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Thread: Socionics Tests

  1. #281


    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    What is your type? I always get EII-Fi on Sociotype, before I was untainted and knew nothing as well lol. Even after though. Once I knew socionics better, I tried to make it lean a little more sensor and less intuitive extreme on some things and I still got EII lol
    Idk. Usually I consider any number of irrational ethical types, and EII for an added bonus. Being enneagram 9 sucks honestly. Whatever IEs I have in my ego aren't as cut and clear as they should be. I imagine though I am definitely an intuitive type, followed by ethics. Which makes me think either IEE or IEI but then I'm like.. I don't value Fe and I'm not sure my Si and Ti is /that/ awful enough to be IEE lol.

  2. #282
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    A 5 questions test seems too short for actually being able to give 16 different possible results. However, It typed me correctly.

    SLI - "The Craftsman"
    1. Serenity
    SLIs are most focused on the ease and convenience of their experience and the avoidance of unnecessary pain and fuss. Although often coming across as hardy, gruff individuals, SLIs possess a gentle, sensitive nature that simply wishes to exist peacefully and in harmony with the functioning of their surroundings. Most profound is their awareness of the minutiae of sensory stimuli around them, with SLIs being able to notice slight changes in temperature, differences in the texture of fabrics and any other subtle information available to them via the five senses. This focus and awareness of their interaction with sense data is most particular to SLIs, who seek to carefully refine the quality of their experience, reducing flamboyance, pretension or gaudiness for that which is simple, minimalist and calm, minimising noise and discomfort. For this reason, SLIs tend to keep away from the disturbances and pressures of others, leading a quiet and individualistic existence. SLIs are particularly aware of the rate through which one uses up one's energy, knowing the extent to which activities in the present may tire and exhaust someone. As such, they seek to conserve much of their energy, using it sparingly in a manner that fulfills the task at hand to the greatest convenience and the least strain. Many SLIs tend to enjoy working with their hands, physically putting things together with natural materials of their own finding to create devices that are either useful in the day to day or simply enjoyable to make, often designing with a sense of simplified, non-pretentious beauty. SLIs may come across to some as lazy or apathetic, but actually are disposed towards a conservative, contented life of simple, but rewarding tastes and competent, non-strenuous work.

    2. Pragmatism
    The refined experiences of SLIs are supported by an ability to handle practical problems in the most convenient and painless ways possible. SLIs have a good grasp of the processes and methods that can be used to interact with the world around them, allowing them to make sensible and pragmatic decisions in order to make things work well with their own hands. In order to feel most comfortable with their environment, SLIs need to ensure that problems and inconveniences are being handled without fuss and that there is an easy solution to issues that may come up. For this reason, much of the satisfaction that SLIs draw from their work is in being able to do so independently and self-sufficiently, not having to suffer the interference and meddling of others in their affairs. As such, SLIs like very much to be able to do things themselves at their own, easygoing pace. They tend to be very capable at fixing things, especially in the form of handiwork. SLIs are in their element taking apart a broken device, finding out what has gone askew and coming up with a quick solution. Similarly, SLIs may enjoy tinkering with tools and devices, maintaining and upgrading the quality or efficacy of their possessions while experimenting to find ways of handling issues with even less exertion.They are also able to manage funds and resources sparingly and effectively, in a way that avoids financial hardship and the disruption of their easygoing lifestyles. Such practical skills enables the self-sufficiency that SLIs most appreciate, not needing others to help an already contented existence, where they are mentally and physically capable of sorting out any problem themselves.

    3. Telos
    The easy-going lifestyle of SLIs frees up much time for thought and reflection, with SLIs usually being able to think ahead and foresee the likely consequences of their actions when needed. SLIs can take care to apply their prudence, not just in terms of every-day problems but also towards the long-term if necessary. Often this serves to let them know when there is no point getting up to work on something, as a problem will largely sort itself out anyway. Such an approach also allows them to involve a degree of planning in their life-choices, picking a career or livelihood that they know is not just enjoyable in the here and now, but will remain a stable and safe career choice in the years to come. In this way, SLIs can avoid future discomforts that might befall those who are more short-sighted. However, SLIs have little appreciation for considering a grander purpose beyond the comfort of their own existence and are unlikely to sacrifice their enjoyments for some higher cause. After all, SLIs simply want to live their lives in comfort and do not want to be included into higher purposes. The continued need to consider the far-reaching outcomes alongside the short-term can be a strain for SLIs over time, and they much prefer not having to worry about the tediousness of a singular path to follow. Instead, SLIs prefer where there are multiple options available and they can pick and choose which ones seem most comfortable in the moment. Freeing up options such as this reduces the tendency to stick to any particular route and avoid its consequences, allowing the freedom to try something else.

    4. Emotions
    The need of SLIs to live peaceful, quiet lives results in little appreciation of the passions and dramas other people may want them to feel. SLIs tend to be individualistic, living by their internal rhythms and feeling little need to conform or fit in with the rest of society. They much prefer it when their experiences are not tied up with that of people at large and are happy do what they feel like doing, free of social expectation. While they may turn up to functions and events that personally interest them, SLIs will feel little need to stick around just because everyone else is doing so and are only likely to participate as far as their personal interests go. Furthermore, generating or contributing to group enthusiasm is entirely alien to SLIs, who are often very sparing in their emotional expressiveness, tending towards reserved and dry factual communication that others may find boring. If there is some great fuss or need that has whipped up others into a frenzy, SLI may be the complacent voice of calm, wondering what all the fuss is about, while doing little to indulge such passions. Such an approach can be perceived by others as belittling or undermining their struggles and causes, but SLIs are unlikely to notice or particularly mind, simply preferring for such people to take their noise elsewhere and leave them in peace. Similarly, SLIs are unlikely to give much regard to how they come across to others and even though they may have good taste in their sensory preoccupations, may dress according to their personal comforts rather than accepted fashions and aesthetics, causing them to come across as eccentric. Despite this, SLIs often become quite excited about new developments in their own interests and derive genuine enjoyment from doing the things that bring them personal pleasure. It just so happens that such activities are often too offbeat to be embraced by any group or society as something enjoyable to the community.

    5. Ideas
    SLIs tend to remain in their comfort zones when left to their own devices and spend much of their time savouring the sensations they already have. Because of this, they rarely give sufficient thought to alternative options and the potential to experience a range of other possibilities in the world. Although able to sufficiently handle a problem in front of them, SLIs are unlikely to take the initiative to try out new ideas and seek unexplored horizons. As such, their lifestyles can become overly mundane and uninteresting without unusual events to spice them up. However, SLIs greatly appreciate novelty and ideas of interest when introduced to them by someone else, especially when they can see some use or practical application of said ideas in their lives. SLIs are largely open-minded in nature, willing to give new experiences and people the benefit of the doubt, but simply do not have the initial awareness of potential situations to pursue these new experiences. They also find it highly refreshing to be around people who can allow these opportunities to manifest and be explored, appreciating the intellectual excitement this brings to their lives. SLIs are largely unsure as to which possibilities carry potential and are usually happy to go along with the insights and impulses of another person whom they have a close bond with. Furthermore, SLIs tend to be largely humble and unaware of their potential to do things they have not done before. Although largely able to assess the competence and quality with which they have already accomplished tasks, SLIs largely rely on the experiences they have already had to make decisions and are largely unable to compute unknown variables. Having someone tell them the many things they could possibly do if they tried can be an enlightening experience for SLIs as they feel the avenues available to them suddenly opening.

    6. Relations
    Although disposed to solitude, SLIs aspire to hold deep feelings of attachment towards particular individuals and treasure the close relationships they have. SLIs may be very focused on finding just the right sort of person to spend their time with and may take a long time to encounter the person they feel is good for them. They are usually very accepting of people, willing to give others a chance, yet at the same time, carefully examining others to work out how they feel towards them. Although externally appearing emotionless, SLIs have a gentle, sensitive centre that needs to be entrusted to a significant other. However, SLIs largely lack the initiative to go out looking for new people and are bereft of the desire to play themselves up to groups of people in an attempt to win others over. To SLIs, the idea of changing how they are to appeal to strangers is tasteless and insincere to their internal values. Furthermore, SLIs can have a lot of difficulty expressing how they feel to someone they love, opting instead for physical actions of assistance or care. SLIs lead rather private, reserved lives that can result in social isolation, depriving them of adequate opportunity in finding their special person. While some encounter the good fortune of being discovered by someone genuinely interested in them as a person, others might not find anyone. A number of SLIs find substitutes for human relationships in the form of keeping pets, being able to form a treasured bond with an animal that places no expectations on them to be anything other than themselves. In such situations, SLIs tend to prefer more independent animals with fewer needs or demands, such as cats. In addition, the personal feelings and values of SLIs tend to be a major source of development and growth, many becoming rather philosophical over time. SLIs may intellectually develop the clarity of their conscience, putting together their personal opinions and musings on issues they feel carry moral importance, largely for their own satisfaction, although being flattered should anyone be interested enough to listen.

    7. Force
    SLIs are gentle and peaceful in nature, generally acting with great emotional and physical restraint so as to avoid any conflicts with other people. Fights and arguments are very unpleasant to SLIs, who dislike aggression and unnecessary drama. As such, SLIs may be accused of cowardice by others in their tendency to minimise intrusion into the lives of others and their attempts to stop others from intruding into theirs. Nevertheless, such a judgement is often misconstrued, as SLIs are capable of being very tough when the situation calls for it and their avoidance is simply a means of keeping their experiences peaceful, rather than out of any fear of being threatened. Like much else, SLIs are rarely hurried or nervous when walking away from a conflict, simply moving calmly off to another patch. Despite their efforts to avoid a confrontation, there may be some that are determined to get a rise out of the SLIs. However, SLIs tend to be unflappable, with insults and jeers simply bouncing off of them and the fact that they are so unfazed by such assaults can irritate people even further. Nevertheless, when threatened with violence, SLIs are usually capable of responding with a swift but collected effectiveness, making sudden use of any tactical advantages at their disposal and making people think twice about trying again. Similarly, in emergency situations, SLIs can jump into sudden activity with a great emission of conserved energy, saving their own lives and those of others in the process. In these situations, a rarely seen aggressive side to SLIs can be seen, which fades away once the danger has passed.

    8. Laws
    Although individualistic and largely removed from societal obligations, SLIs can be rather orderly in their approach to their own interests. SLIs tend to have certain structures to their work and leisure, with everything of theirs tending to have its place. They are usually very good at noticing where something is out of place in a pattern or ordering and are capable at fixing such inconsistencies so things are able to function without incident. Capable organisation and the careful filing of particular bits and bobs in the right folders and drawers tends to be crucial to the detailed and meticulous activities SLIs tend to perform, as well as a certain neatness and consistency. Similarly, SLIs tend to work to a particular order or routine of their own creation, rarely changing this order because often it is ideally tailored to their personal needs and conveniences. Similarly, SLIs are often well-reasoned, level-headed individuals with a good sense of their priorities in life, allowing them to be of counsel to others seeking help. However, any structures they may create are seen more as guidelines for prudent living and keeping their lives in a generally peaceful order, rather than any absolute commitment and certainly not laws for others to follow or obey. SLIs have little patience for allegiances or commitments to ideologies or the submission to any legal system. In such scenarios, they are inclined to hold a form of pragmatic, logical relativism, thinking that in some cases this might be true, but in other scenarios, a largely different position may be equally as valid. As such, orderly SLIs can quickly eschew any attempt to impose order that in any way feels harsh or impractical to them. SLIs may be inclined on occasion to detract any process away from a set order to a steady tinkering with different influences and available methodologies, finding ways that feel right to the occasion and adapting to changes, rather than resisting them. In addition, they may be very loose and open to spontaneous breaks and changes in a routine, being happy to go with the flow of those they trust.

  3. #283
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    That link is taken from an almost completed test so it will always only result in EII or SLI. It should be another link to the beginning of that test.

    The test gave me SLE-Ti when I first did it before knowing anything about Socionics.

  4. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melancholie View Post
    Idk. Usually I consider any number of irrational ethical types, and EII for an added bonus. Being enneagram 9 sucks honestly. Whatever IEs I have in my ego aren't as cut and clear as they should be. I imagine though I am definitely an intuitive type, followed by ethics. Which makes me think either IEE or IEI but then I'm like.. I don't value Fe and I'm not sure my Si and Ti is /that/ awful enough to be IEE lol.
    It's interesting you say all this because I've thought you had some similarities to myself on some stuff I've seen you write in shoutbox/posts. I'm in the same boat, especially with Si. 1D Si seems like a huge stretch. Mobilizing/2D Si however, makes a ton of sense. Realizing there are a lot of problems with demo Fe as well. My Fe is not very apparent in person (unless you are my boyfriend, my dog/ of which I often have and am very bonded to, or child in my family). I'm reserved and I don't even like meeting people lol. I don't sit around thinking of ideas and all things I want to do a lot, I don't have an insane amount of interests. Most of my everyday thinking centers around Fi, very heavily. Ne seems secondary/supportive. I could see where IEE could fit though, so I am still considering. It took me a while, but I at least have the quadra and grouping down now. I'm in a group of deltas right now and it's seriously like, a breath of fresh air.

    How long have you been trying to figure it out? My initial post was basically choosing between IEI and EII. It's been since like, September for me lol.

  5. #285
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    That link is taken from an almost completed test so it will always only result in EII or SLI. It should be another link to the beginning of that test.

    The test gave me SLE-Ti when I first did it before knowing anything about Socionics.
    oh shit, my bad!

  6. #286
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    @ergot @Tommy

    try this one, you guys took my almost completed test (probably why you kept getting EII Ergot). Sorry about that!

  7. #287
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    ILE - "The Inventor"

    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


  8. #288
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    ILE - "The Inventor"
    lol, there we go : )

  9. #289
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    SLE - "The Conqueror"

  10. #290
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post

    try this one, you guys took my almost completed test (probably why you kept getting EII Ergot). Sorry about that!
    The test is the problem, I got EII anyway.

  11. #291
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeris View Post
    The test is the problem, I got EII anyway.
    What is your type? Yeah, at the end of the day, it's still just a test. Sounds like Jack has been continuing to work on it/update it and continually improve it though. I think I got LII the first time before changes/updates.

  12. #292
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    @ergot @Tommy

    try this one, you guys took my almost completed test (probably why you kept getting EII Ergot). Sorry about that!
    same result, SLI.

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  14. #294
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    I got dis..

    ILE - "The Inventor"

    1. Ideas

    ILEs are best characterised by their rampant curiosity for the latest idea to enter their heads. When they discover something new, they can intuitively grasp its potential to illuminate alternative avenues and open previously unconsidered windows. Those ideas which are most packed with possibility entice the ILE and can capture their obsessive interest until its potential has been fully explored. The more complex the idea and the more applicable it is to a variety of different situations, the longer the ILE's attention can be held. However, at some point another, shinier idea presents itself and the ILE will dart after the latest fascination, leaving the debris of numerous projects in their wake. ILEs tend to have a very broad range of different, unusual interests and will casually talk about these areas with others, likely coming across as a particularly curious person. The ILE draws from a large breadth of different topics or fields and is not hesitant to jump between them as and when the opportunity arises, often having something out-of-the-box to say in each situation, whether or not the thing said was entirely relevant.

    2. Laws

    In their pursuit of limitless potential, the ILE readily and rapidly systemises the content of their ideas into a structural form. When ravenously exploring an idea, they will be assessing the integral qualities that make it up, divining the parts which are fundamental from those which are superfluous or contradictory. From here, they may take pleasure in playing around with its fragments to create new combinations, relishing the chance to take a concept to its logical absurdities, especially if doing so pushes the boundaries in some way. ILEs tend to place an emphasis on people making internal logical sense in their discussions and debates. However, their consistency is usually limited to that particular situation, with ILEs creating a good, clear argument in one conversation, but then debating a completely different line in another. For ILEs, multiple choice keeps things interesting, as long as each option is internally well reasoned. Such intellectual flexibility can be seen in how many an ILE, upon learning something momentous, can rapidly re-calibrate their entire perspective to assimilate this new piece of information into the overall structure.

    3. Force

    ILEs are not natural fighters and dislike harsh action that can shut down new possibilities. Rather than take an issue head on, they prefer to divert their attention to the multiple, potential routes around an issue that may be more interesting. However, should ILEs feel that opportunities available to them are being shut down by someone else, or that something of particular interest needs decisive action, they should be able to put up a fight with some determination, provided they can articulate a logical reason for doing so. When in a position of leadership, ILEs will understand that they have to lay down the law for anything interesting to happen, and so will reluctantly impose some authority, rather than allowing things to drift apart. However, the ability to summon their willpower is normally short-lived, dying down when they lose interest as they lack the ability to force themselves to do anything they might find boring. This can mean that ILEs have particular trouble with procrastination, exploring other things and feeling unable to force themselves onto the matter at hand if it does not capture their interest.

    4. Relations

    It seems like the ILE can talk fluently about anything, except when asked how they personally feel about something. At this point, the ILE may clam up, or else, deviate from the question. ILEs are not good at forming value judgements of things, whether something feels 'good' or 'bad' and tend to suppress these attitudes. In the absence of a more logical reason, such feelings seem invalid and unjustified, becoming uncomfortable to bother anyone with. In practise this can make ILEs extremely non-judgemental, treating everyone the same, and having friendly conversations with those others may find morally detestable. If you then ask them if they like that person, they won't have a clue. It simply doesn't matter. A problem is that it matters to others, and the ILE may easily hurt other people who feel close to them, being too familiar with strangers or else, not treating their loved ones with the intimacy they deserve. ILEs without a handle on this may be unfaithful and end up with a string of failed relationships, which they may move on from in a coldly detached manner. With close friends, they may similarly come up short, wanting to spend time with new, interesting people rather than investing in quality time, and seemingly only returning to an old friend if they think they have something useful or interesting to offer.

    5. Serenity

    Few things are more attractive to an ILE than experiencing a positive 'Nirvana' of physical pleasure, through any of their senses. Unfortunately, ILEs are at a loss on how to create and maintain enjoyable, physical experiences for themselves and others. With an often poor eye for detail and lack of moderation, ILEs may pursue sensations of inappropriate intensity, trying too much, or else, just end up making a mess. At the same time, when other interests and pressures take precedence, the ILE may neglect their sensory needs, staying up long hours, or going out without a coat. The minutiae of regular daily tasks, such as cooking, cleaning or ironing the creases out of shirts may elude them, with the logistics of such activities quickly draining them. Frequently, they will feel that something is needed to feel truly satisfied and they will respond very positively to those who are able to guide them on this journey of discovery, helping them to savour their experiences more and introduce healthy balances, while ensuring daily concerns are attended to. Although a type that likes to push at norms, ILEs don't actually like heated confrontations and appreciate someone who can help them to not disrupt social harmony with their innovations.

    6. Emotion

    Although out of touch with their personal attitudes, ILEs are intrigued by emotional expressions and the effects they can provoke in others. Growing up, an ILE may play the fool, engaging in unusual or alarming activities to excite, shock or surprise people. When maturing, this interest in the emotions of others becomes a desire to create positive responses. ILEs love to be loved and may treat their interactions with others as a performance to make people laugh or attain some other positive feedback. Even if they themselves do not have a subjective awareness of good or bad things, this doesn't matter if they can appeal to what other people want and be met with praise. Despite this, the wit and charisma of ILEs lacks finesse. In unfamiliar situations, a polished presentation may quickly appear goofy, insincere or even insensitive and many ILEs walk a fine line between social success and disaster which can come down on the wrong side. For this reason, ILEs tend to attempt emotional appeal when they feel accepted in harmonious, non-threatening surroundings, otherwise relying on a more logical, matter-of-fact way of communicating.

    7. Telos

    ILEs much prefer to keep themselves open to all possibilities and opportunities. As such, they are likely to find it too restrictive to visualise a single outcome and commit their lives to it. The best idea is the one that seems to have the most potential in the moment, and they will only jump into it for as long as it is interesting to do so. They will not hesitate to leave one thing to try out another and will refuse to allow future projects to be limited by things they have already started. Furthermore, ILEs are not the sort of people to be told that something is 'impossible'. They have the imagination to think far enough ahead to have a good idea of where a possibility could go, and trusting in their their resourcefulness to always find a way of getting things to work, they will not be willing to reject a desired outcome on the grounds of it being deemed improbable. This causes ILEs to delay giving up on projects others may have dismissed as dead ends, and it is not unusual for ILEs to hang onto a range of unlikely objects and projects in the belief that they might come in handy or be completed at some point, leading to much clutter, which can be frustrating to some.

    8. Pragmatism

    The ability to solve problems and figure out how to make things work is a skill that ILEs take for granted. They tend to be very good at making objective, intelligent decisions based on the information available. Factual information can be like food to the ILE who readily absorbs knowledge of whatever takes their interest, making them like walking encyclopaedias. They have a fluid interplay between their large reserves of factual knowledge and the structure of that knowledge into coherent frameworks for explanation, allowing them to make sense of new information rapidly and flexibly. However, they are less motivated to do things for the sake of efficiency or productivity than because they find the area interesting and want to explore its potential, or because it feels fun to do. Although capable of confidently solving problems and articulately conveying their considerable knowledge, they don't place much pressure on themselves to work out the most efficient way of doing things and certainly don't expect similar attempts of others. Instead, their efficient, fact-oriented brains are taken for granted, and something safe to rely on when their latest social escapade has blown up in their faces.
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    What is your type? Yeah, at the end of the day, it's still just a test. Sounds like Jack has been continuing to work on it/update it and continually improve it though. I think I got LII the first time before changes/updates.
    I only got EII on this test so far. I think EII, or ESI is farfetched because it can take me years to know how I feel/stand about people and things. My feelings don't run deep at all... or they run so deep I cannot find them, lol.

  16. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeris View Post
    I only got EII on this test so far. I think EII, or ESI is farfetched because it can take me years to know how I feel/stand about people and things. My feelings don't run deep at all... or they run so deep I cannot find them, lol.
    Hmm, it takes looking at their face, hearing the voice and a short interaction for me (I usually get a strong gut feeling either way). By that point I already know if me and the other person are going to get along long term or not or what it would take on my end to make it work. Face to face is easy, because I'm highly observant. I have an instinct for this or natural ability. I'd even assert that its very difficult to lie to me, because I'll pick up on it through the other person's tone of voice, micro expressions combined with the verbal content I'm receiving. Like a spidey sense of "the signals don't fit / this is genuine / not genuine". Sometimes ppl are so bad at faking things its cringe.

    Usually ppl on the spectrum are confusing to read, because they give off confusing signals. I can instantly spot if you are gay or have some unusual mental thing going on. (the alarm bells will go off, this stuff is very obvious to me even if the person is hiding it well)

    Since I pick up on all of this, it becomes easy to make slight alterations to my exterior persona (minute modifications needed stuff I must say or avoid and so on) to get along with different people without having to really & truly fake it. I can for example win the trust of even the most difficult people e_e because figuring out who they are and what they want is easy.

    I guess this and my rather firm / strong subjective moral sense backed by solid logic is why I'm doubting ILE, as the type is Fi PolR after all and I'm always aware of when I'm offending quite intentionally I might add to shock ppl & push boundaries, to instigate debate & keep things moving. I could just play it safe I guess, but that's boring. Even my subconscious emote usage is geared towards making me affable.

    <.< this stuff can get rather overwhelming if I'm in a larger group of unknown ppl and I have to keep track of many ppl this way.. mainly because I can't turn it off. To a certain degree this works even through texting.

    EDIT: as a guy I never had any relationships problems beyond just risking asking a girl out, I guess based on the above its obvious why.
    Last edited by SGF; 07-13-2020 at 06:58 PM.

  17. #297
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    Idk, seems like a pretty good test to me! Most people are getting their type or quadra + grouping. It's still just a test though, in the works and won't work for everyone. My text looks like this now because I had to copy/paste + as my + sign key doesn't work, neither does percent.

  18. #298
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeris View Post
    I only got EII on this test so far. I think EII, or ESI is farfetched because it can take me years to know how I feel/stand about people and things. My feelings don't run deep at all... or they run so deep I cannot find them, lol.
    Maybe Fi mobilizing type?

  19. #299
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    Jack of WSS updated his test. I got EII. Honestly didn't expect either (once again lol) based on some of my answers. Here is the updated version- I will say this first part aside from the romantic relationship part a bit (though it fits well to an extent as well hence not having been with anyone for the past 2 years, I need to see a future with someone, which I am pretty good at picking up on) is dead on:

    1. Relations

    Central to the EII are their personal sentiments or attitudes towards the people and events surrounding them and the demands of their conscience. The EII is in a persistent state of subjective evaluation, trying to assess how they feel. They tend to form attitudes based on their personal ideals of 'goodness' and then strive to act sincerely to these sentiments. When applied to behaviours and actions, this provides them with strong ideals of what is ‘decent’ of a person, and they tend to hold themselves to nearly quixotic standards. Often, they may feel a sense of disappointment with their own actions, not living up to their potential. When applied to people, this promotes social selectivity, with EIIs being motivated to form close, meaningful, and stable bonds with those they feel to be of a desirable character and avoiding those they feel to have bad intentions. EIIs tend towards idealism and may be reluctant to form their deepest, closest connections with just anyone. Instead they will keep most people as friendly acquaintances and spend much time waiting for the special person who would be right for a romantic relationship, occasionally waiting so long as to not commit to anyone at all. In each case, they create the appropriate psychological distance with each individual according to their inner compass, sharing themselves completely and honestly with those they feel close to, while being more reserved and distant with those they are less sure of.
    I did this one. Got ILI, which I'm sure I'm not lol

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    Jack update his test again. Seems a lot of people are scoring as their type (seems like maybe a bit off for beta though?) and are saying the questions are easier to answer

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    LII - "The Analyst"

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    ILE - "The Inventor" oh wait :
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  23. #303
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    I got EII the last two times I took it
    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
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    I got ILI this time. First part was a bit confusing, it said gamma, later part the questions were easier to answer.
    Imo gamma ILI makes more sense for me, because I'm Se seeking and don't care all that much about Si plus ILE Fi PolR never made much sense to me and I have a harsh worldview that is more like beta Se-Ni. also counterphobic 6 doesn't make sense for ILE.. which tends to be more 7w6.

  25. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I got ILI this time. First part was a bit confusing, it said gamma, later part the questions were easier to answer.
    Imo gamma ILI makes more sense for me, because I'm Se seeking and don't care all that much about Si plus ILE Fi PolR never made much sense to me and I have a harsh worldview that is more like beta Se-Ni. also counterphobic 6 doesn't make sense for ILE.. which tends to be more 7w6.
    Did you get ILE the first time? Because if so, interesting... seems you may be tailoring the answer to what you want, whether that be the first time, this time, or both

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    Quote Originally Posted by ergot View Post
    IEI after two espresso
    the IP-ness is set in stone
    That's interesting that you always get IEI on tests Ergot

  27. #307


    I got IEI the second time. It really wants me to be an Ni lead.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I got ILI this time. First part was a bit confusing, it said gamma, later part the questions were easier to answer.
    Imo gamma ILI makes more sense for me, because I'm Se seeking and don't care all that much about Si plus ILE Fi PolR never made much sense to me and I have a harsh worldview that is more like beta Se-Ni. also counterphobic 6 doesn't make sense for ILE.. which tends to be more 7w6.
    Why did you say that you value Fe in a post in the Beta music thread?
    Fe is the most unvalued function for ILI.

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    I don't mean to hate btw @shotgunfingers I understand how difficult it can be to figure out one's type, as I'm sure you know. I noticed that there were some differences in my testing results before I learned the system and afterwards and sometimes I really have to stop myself and think about what the genuine answer is, because at this point it's easy to answer in one's favor (toward the type they are thinking of). There is a chance I'm still doing it to an extent, it's hard!

    I think we both want accuracy/the truth and aren't willing to settle for any less. If we notice there are some glaring issues, then we aren't going to just stick with a type because it's the popular choice. However, we both need to cool our jets, slow down and just give it patience and more learning.

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    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    I just PMed u
    Lol okay

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    Did you get ILE the first time? Because if so, interesting... seems you may be tailoring the answer to what you want, whether that be the first time, this time, or both
    looks like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    I don't mean to hate btw @shotgunfingers I understand how difficult it can be to figure out one's type, as I'm sure you know. I noticed that there were some differences in my testing results before I learned the system and afterwards and sometimes I really have to stop myself and think about what the genuine answer is, because at this point it's easy to answer in one's favor (toward the type they are thinking of). There is a chance I'm still doing it to an extent, it's hard!

    I think we both want accuracy/the truth and aren't willing to settle for any less. If we notice there are some glaring issues, then we aren't going to just stick with a type because it's the popular choice. However, we both need to cool our jets, slow down and just give it patience and more learning.
    Yeah, tho imo testing is not the best way to go about this. I agree tho. ILI kinda fits with the whole doubt and questioning side of type 6 I have going on and IRL I'm quite the socially averse introvert. Its much easier to communicate in writing tbh. I have always felt more beta quadra tbh, but there is no NT in that and as a 6 who scores very high on type 5 e_e I'm well and truly in the center of the thinking triad.

    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Why did you say that you value Fe in a post in the Beta music thread?
    Fe is the most unvalued function for ILI.
    Because I do. I just suck at it myself. I'm incapable of expressing myself feelings-wise unless its through a medium aka art. I can't even act, it comes off stiff & unnatural. At best I can be friendly, but anything deeper than that is a struggle outside of maybe anger. It just feels awkward . As you can see from my psyche-yoga results tho :/ I do have feelings, I'm perfectly self aware in this regard, possibly more so than other ppl. I don't relate to Fi PoLR mainly because I only consider less than a handful of ppl real friends and I'm quite attached to those relationships, I can and will do the door-slamn thing where I cut ppl off due to how antagonistic the relationship might be as well. These things are not characteristic of ILE. Further its very easy for me to "read" ppl and I know instantly if we'll get along or not long term. I have only seen IEIs report similar lvls of social intelligence.
    Last edited by SGF; 07-16-2020 at 04:04 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ergot View Post
    yea. where's my Ni? I*I seem so unlike me., I'm fluffy.

    I misclicked constructive in the post above fyi - wasn't being a smartypants
    LOL, it's all good, I was kind of like, "Does this somehow reveal something typology wise?"

    and yeah that's really interesting @ getting Ni dom on tests yet actually being Ni PoLr, but I trust you know the system/yourself well enough

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    @shotgunfingers , yeah tests are far from the best way to determine one's type, as evidenced by ergot's result! seems more folks are getting not their type on this one now too soooo

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegreenfaerie View Post
    @shotgunfingers , yeah tests are far from the best way to determine one's type, as evidenced by ergot's result! seems more folks are getting not their type on this one now too soooo
    well I'm pretty sure I'm some kind of irrational NT. A this point I'm certain of MBTI INTP and since I'm certain of intuitive and irrational, according to this ILI makes more sense. I know some INTPs are internally structured and J-ish, but that was never the case for me. I'm unstructured inside and out. The test gets close enough.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post

    Because I do. I just suck at it myself. I'm incapable of expressing myself feelings-wise unless its through a medium aka art. I can't even act, it comes off stiff & unnatural. At best I can be friendly, but anything deeper than that is a struggle outside of maybe anger. It just feels awkward . As you can see from my psyche-yoga results tho :/ I do have feelings, I'm perfectly self aware in this regard, possibly more so than other ppl. I don't relate to Fi PoLR mainly because I only consider less than a handful of ppl real friends and I'm quite attached to those relationships, I can and will do the door-slamn thing where I cut ppl off due to how antagonistic the relationship might be as well. These things are not characteristic of ILE. Further its very easy for me to "read" ppl and I know instantly if we'll get along or not long term. I have only seen IEIs report similar lvls of social intelligence.
    Heh. I see how super over the top SEE might be positive for you. It is bit like complementary with your smiley messages. If people experience Fe like that I can understand why some say it is fake intellectually. I just never experience it like that. It carries something inside that I react towards but some SEE's just might give total disconnect for me.
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    Oh, when I took an earlier version of the test that faerie posted, I got EIE I think. The updsted version of it gave me IEI.

    @onfireee i was too lazy to reply to your visitor message on my profile, but ur gay
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  37. #317


    Guys during the study got acquainted with a very beautiful girl on
    Tell me, did you meet girls when you studied ILE?

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    Ni and Si were the highest scoring.
    Fi and Ti were the second highest.
    Ne, Te, and Se were quite low.
    Fe was the lowest for me.

    Very strange results, which makes tests indeed unreliable.
    Last edited by SkyNova20; 12-22-2020 at 02:46 PM.

  39. #319
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    I just took the test at Aim to Know ( ) and got:

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