I might interpret what you wrote to me slightly wrongly then please correct me.

"I still have a question. If psychophysiology is hidden potential and motivation which come from the subconscious (which is "us" at the most basic level, I assume) then why the Gulenko's description about the dynamic-static dicothomy is not up to date or outdated or not reliable anymore? "

I see the suggestion of Gulenko as not being able to wait and being restless connected to the dynamics as subjective interpretation. We do not have any objective measure to support his statement. Quite on the opposite, I can relate it to different other reasons and explain differently. For example^ weak or vulnerable intuition with strong sensing for the group of sensing types. But I know that IEEs may experience exactly the same behaviour. What I means that there is no clear and direct link between being restless and not wishing tot wait and dynamics. It is just his view but not supported by any objective research.
The problem with socionics that a lot of explanation are philosophical and not supported by a proper research. It is all on behalf of you to decide what interpretation makes sense to you and it is possible to interpret the same pattern of behaviour differently from different perspectives and they all make sense to you to a different degree. In psychology the authors have to have a research and establish if this hypothetical statement is true or false and to what degree. There can be the link between two statement but it may be not a direct on but dependent on other variables.
You cannot just go a long and may the links as you see but in socionics - you can. Therefore you need to think if this is supported by the research?; can be a different explanation and etc.