it, wishing you were there with them.
    You don't notice the flows of the water itself as they move on their own, often undetected. But you do notice these flows when in water, you feel these masses engulf you, take you away with them like a sea current, the force is so great you can't fight it. They wash you away on an unknown shore.
    It is difficult to move between shores in this mode because you can only swim and they are often far, far apart. You need magicians or the sea currents to get you there.
    The magicians fly you over and show you a world you only dream about. You get to fly under a bridge of water, you get to see curtains of waterfalls, water parting and touching the bottom, a water tornado, traveling in a bubble of air under water, all of this in the safe hans of the magicians. A truly magical experience.
    With the flows it's like public transport. "Get me there!" the chariot takes off and the horses gallop. You see scenery as it is, it may be beautiful, it may not be.

    But at least you can swim.

    The PoLR would be standing on the edge of the lake, with a rubber ducky and not being able to swim. This grave big expanse is before you and you are pretty certain that the rubber ducky ain't going to keep you afloat. But every so often you muster up the courage to and just go for it. Of course, you sometimes withdraw immediately, just like you would in real life when faced with such a task, but sometimes, just sometimes, you plunge head first. And then you start drowning.
    Sometimes you rationalize "Why, it won't be so bad, I mean, this rubber ducky will keep me afloat, it must!" and so oblivious you enter and start to drown.
    Other times you are completely oblivious from start that you have just a rubber ducky to keep you afloat, perhaps reassured by great feats in other areas of personal life you decide for an unknown reason to boldly go where you haven't gone before. And then you start to drown.
    What you need then is not for the sea to swallow you whole, for the currents to wash you out to sea so you'll drown. You then need a life guard to pull you out.

    The life guard at the lake is the Demonstarative function. It keeps those who keep drowning from drowning "Be careful, it's a treacherous sea out there, you're lucky I pulled you out". Even though a life guard can swim excellently in the lake, he, she doesn't. He or she does so only in cases of emergency. Even then it will not be willingly but born out of necessity. They much prefer to sit at the edge, in their comfy chair and file their nails.

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    Default Re: How do you use your conscious agenda?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheerio
    I've been wondering recently about the conscious agenda and how it manifests itself in people.

    The way I see it(now), the conscious agenda is like something you constantly try to develop throughout your life, whereas your foundation(=1st function) you accept as is. (feel free to disagree, if you have a better idea)

    If you wish to share, how does your conscious agenda manifest itself in your life?
    Conscious agenda? hmm

    I'll have to look that one up
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  6. #6
    Dioklecian's Avatar
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    Yes that is a great metaphor.

    How do you think introverted and extraverted functions differ, in terms of the metaphor? I mena how would Ne differ from Ni? Are both lakes, different kinds perhaps?
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

  7. #7
    snegledmaca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dioklecian
    Yes that is a great metaphor.

    How do you think introverted and extraverted functions differ, in terms of the metaphor? I mena how would Ne differ from Ni? Are both lakes, different kinds perhaps?
    Well they are different, but I see every function as a lake, a continuum, so to extract these elements, extroversion and introversion, and keep the essence would be impossible. Essence must be felt, only if you become one with the lake can you truly know. By observing, taking pictures of the lake, constructing rational models to explain it, imagining how it would be like you never experience essence.
    What I can do is try to experience the essence of introversion and extroversion. Would that suffice?

    Here's a post I made a while back regarding the nature of the extrovert manner.

    So I was wondering, what is the nature of the extrovert manner?

    Jung describes in his writings the extrovert attitude, that is, the orientation of psyche. A extrovert psyche or attitude is dirrected towards reality. It sees the world as it is. It extends itself to this realtiy as an individual spends his, her energy on knowing it.

    But what I want to discuss is the extrovert manner. What generates that attitude?
    I see it in their orientation, management of energy.

    Different people manage their energy in different ways. While some may prefer to spend their energy, be it on intellectual pursuits, or risky endeavors, they all have a thing in common. Constant drive. They are pushed by their nature to seek out new things in the world, to make, find, create, and generate them. The nature of such an individual is one of motion. An individual is energy *spending*.

    By observing the nature of the individual it becomes apparent as to why this is so as that they live in the realm of reality, a world reflected by what is. They constantly explore that world as they find new frontiers to overcome. Where they see a rock, they see not only the rock itself but the whole range of possibilities of that rock, its reality. They use that reality for their purpose. They extend themselves into this reality as they become (And are) a part of it. They become the rock's possibilities, its extenuation. For them the world is simply an extenuation of themselves.

    This leads to other things. They view the world as it is. And this leads to their attitude which is objective. As it were, they take the world in directly. There is no refinement of what is because that would be corrupting its pure essence. The attitude is one derived from equality between it and its surroundings.

    An extrovert manner is positioning oneself in the line of this reality allowing it to engulf them. This way one reaches their equilibrium with reality, with what is.

    But, if one is fully engulfed, then one crosses into something that can be described as a "flux of creation". The extrovert manner extends itself to that flux and becomes one with it in a state of almost divine transcendence which takes one to new and unexplored grounds of reality. This is the natural and best state of the extrovert manner. It may be the business man in his state of constant growth, or explorer in his expanding quest, but the main thing is the flux of creation be it the smooth, almost perfect lining up of more and more factors that make up a structure or the realization of a concept which then brings about more and more states of realization or the powerful determination that shapes and builds and grows as it goes along or the simple state of the old embracing the new or the distribution and realization of the extrovert nature itself or any other state of where we have a divergence to essence.

  8. #8
    Dioklecian's Avatar
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    Wow, great descriptions!

    And introversion, if I may ask?
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

  9. #9
    XoX's Avatar
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    The lake metaphor is great! I really like it!

  10. #10
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    I think I'm in love. Never have I seen the blocks of the psyche described in a way that is both so perfectly accurate, penetrating, and all-consuming in its viewpoint, yet solely uncompromised in its artistic rendition.

    In other words...thanks.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  11. #11
    snegledmaca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dioklecian
    Wow, great descriptions!

    And introversion, if I may ask?
    It didn't come to me. Perhaps in the future.

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