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    Mega's Avatar
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    Static profile || Id – Superego - Superid – Ego

    The static profile characterizes the person from the perspective of the dichotomy statics-dynamics. This person is balanced on the dichotomies of rationality-irrationality and introversion-extraversion. But the element of dynamics is not sufficiently expressed in the structure of personality, which is partly due to the stability of psycho-physical states, stability of mood and temperament. Depending on which TPE is leading, the person compromises between striving to enjoy life to the full and a strong sense of public duty and responsibility for other people.

    Dominance: Id
    Id-types - Aldous Huxley (IEE), Don Quixote (ILE), Napoleon I (SEE) and Georgy Zhukov (SLE) are the bright exponents of the psychic energy ‘Id’ which is characterised by a creative drive, changeability, flexibility, inexhaustible vivacity, and one’s potential whether apparent or hidden. Id-types are a source of inspiration for those who do not possess the power of optimism and zest for life. They share generously their interests and cheerfulness with others. Id-types are the people who occupy themselves with whatever is interesting and pleasurable to them. Their desires are variable, changeable, and adaptable to the current circumstances. Their main merit is that they can relatively quickly and without much effort get adapted to the new situation and switch from one activity to another if that is necessary. They are oriented to the external world and the things happening around them. As far as the world is full of various pleasures and wonderful events, their interest in life and willingness to enjoy new experiences remains much stronger than melancholy and short failures.

    Support: - Superego
    Superego-types (Fyodor Dostoyevsky (EII), Theodore Dreiser (ESI), Maximilien Robespierre (LII), Maxim Gorky (LSI) - are the bright representatives of the psychic energy ‘Superego’ which is characterised by clarity, sincerity, purity of thought, wisdom, morality, intellectual and spiritual pursuits. Superego-types are law-abiding, honest and responsible. They tend to fulfil the assigned work as high as diligently as possible so that they do not feel shameful in front of the others. When tackling an assignment, they go the extra mile to make sure their result is perfect. The quality of their work is their source of personal pride and critical self-esteem. As a rule, they are quiet, reserved, hard-working people who know how to behave in any situation. There is obvious integrity in their views and consistency in their judgements and deeds. They assert high moral values, keeping up an established order that is important for social conservation.

    Neutrality: Superid
    Superid-types - Sergei Yesenin (IEI), Honoré de Balzac (ILI), Alexandre Dumas (SEI) and Jean Gabin (SLI) - are the bright exponents of the ‘Superid’ psychic energy which is characterised by the strong imagination, mystery of the night, physical relaxation and emotional calmness. Superid-types do not have a goal to impose their will to others. They do not tend to manage others and control the situation but at their best they are able to adjust themselves and bring subtle changes to the environment.. Superid-types know how to create the relaxed atmosphere of nonintrusive communication, soft touch, humour and comfort. Superid-types find themselves often sinking into their inner world, which serves them as a source of inspiration and creation. Their inner world is fragile and mobile. They subtly respond to the slightest changes in the surrounding environment. Knowing the sensibility of its nature, Superid-types spend a lot of time in loneliness, philosophising and thinking about themselves, their needs and trying to protect themselves from the destructive influence of the outside world. They are very perceptive!

    Deficiency: Ego
    Ego-types - Hamlet (EIE), Victor Hugo (ESE), Jack London (LIE) and Stierlitz (LSE) -
    are the bright exponents of the ‘Ego’ psychic energy which is characterised by excitement and attraction, masculinity and sexuality, physical strength, courage and confidence – all the qualities desirable for strong leadership. Ego-types are hard-working, possess great will power and intend to change the order of the surrounding environment at their sole discretion. As a rule, they are somewhat presumptuous and would not like to admit their weakness in public. It is important for them to have a goal and to feel that they are ready to deal with any obstacles in order to achieve that goal. Ego-types are good at managing other people, making decisions, taking responsibility and not giving up on failures. Such people, as a rule, are good at projecting an aura of confidence and giving the impression of a serious, business people.

    I got fucking apples

    Edit : Static profile, which is fun because I thought I was 100% Dynamic.
    Especially because of Gulenko explanation on this dichotomy right here : ical-Panoramic_Cognition

    I just can't stand having nothing to do while waiting for something. I.e having to go to work at 5 pm and I wait with nothing to do until 5pm, it destroys me. I need to do something while waiting or I begin to become depressive and to feel really bad. Socionics <3
    On the other hand, when I fully do something and get the thought of waiting out of my mind, I feel the best. It's like my nemesis of life.
    Last edited by Mega; 07-23-2014 at 02:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Olga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MegaBallsUSA View Post
    Static profile || Id – Superego - Superid – Ego

    Static profile, which is fun because I thought I was 100% Dynamic.
    Especially because of Gulenko explanation on this dichotomy right here : [/FONT][/COLOR] ical-Panoramic_Cognition

    I just can't stand having nothing to do while waiting for something. I.e having to go to work at 5 pm and I wait with nothing to do until 5pm, it destroys me. I need to do something while waiting or I begin to become depressive and to feel really bad. Socionics <3
    On the other hand, when I fully do something and get the thought of waiting out of my mind, I feel the best. It's like my nemesis of life.
    Do you agree with the possibility being a static type and subtype? Id as a leading TPE for you, yes/no?
    Forget Gulenko's old article. He focuses now on observable behaviour and not internal qualities as such. It is the different criteria for statics- dynamics in art and music. It is not just a style of thinking we are looking at while deciding about this dichotomy but the holistic view.
    I also feel the same about the time due to my vulnerable intuition. It can be interpreted differently from different perspectives - not wish to wait and feeling restless. I am still a static type though.
    School of Associative socionics:

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olga View Post
    Do you agree with the possibility being a static type and subtype? Id as a leading TPE for you, yes/no?
    Forget Gulenko's old article. He focuses now on observable behaviour and not internal qualities as such. It is the different criteria for statics- dynamics in art and music. It is not just a style of thinking we are looking at while deciding about this dichotomy but the holistic view.
    I also feel the same about the time due to my vulnerable intuition. It can be interpreted differently from different perspectives - not wish to wait and feeling restless. I am still a static type though.
    If I forget Gulenko's article, then yes I might be.
    Do you have any new article on this dichotomy with the "observable behaviour"?

    I also did the colour test some time ago, I tested SLE. I did it yersteday, I tested SLI. Lal

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    Quote Originally Posted by MegaBallsUSA View Post
    If I forget Gulenko's article, then yes I might be.
    Do you have any new article on this dichotomy with the "observable behaviour"?

    I also did the colour test some time ago, I tested SLE. I did it yersteday, I tested SLI.
    If you are a SLE type then the static profile with leading Id is perfect for you as it support you type and suggest LSI as a subtype. the second type you got on the colour test SLI which is OK and can be interpreted as irrational profile. Statics + Irrationality = Extraversion. I would say SLE is more likely as SLI save their energy as all Superid types normally do. You description of being not able to waste your time on doing nothing does not fit SLI.

    I do describe observable behaviour as we do not specialise in observable behaviour but psychophysiology - hidden potential and motivation which come to express itself in the subconscious preferences. This is the more ecological approach to psycho-diagnostics. If you want to know the type and subtype of a person you analyse the music and art preferences just give the tests to do if that is possible.
    It does not mean that we ignore the observable behaviour and physiognomics - not at all. We have a complex approach to diagnostics. Sometime soon I will post a video-recording of the questionnaire which we suggest for analysing as a part of observable behaviour and verbal diagnostics.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olga View Post
    If you are a SLE type then the static profile with leading Id is perfect for you as it support you type and suggest LSI as a subtype. the second type you got on the colour test SLI which is OK and can be interpreted as irrational profile. Statics + Irrationality = Extraversion. I would say SLE is more likely as SLI save their energy as all Superid types normally do. You description of being not able to waste your time on doing nothing does not fit SLI.

    I do describe observable behaviour as we do not specialise in observable behaviour but psychophysiology - hidden potential and motivation which come to express itself in the subconscious preferences. This is the more ecological approach to psycho-diagnostics. If you want to know the type and subtype of a person you analyse the music and art preferences just give the tests to do if that is possible.
    It does not mean that we ignore the observable behaviour and physiognomics - not at all. We have a complex approach to diagnostics. Sometime soon I will post a video-recording of the questionnaire which we suggest for analysing as a part of observable behaviour and verbal diagnostics.
    Ok, thanks for explaining that to me.

    I still have a question. If psychophysiology is hidden potential and motivation which come from the subconscious (which is "us" at the most basic level, I assume) then why the Gulenko's description about the dynamic/static dicothomy is not up to date or outdated or not reliable anymore? The fact than one person doesn't care from an empty room and another doesn't care about wasting time is something that must be coming from somewhere. Why is it not coming from the "subconscious"? How did you manage to find out it wasn't? Throught loads of test and example I suppose (since you are static and you can't stand about wasting time).
    So everytime you assume it might be coming from the subconscious you need to try your hypothesis out by loads of test? Then you can move on and assume this special item or behaviour might be coming from the subconscious.

    Is that how you did with the colour and pattern? You typed numerous people by the "old" and sure method then asked them to do "exemple test" about the shape and colours they liked?

    I'm asking because I can't see how you can deduce it is coming from the subconscious or it is coming from life experience (i.e the subtype TPE - life experiences).

    Thanks for your time Olga.

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    I might interpret what you wrote to me slightly wrongly then please correct me.

    "I still have a question. If psychophysiology is hidden potential and motivation which come from the subconscious (which is "us" at the most basic level, I assume) then why the Gulenko's description about the dynamic-static dicothomy is not up to date or outdated or not reliable anymore? "

    I see the suggestion of Gulenko as not being able to wait and being restless connected to the dynamics as subjective interpretation. We do not have any objective measure to support his statement. Quite on the opposite, I can relate it to different other reasons and explain differently. For example^ weak or vulnerable intuition with strong sensing for the group of sensing types. But I know that IEEs may experience exactly the same behaviour. What I means that there is no clear and direct link between being restless and not wishing tot wait and dynamics. It is just his view but not supported by any objective research.
    The problem with socionics that a lot of explanation are philosophical and not supported by a proper research. It is all on behalf of you to decide what interpretation makes sense to you and it is possible to interpret the same pattern of behaviour differently from different perspectives and they all make sense to you to a different degree. In psychology the authors have to have a research and establish if this hypothetical statement is true or false and to what degree. There can be the link between two statement but it may be not a direct on but dependent on other variables.
    You cannot just go a long and may the links as you see but in socionics - you can. Therefore you need to think if this is supported by the research?; can be a different explanation and etc.
    School of Associative socionics:

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    I finally got a result on my fifth try after the program offered more image choices. I usually get IEI on your tests and that is what I can identify with most out of all the types. I liked getting ILI on this though.

    The Result

    Type: Balzac, Superid
    Subtype: Robespierre, Superego
    Profile: introverted

    The intuitive logical introvert (ILI). The Critic. ILI have the Ability to abstract and Philosophical Thinking, Noticing contradictions in Conclusions and Pointing Them to others (Critics). There is always logical reasoning behind their conclusions. ILI are able to see the ways to get the profit, often they do not take the opportunity. They are naturally sceptical and can pour the cold water on someone whom they believe to be overenthusiastic. ILI are often sceptical about themselves and their own potential too. They appear to be shy, reserved and unenthusiastic.
    The logical Intuitive introvert ( INTJ). The Analyst. Often LII are perfectionists, See the World as A Single Structured system, WHERE All the Elements are Logically Interconnected. People of this type strain after order and logic in their own mind and around them. LII are able to pay attention to details and work accurately. They have very stiff principles and ideas of justice. These are based on their logic and therefore on the idea of fairness, but not on the moral rules of the society or family. They are ready to defend their principles and will not walk past something they see as injustice. LII put their principles higher than their own interests or interests of their family and the close ones. The Analysts are able to see multiple potential outcomes and are seeking knowledge in wide spectrum of topics. They prefer abstract theories and are a lot less interested in their practical implementation.

    Distribution graphs signs
    82% - Dynamics
    18% - Statics

    14% - Extraversion
    86% - Introversion

    31% - Rationality
    69% - Irrationality

    55% - Logic
    45% - Ethics

    22% - Sensor
    78% - Intuition

    Charts domination TPE
    39% - Superid
    24% - Superego
    20% - Ego
    17% - Id

    Last edited by Aylen; 03-14-2015 at 05:36 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by MegaBallsUSA View Post
    If I forget Gulenko's article, then yes I might be.
    Do you have any new article on this dichotomy with the "observable behaviour"?

    I also did the colour test some time ago, I tested SLE. I did it yersteday, I tested SLI. Lal
    We specialise not as such on observable behaviour because it is on the eye of the beholder but on the psychophysiology and psychoanalysis/ on objective measures. There is something in common between DCNH system and TPE concept. I consider DCNH system as a reductionist approach to type and subtype diagnostics.
    School of Associative socionics:

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