Quote Originally Posted by Solaris View Post
I don´t know how you managed to take the test, it doesn´t work for me, seems not to integrate well with my google or smth.
Did you register?
It worked quite fine for me.

Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
Результаты теста:
Dynamic profile: Superid - Ego –Superego – Id

Dynamic profile: Superid - Ego –Superego – Id
The element of dynamics is clearly evident in the structure of a dynamic personality, which is associated with mobility of nervous processes and changeability of mood and emotional states. This person is balanced on the dichotomies rationality (judging) - irrationality (perceiving) and introversion-extraversion. Depending on what TPE is leading, the individual compromises between the desire to exert control over his/her environment and the need to subordinate himself/herself to the will of others with the aim of self-preservation and self-interest.
Must be blond, did not get your results.