Quote Originally Posted by shining View Post
Type: Gabin, Superid
Subtype: Stierlitz, Ego
Profile: Dynamic

The sensing logical introvert (SLI). The Artisan. SLI are very attuned to the bodily sensations and of the space around them. They work often with their hands — it can be do-it-yourself skills, cooking, gardening, fishing etc. SLI love nature and feel a strong connection to it, love to be outside in a peaceful happy place. SLI like their possessions, often have collections of material objects like knifes, wine and etc. They have good understanding of the material objects: what are they good for and how to use them. SLI are interested in minimizing the uncomfortable physical experiences. They can describe in detail the pain in the body but prefer not to talk about it and to keep themselves to themselves. They have a remarkable sense of humour and can ease the emotional atmosphere around them. SLI tend switch easily the topic of conversation and start talking about things without any obvious connection with the previous topic. That might be a comment on the uncomfortable clothes or bad posture etc., which will then be followed by a practical advice on how to improve the situation.

The logical sensing extravert (LSE). The Administrator. LSE are often skilled craftsman and enjoy working with their hands. They tend to organize the space in the ordered, ergonomic way. LSE like their food, they eat to refill their energy levels and are not necessarily interested in delicacy. They are extremely hard-working individuals, putting a lot of energy and effort in whatever they do. It is very important for them to think through every task, prepare and collect all the information upfront and they have a great attention to details. Their ability to work is unlimited and unfailing, LSE have enormous devotion to whatever they are working on and are perfectionists. They are able to see how to get profit and are interested in practical implementations of things. LSE tend also to concentrate on minimizing the expenses.