On the Russian Test, the first run, I get ILI, LII subtype. Close. Just switch the type and subtype around.

56% - Dynamics
44% - Statics
29% - Extraversion
71% - Introversion
41% - Rationality
59% - Irrationality

61% - Logic
39% - Ethics
26% - Sensor
74% - Intuition

Charts domination TPE
31% - Superid
26% - Superego
22% - Eid
21% - Ego

But then I redid it for fun changing some answers and get LIE, ILI subtype, dynamic profile.

Then a third time I get EIE, IEE subtype, extraverted profile. Um, no.

I didn't record my percentages for the last two times but everything was pretty close except for strong intuition. High intuition seems to be the only thing that is consistent between testings.

It's like the more I take it, the more my results are off. The first time might have been the most accurate because I didn't overthink anything, just whizzed right through it like an idiot. The last two times, I skipped several, only answering if I had a definite preference for one or the other.