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Thread: Socionics Tests

  1. #321
    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    This is your result:

    ESTJ(Stirlitz) - 275
    ESTP(Zhukov) - 255
    ISTP(Gabin) - 240

    ENTP(Don Quixote) - 235
    ISTJ(Maxim Gorky) - 230
    INTP(Balzac) - 215
    ESFP(Napoleon) - 210
    ENTJ(Jack London) - 210
    ESFJ(Hugo) - 205
    ISFJ(Dreiser) - 185
    ENFJ(Hamlet) - 180
    ISFP(Dumas) - 175
    INTJ(Robespierre) - 165
    ENFP(Huxley) - 145
    INFP(Yesenin) - 110
    INFJ(Dostoyevsky) - 80

  2. #322
    thistle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    This is your result:

    ESTJ(Stirlitz) - 275
    ESTP(Zhukov) - 255
    ISTP(Gabin) - 240

    ENTP(Don Quixote) - 235
    ISTJ(Maxim Gorky) - 230
    INTP(Balzac) - 215
    ESFP(Napoleon) - 210
    ENTJ(Jack London) - 210
    ESFJ(Hugo) - 205
    ISFJ(Dreiser) - 185
    ENFJ(Hamlet) - 180
    ISFP(Dumas) - 175
    INTJ(Robespierre) - 165
    ENFP(Huxley) - 145
    INFP(Yesenin) - 110
    INFJ(Dostoyevsky) - 80
    Our results are almost in reverse ! With these rational types in the centre

    ENTJ(Jack London) - 210
    ESFJ(Hugo) - 205
    ISFJ(Dreiser) - 185

    How did you answer the question on being presented with new situations:

    *I prefer to use all my experience, even if its not related to the concrete situation.
    *I use information which is in this situation only, new tasks are unique.

    I chose the first. The first is introverted, second extroverted. This is Ti/Te right?

  3. #323
    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Our results are almost in reverse ! With these rational types in the centre

    ENTJ(Jack London) - 210
    ESFJ(Hugo) - 205
    ISFJ(Dreiser) - 185

    How did you answer the question on being presented with new situations:

    *I prefer to use all my experience, even if its not related to the concrete situation.
    *I use information which is in this situation only, new tasks are unique.

    I chose the first. The first is introverted, second extroverted. This is Ti/Te right?
    I was not totally sure how to answer that question, but thinking on how I approach new tasks, especially in work, I think I tend to treat the new task as a new thing requiring an approach that is relevant to that specific task. I do use prior experience, naturally, but my focus is more on using the correct methods and correct approach for the new task even if there is overlap with a previous task and will typically only use experience that I feel is relevant to the task at hand. I also have pretty broad experiences that do not necessarily correlate with the work I am doing at a given moment. For instance, my experience doing manual labor does not really correlate with my current work as a tutor just as my work dealing with financial services and transactions does not correlate with working as a meat stocker. That is the way I look at it, anyway.

    I am not sure how that corresponds to the IMs or to the other dichotomies, though.

  4. #324
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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    I was not totally sure how to answer that question, but thinking on how I approach new tasks, especially in work, I think I tend to treat the new task as a new thing requiring an approach that is relevant to that specific task. I do use prior experience, naturally, but my focus is more on using the correct methods and correct approach for the new task even if there is overlap with a previous task and will typically only use experience that I feel is relevant to the task at hand. I also have pretty broad experiences that do not necessarily correlate with the work I am doing at a given moment. For instance, my experience doing manual labor does not really correlate with my current work as a tutor just as my work dealing with financial services and transactions does not correlate with working as a meat stocker. That is the way I look at it, anyway.

    I am not sure how that corresponds to the IMs or to the other dichotomies, though.
    Where you focus on the correct methods or approach to the new task - that is exactly the point at which I'm stumped.

    I am attentive to what has changed, but arranging unknowns in order of importance is a stretch for me.
    Devising a set of steps that can be replicated takes a lot of my brain power. It is difficult for me to weigh the relevance of a thing in one position (step 2) compared to its relevance if I were to place it at step 4.

    If there is "overlap" in tasks, as you put it, I am more likely to pay attention to this than put it aside...which is a huge time waster.
    Again, mine seems like an introverted process that is difficult to translate to a clear method that others can follow and stress-test. Or just weak logic in general.

    Anyway, thanks for this response. It is cool to hear how things are on the other side

  5. #325
    ☽ the cutest type ☾ Aquamarine's Avatar
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    LII-3Ne TiNe (INTj)

    EII (INFj): 86% as likely as LII. Compare the LII (INTj) and EII (INFj) types here!
    IEE (ENFp): 73% as likely as LII. Compare the LII (INTj) and IEE (ENFp) types here!
    ILE (ENTp): 62% as likely as LII. Compare the LII (INTj) and ILE (ENTp) types here!

    I've taken this test 3 separate times and I always get LII but the other results change sometimes. I notice my mood affects the result I get on some tests, but not this one.

    This is your result:

    INTJ(Robespierre) - 235
    INTP(Balzac) - 230
    INFJ(Dostoyevsky) - 210

    ISFP(Dumas) - 205
    INFP(Yesenin) - 205
    ENFP(Huxley) - 195
    ISTP(Gabin) - 190
    ISFJ(Dreiser) - 190
    ISTJ(Maxim Gorky) - 175
    ESFJ(Hugo) - 165
    ENTJ(Jack London) - 165
    ESTJ(Stirlitz) - 145
    ENFJ(Hamlet) - 145
    ENTP(Don Quixote) - 135
    ESFP(Napoleon) - 115
    ESTP(Zhukov) - 95
    Last edited by Aquamarine; 04-15-2021 at 04:42 PM.

  6. #326
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    for the first time it gave me IEE-1Ne

    at least the first time from what I remember
    I like to take the sociotype one, once in a while

    perhaps atm I'm especially attuned to my intuition.

    EII (INFj): 99% as likely as IEE. Compare the IEE (ENFp) and EII (INFj) types here!
    IEI (INFp): 69% as likely as IEE. Compare the IEE (ENFp) and IEI (INFp) types here!
    LII (INTj): 54% as likely as IEE. Compare the IEE (ENFp) and LII (INTj) types here!

    Well, close enough then.

    I don't like some of the other tests, perhaps it could be that I am still figuring out who I am (meaning I may be hazy on how irrational I am, not that I am vacillating on my type), or that I am simply between P and J (as the tests measure it). Which forces my hand to P sometimes, and as a result they give me INFp even though not my type.

    I much prefer "open schedules," but I am also okay committing to certain important things ahead of time, and do not absolutely need constant "change of (intellectual or physical) sensation."

    Point being I still lead with Fi but the ones simply typing you on dichotomy tend to get mine wrong. But I'm also considering CH instead of CN for my subtype now; perhaps that points to strengthened both Ni and Ne.
    @asd, for what it’s worth, your avatar picture looks very EII e4 to me. So do your posts.

  7. #327
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    answered it a little differently this time, maybe I am becoming more aware of self
    I usually tell people to take these tests several times, maybe a week or two apart.
    I think it takes time to get your head adjusted to the questions because, c’mon, the language is not normal.

  8. #328
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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    maybe I am overthinking it but knowing what the items are asking, eg emotion = Fe (which I don't agree with), I feel like I am almost cheating at the test. I would say I am emotional, just not in the way this test might think I am lol
    Eventually, you’ll just realize that you are one particular type and will stop taking the tests.

    As my knowledge of Socionics grew along with my understanding of the test questions, I got so I could test as any type I wanted.
    The last time I did this, I tried to test as an IEI and that’s what I got.

    So there is just a short window between ignorance and knowledge where taking a personality test will tell you something that you didn’t already know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    maybe I am overthinking it but knowing what the items are asking, eg emotion = Fe (which I don't agree with), I feel like I am almost cheating at the test
    Yes, this may add significant distortion to tests when you know the theory and have an opinion about own types traits. Similar distortion happens with questionnaires what may fool typers.

    > I would say I am emotional

    Compared to average level of F types - no. I suspected LII for you.

    The best way to check your type is by IR with significant number of people near. It's what useful to do after inital theory reading and doing tests. When you identify types you also compare people of different types with yourself, what helps too.

  10. #330

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    Honestly I feel people are too dynamic to line up with tests most of the time. It's best to just look into the theory and if you struggle reading yourself, have someone who knows you well help you out.

  11. #331
    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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  12. #332
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    These tests are bad
    I tried to do just to see how bad it is, and I actually got my type

    but I've skipped a lot of the questions, because they simply don't make sense

    Attachment 17208
    My conflictor happened to be the last possible type, so it makes sense too

    But I would never use testes to get typed, only as a after the fact note and to play around
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
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  13. #333
    Manatroid92's Avatar
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    Found this website from the Socionics subreddit.

    Socionics Type and Cognitive Functions Test (

    There's actually two tests and two tools used to compared types. A lot of it is based on Small Groups, but it also measures the Information Elements as well.
    After you've gotten your results, you can hover your cursor over the little icons beside the terms to see what exactly they mean. Note that some terms don't have all their definitions elaborated on yet.

    I think most, if not all, definitions are drawn from the ones compiled in this file.
    Small_Groups.pdf (

    I'm interested to see what people think.

  14. #334

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    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    Found this website from the Socionics subreddit.

    Socionics Type and Cognitive Functions Test (

    There's actually two tests and two tools used to compared types. A lot of it is based on Small Groups, but it also measures the Information Elements as well.
    After you've gotten your results, you can hover your cursor over the little icons beside the terms to see what exactly they mean. Note that some terms don't have all their definitions elaborated on yet.

    I think most, if not all, definitions are drawn from the ones compiled in this file.
    Small_Groups.pdf (

    I'm interested to see what people think.
    That test is cool.
    I got ILI with alpha quadra and 0 Fe.

    The overall results of this test make me a sort of introverted mix between ILI and ILE, and also point out a few things I found unrelatable about ILI typings, and a few quirks I have.
    ILI's the best fit, but it's also a pretty bad one.
    Strongest to weakest functions: Ni = Ne > Si = Ti > Te > Se = Fi > Fe

  15. #335
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    Found this website from the Socionics subreddit.

    Socionics Type and Cognitive Functions Test (

    There's actually two tests and two tools used to compared types. A lot of it is based on Small Groups, but it also measures the Information Elements as well.
    After you've gotten your results, you can hover your cursor over the little icons beside the terms to see what exactly they mean. Note that some terms don't have all their definitions elaborated on yet.

    I think most, if not all, definitions are drawn from the ones compiled in this file.
    Small_Groups.pdf (

    I'm interested to see what people think.
    Thanks for the link ! I got LII-C ( I always got LII or EII but I think that none of those two best fit me).


    Results :
    Last edited by godslave; 08-24-2022 at 06:34 PM.

  16. #336
    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    The most recent test in this thread gave me the following results:

    Ni = Fi > Fe > Ti > Si > Te > Ne > Se

    More detailed link:

  17. #337
    WARNING : DANGER ZONE !!! Biscuit's Avatar
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    Found this website from the Socionics subreddit.

    Socionics Type and Cognitive Functions Test (
    I got Delta ST

    gonna do it again since I have nothing to do now
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  18. #338
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    Ok, after 2 years away from this board... a new test.

    I got ILE... and according to the test I'm kinda a weird NT-NF hybrid. Not far from previous tests I did. But I guess my Te is better and my Fi worse that the test shows.

    Ne > Ni > Ti > Si = Fi > Fe > Te > Se

  19. #339
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    I'm guessing the creator of this last test doesn't understand Se, especially gamma Se, due to the nature of the related questions. So they are probably LII.

    Edit: Te neither.

  20. #340
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    I'm an IEI male so I always have cramps.

  21. #341

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    Found this website from the Socionics subreddit.

    Socionics Type and Cognitive Functions Test (

    There's actually two tests and two tools used to compared types. A lot of it is based on Small Groups, but it also measures the Information Elements as well.
    After you've gotten your results, you can hover your cursor over the little icons beside the terms to see what exactly they mean. Note that some terms don't have all their definitions elaborated on yet.

    I think most, if not all, definitions are drawn from the ones compiled in this file.
    Small_Groups.pdf (

    I'm interested to see what people think.
    I got SEE in both which is correct

  22. #342
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    I tried test and I got LSI-2Ti.

    It matched my self-typing, but I don't get what -2Ti means. I wasn't able to find anything online about it.
    Can someone explain this?

  23. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    I tried test and I got LSI-2Ti.

    It matched my self-typing, but I don't get what -2Ti means. I wasn't able to find anything online about it.
    Can someone explain this?
    It depends on whether you're doing the extended test or the original test

    In the extended one it means how powerful are your Subtype functions ( ex : leading subtype has : enhanced leading and mobilizing etc )

    In the original one it means how much do you relate to your Subtype's description compared to the other subtype's description
    Last edited by Biscuit; 09-16-2022 at 06:06 PM.

  24. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    I tried test and I got LSI-2Ti.

    It matched my self-typing, but I don't get what -2Ti means. I wasn't able to find anything online about it.
    Can someone explain this?
    @Mairon, it means that your Ti function is extremely strong compared to the average LSI.

    It's not "negative 2Ti", but rather "dash 2Ti".

  25. #345
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    Ninverbal test: Type: Robespierre, SuperegoSubtype: Don Quixote , Id
    Profile: Static
    The logical intuitive introvert (INTJ). The Analyst. LII are often perfectionists, see the world as a single structured system, where all the elements are logically interconnected. People of this type strain after order and logic in their own mind and around them. LII are able to pay attention to details and work accurately. They have very stiff principles and ideas of justice. These are based on their logic and therefore on the idea of fairness, but not on the moral rules of the society or family. They are ready to defend their principles and will not walk past something they see as injustice. LII put their principles higher than their own interests or interests of their family and the close ones. The Analysts are able to see multiple potential outcomes and are seeking knowledge in wide spectrum of topics. They prefer abstract theories and are a lot less interested in their practical implementation.
    Don Quixote
    The intuitive logical extravert (ILE). The Innovator. ILE are interested in a big picture and tend to generalize information, omitting the details they deem unimportant. They are typically quick learners and full of ideas (creative, scientific etc). They are able to see the potential of ideas and projects and see several possible solutions to a task with the idea in mind that at least one solution will eventually work out. They are also able to find a creative approach to problem solving, invent a completely new method or concept. They are good at explaining things in many different ways but their thought can be scattered as they jump from one point to another in their explanations ignoring the fact that the others may be overwhelmed and find it hard to follow their line of thought.

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    Test by Ivan Romanov, 40 questions

  27. #347
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Test by Ivan Romanov, 40 questions
    S = 16 [the reliability of the result. The optimal value is S>17, with S<10 the result is not very reliable]
    Lead type - SLE
    Type profile (types sorted in descending order of contribution to personality):
    SLE = 1.64, LSE = 1.57, LIE = 0.96, SEE = 0.91, LSI = 0.71, SLI = 0.7, ILE = 0.16, ESI = 0.08,
    LII = -0.13, ILI = -0.19, EIE = -0.53, ESE = -0.66, IEE = -0.81, SEI = -1.17, IEI = -1.34, EII = -1.87

    Values of socionic features:
    calculation = 0.68, sense = 0.47, extraversion = 0.4, rivalness = 0.28, separatness = 0.18,
    specialisation = 0.17, hopefulness = 0.09, will = 0.08, symbolism = 0.06, discontent = 0.05,
    simplification = 0.05, control = 0.01, fielddependence = 0.01, paternalism = 0.01, naivety = 0

    Values of socionic functions:
    calculation of profit («Te») = 2.86, sense of domination («Se») = 2.71, calculation of laws («Ti») = 1.23,
    separation of exclusive = 0.87, separation of independence = 0.19, sense of homeostasis («Si») = 0.07,
    acceptance of collaboration = -0.23, acceptance of subordination = -0.82, imagination of metamorphosis («Ni») = -1.09,
    imagination of alternatives («Ne») = -1.78, suggestion of relationships («Fi») = -1.83, suggestion of synchrony («Fe») = -2.18

    Quadra values:
    Gamma (capitalistic) = 0.44, Beta (hierarchical) = 0.12, Delta (moderate) = -0.1, Alfa (natural) = -0.45

  28. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    calculation of profit («Te») = 2.86, sense of domination («Se») = 2.71, calculation of laws («Ti») = 1.23 [...], sense of homeostasis («Si») = 0.07
    This test is accented on e/i functional variants. Also I notice additional heresy, what is better to ignore.

    Meaningfully above 0 are: Te, Se, Ti.
    This can be interpreted that T is above S, - J type.
    That by values you are closer to Ti+Se (3.94) than Te+Si (2.93).
    Leading type is said with Ti+Se.

    In short: beta T > delta T.

  29. #349
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    S = 13 [the reliability of the result. The optimal value is S>17, with S<10 the result is not very reliable]
    Lead type - LII
    Type profile (types sorted in descending order of contribution to personality):
    LII = 1.9, EII = 1.41, ESI = 0.89, ILE = 0.58, IEI = 0.47, SLI = 0.18, LSE = 0.06, SEI = 0.02,
    EIE = -0.06, ILI = -0.08, LIE = -0.22, ESE = -0.3, IEE = -0.33, LSI = -0.41, SEE = -1.86, SLE = -2.27

    Values of socionic features:
    introversion = 0.55, imagination = 0.46, peacefulness = 0.44, control = 0.41, separatness = 0.27,
    naivety = 0.12, liberalism = 0.12, ornamentalism = 0.11, fielddependence = 0.08, depression = 0.05,
    simplification = 0.04, suggestion = 0.03, discontent = 0.02, adaptation = 0.01, specialisation = 0.01

    Values of socionic functions:
    separation of independence = 1.7, imagination of alternatives («Ne») = 1.53, suggestion of relationships («Fi») = 1.27,
    calculation of laws («Ti») = 1.04, suggestion of synchrony («Fe») = 0.15, calculation of profit («Te») = 0.01,
    imagination of metamorphosis («Ni») = -0.01, separation of exclusive = -0.08, sense of homeostasis («Si») = -0.11,
    acceptance of subordination = -0.63, acceptance of collaboration = -1, sense of domination («Se») = -3.88

    Quadra values:
    Alfa (natural) = 0.55, Delta (moderate) = 0.33, Gamma (capitalistic) = -0.32, Beta (hierarchical) = -0.57

    interesting... some of the translations felt off, but I consulted chatGPT to help me lol

    the functions however seem to be Ne>Fi>Ti>Fe here

  30. #350
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Test by Ivan Romanov, 40 questions
    S = 13 [the reliability of the result. The optimal value is S>17, with S<10 the result is not very reliable]
    Lead type - LII
    Type profile (types sorted in descending order of contribution to personality):
    LII = 1.5, EII = 1.19, SLI = 1.07, ILE = 0.68, IEI = 0.67, SEI = 0.49, ESI = 0.36, IEE = 0.35,
    ILI = 0.31, LSE = -0.1, ESE = -0.45, EIE = -0.54, LIE = -0.66, SEE = -1.19, LSI = -1.32, SLE = -2.36

    Values of socionic features:
    peacefulness = 0.59, introversion = 0.53, imagination = 0.44, separatness = 0.31, specialisation = 0.17,
    liberalism = 0.13, suggestion = 0.11, adaptation = 0.1, ornamentalism = 0.06, simplification = 0.06,
    fielddependence = 0.05, naivety = 0.03, depression = 0.03, spontaneity = 0, discontent = 0

    Values of socionic functions:
    imagination of alternatives («Ne») = 2.46, separation of independence = 1.75, suggestion of relationships («Fi») = 1.26,
    sense of homeostasis («Si») = 1.09, imagination of metamorphosis («Ni») = 0.18, separation of exclusive = 0.1,
    calculation of profit («Te») = -0.27, calculation of laws («Ti») = -0.4, suggestion of synchrony («Fe») = -0.61,
    acceptance of subordination = -0.88, acceptance of collaboration = -0.97, sense of domination («Se») = -3.72

    Quadra values:
    Delta (moderate) = 0.63, Alfa (natural) = 0.55, Gamma (capitalistic) = -0.29, Beta (hierarchical) = -0.89

  31. #351
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    imagination of alternatives («Ne») = 2.46, separation of independence = 1.75, suggestion of relationships («Fi») = 1.26, sense of homeostasis («Si») = 1.09
    Ne + Fi
    if to exclude S types
    against base T are both T below 0

    INF* would fit
    where EII > IEI by the result. by functions and overal "LII"

  32. #352
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    S = 12 [the reliability of the result. The optimal value is S>17, with S<10 the result is not very reliable]
    Lead type - ILE
    Type profile (types sorted in descending order of contribution to personality):
    ILE = 2.13, IEE = 0.92, LII = 0.92, EII = 0.92, EIE = 0.84, IEI = 0.65, ESE = 0.28, SEI = 0.05,
    ILI = -0.45, SEE = -0.46, ESI = -0.49, LIE = -0.51, SLI = -0.55, LSE = -0.89, SLE = -1.53, LSI = -1.83

    Values of socionic features:
    imagination = 0.68, peacefulness = 0.47, suggestion = 0.34, separatness = 0.27, universalisation = 0.19,
    liberalism = 0.18, depression = 0.14, extraversion = 0.1, spontaneity = 0.1, contentment = 0.08,
    will = 0.07, fielddependence = 0.07, naivety = 0.04, ornamentalism = 0.04, complication = 0.04

    Values of socionic functions:
    imagination of alternatives («Ne») = 3.77, suggestion of synchrony («Fe») = 1.47, separation of independence = 1.33,
    imagination of metamorphosis («Ni») = 0.58, separation of exclusive = 0.28, suggestion of relationships («Fi») = 0.28,
    acceptance of collaboration = -0.22, calculation of laws («Ti») = -0.62, sense of homeostasis («Si») = -0.64,
    acceptance of subordination = -1.38, calculation of profit («Te») = -1.7, sense of domination («Se») = -3.14

    Quadra values:
    Alfa (natural) = 0.85, Delta (moderate) = 0.1, Beta (hierarchical) = -0.47, Gamma (capitalistic) = -0.48

    Probably no surprise

    I was hoping for IEE .... cool type

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  33. #353
    100% discount theum nathair's Avatar
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    Test by Ivan Romanov, 40 questions
    I’ll share some thoughts on the translations which were unclear to say the least

    On balance, I chose 'refined' lol

    On balance, I took [B] above to mean 'heartfelt'

    Alas, even in cases of clear phrasing I’ve found some questions difficult to answer...

    here's my result anyway

    • ILI -- close second
    • quadra values -- clearly gamma
    • strong functions -- Ti and Ni (expected in INTx) and Te (expected more in ILI-- ignoring function is the only strong function which 'appears weak')
    • substantially weaker Ne cf the other three (Ni, Ti, Te) -- points to Ne ignoring. Imagine your base function being 8.4 times stronger than creative. Seems a mockery of Model A tbh
    • at first I took this test quickly without considering much what the unclear translations might mean. I went back to the beginning to screenshot what I thought was a particularly charged phrase, and realised I'd answered wrongly. Well, I only changed a few things I think, only 'symbolism' and 'universalisation' were high in 'values of socionic features' in my original result. Haven't got proof but I'm sure that's what they were. Neither appear in the more deliberated list though
    • In the end, I clicked 'unknown/doubt' for at least 20% of the answers, and yet this result is 'high confidence' (the S value in the first was I think 14) --questionable scoring

  34. #354
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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post

    Values of socionic features:
    introversion = 0.55, imagination = 0.46, peacefulness = 0.44, control = 0.41, separatness = 0.27,
    naivety = 0.12, liberalism = 0.12, ornamentalism = 0.11, fielddependence = 0.08, depression = 0.05,
    simplification = 0.04, suggestion = 0.03, discontent = 0.02, adaptation = 0.01, specialisation = 0.01

    top features (interesting to read through)
    b [интуит/сенсорик = "intuitive/sensor"]: imagination - sense, abstractness - concreteness, mentality - physicality. Imagination pole differs in wider perception filters (which allow more signals to pass through - both allowing to detect something useful or dangerous in advance, but also containing more errors of perception), and the sense pole - narrower perception filters (which allowing to better control movements of body and identify habitual signals environment). The extreme form of manifestation of the imagination pole is schizotypal personality disorderlink.

    x [экстраверт/интроверт = "extravert/introvert"]: extraversion - introversion, energy excess - energy lack (hyperthymia - dysthymia), initiative - waiting for someone else's initiative, love of risk - risk-aversion, sociability - seclusion, more quantity in work - more quality in work. The extraversion pole is characterized by predominance of the excitation reaction in higher nervous activity, and introversion pole - of the inhibition reaction.

    ac [рассудительный/решительный = "judicious/decisive"]: peacefulness - rivalness, altruism - selfishness, kindness - evil intent, giving away - usurpation, relaxation - escalation, care - parasitism. The rivalness pole is characterized by a higher level of endorphin release in response to stress, which in some cases can lead to a special search and provocation for stress factors (endorphins addiction)link. Rivalness pole a correlates with traits of the dark triad (machiavellianismlink, antisocial psychopathylink, narcissismlink).

    abcx [иррационал/рационал = "irrational/rational"]: perception - judgment, spontaneity - control, improvisation - planning, free style - self-discipline. The control pole is characterized by higher activity of the frontal lobes of the neocortex, and spontaneity pole, on the contrary, by a deficit of frontal neocortical activity (which can be caused by a variety of reasons)link. The extreme form of manifestation of the control pole is anankast (obsessive–compulsive) personality disorderlink.

    c [квестим/деклатим = "asker/declarer"]: separatness - acceptance (of unity): divergention - convergention, irritation - patience, disgust - indiscrimination, distancing from someone else's - accepting someone else's, creation of the original - competition of copies, personal uniqueness - mainstream (unity of commoners). Belonging to the separateness pole is associated with a narrower area of the personally permissible (such that everything that falls outside the boundaries of this area is rejected). Probably, acceptance pole is largely characterized by increased vasopressin activity in the central nervous systemlink.

    This last one sounds a lot like enneagram 4

  35. #355
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    S = 16 [the reliability of the result. The optimal value is S>17, with S<10 the result is not very reliable]
    Lead type - EII
    Type profile (types sorted in descending order of contribution to personality):
    EII = 1.44, EIE = 1.41, ILE = 1.25, LII = 1.12, IEI = 0.8, IEE = 0.6, ESE = 0.13, SEI = 0.1,
    ILI = -0.08, ESI = -0.13, SEE = -0.67, LIE = -0.79, LSE = -1.04, LSI = -1.17, SLI = -1.26, SLE = -1.73

    Values of socionic features:
    imagination = 0.72, suggestion = 0.46, peacefulness = 0.29, universalisation = 0.24, separatness = 0.19,
    complication = 0.16, depression = 0.13, control = 0.12, liberalism = 0.12, introversion = 0.1,
    will = 0.09, ornamentalism = 0.05, discontent = 0.03, sophistication = 0.01, fielddependence = 0

    Values of socionic functions:
    imagination of alternatives («Ne») = 2.84, suggestion of synchrony («Fe») = 2.09, separation of independence = 1.11,
    imagination of metamorphosis («Ni») = 1.11, suggestion of relationships («Fi») = 1.04, separation of exclusive = 0.02,
    calculation of laws («Ti») = -0.28, acceptance of collaboration = -0.4, acceptance of subordination = -0.72,
    sense of homeostasis («Si») = -1.45, calculation of profit («Te») = -2.11, sense of domination («Se») = -3.23

    Quadra values:
    Alfa (natural) = 0.65, Delta (moderate) = -0.06, Beta (hierarchical) = -0.17, Gamma (capitalistic) = -0.41
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
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  36. #356

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Test by Ivan Romanov, 40 questions
    I'm getting IEI again, lol. And ILE for my 2nd most possible type also doesn't seemed very accurate, I don't think I'm that good at using Ti for it to be my creative, although I'm good at using Ne (and also Ni). Example of weak Ti in me, I used to struggle a lot with math/science/geography back during my school days, although I'm good at languages/writing/art etc. Geography is my worst subject in school, I actually flunked the entire subject, at least I managed to pass with a Credit for my Math and Science.
    Also, I used to have a teacher who told me that I would make a good writer someday. It's one of the reasons I've been considering IEI for my type, I’ve always had a good imagination.

    S = 7 [the reliability of the result. The optimal value is S>17, with S<10 the result is not very reliable]
    Lead type - IEI
    Type profile (types sorted in descending order of contribution to personality):
    IEI = 1.34, ILE = 1.31, LII = 1.18, EII = 1.03, IEE = 1.02, SEI = 0.81, EIE = 0.58, ESE = -0.12,
    ESI = -0.33, ILI = -0.48, SEE = -0.58, LIE = -0.59, SLI = -0.82, LSI = -1.39, SLE = -1.4, LSE = -1.55

    Values of socionic features:
    imagination = 0.67, suggestion = 0.47, peacefulness = 0.36, universalisation = 0.29, introversion = 0.17,
    liberalism = 0.15, spontaneity = 0.15, separatness = 0.14, will = 0.1, naivety = 0.08,
    fielddependence = 0.07, simplification = 0.03, hopefulness = 0.03, symbolism = 0.03, contentment = 0.02

    Values of socionic functions:
    imagination of alternatives («Ne») = 3.25, suggestion of synchrony («Fe») = 1.77, imagination of metamorphosis («Ni») = 1.23,
    separation of independence = 1.15, suggestion of relationships («Fi») = 0.59, acceptance of collaboration = -0.25,
    separation of exclusive = -0.3, calculation of laws («Ti») = -0.49, acceptance of subordination = -0.6,
    sense of homeostasis («Si») = -0.66, calculation of profit («Te») = -2.76, sense of domination («Se») = -2.93

    Quadra values:
    Alfa (natural) = 0.79, Delta (moderate) = -0.08, Beta (hierarchical) = -0.22, Gamma (capitalistic) = -0.49
    Last edited by Ruby13357; 11-07-2023 at 08:20 AM.

  37. #357
    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    Most recent test gave me the following results:


    S = 19 [the reliability of the result. The optimal value is S>17, with S<10 the result is not very reliable]

    Lead type - EII

    Type profile (types sorted in descending order of contribution to personality):
    EII = 1.67, LII = 1.65, ILI = 0.99, IEI = 0.72, ILE = 0.54, ESI = 0.34, EIE = 0.28, SLI = 0.16,
    SEI = 0.08, LSI = -0.23, IEE = -0.37, LIE = -0.45, ESE = -0.87, LSE = -0.9, SEE = -1.65, SLE = -1.94

    Values of socionic features:
    introversion = 0.67, imagination = 0.63, peacefulness = 0.24, control = 0.19, depression = 0.14,
    separatness = 0.14, complication = 0.1, liberalism = 0.08, fielddependence = 0.04, universalisation = 0.03,
    ornamentalism = 0.03, suggestion = 0.02, discontent = 0.01, naivety = 0.01, will = 0

    Values of socionic functions:
    imagination of alternatives («Ne») = 1.66, imagination of metamorphosis («Ni») = 1.55, separation of independence = 1.33,
    calculation of laws («Ti») = 0.96, suggestion of relationships («Fi») = 0.94, acceptance of subordination = 0.02,
    suggestion of synchrony («Fe») = -0.24, separation of exclusive = -0.48, calculation of profit («Te») = -0.55,
    sense of homeostasis («Si») = -0.76, acceptance of collaboration = -0.87, sense of domination («Se») = -3.56

    Quadra values:
    Alfa (natural) = 0.35, Delta (moderate) = 0.14, Gamma (capitalistic) = -0.19, Beta (hierarchical) = -0.29
    Not a very good test. I strongly devalue Si to the point that it qualifies as a possible PoLR, which means that no Si-valuing type is conceivable.

  38. #358
    You mustn't think thought control Distance's Avatar
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    I've retaken the test and i can't alter 4 times.
    I thought i wasn't sure on strength of choices or entered in not sure for some others in a trade and it is consistent.

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  39. #359
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    S = 14 [the reliability of the result. The optimal value is S>17, with S<10 the result is not very reliable]
    Lead type - LII
    Type profile (types sorted in descending order of contribution to personality):
    LII = 1.75, EII = 1.52, ILE = 0.81, IEI = 0.54, ESI = 0.47, SEI = 0.36, IEE = 0.28, SLI = 0.04,
    ILI = 0, ESE = -0.12, LIE = -0.22, EIE = -0.26, LSE = -0.38, LSI = -0.89, SEE = -1.4, SLE = -2.5

    Values of socionic features:
    imagination = 0.55, peacefulness = 0.53, introversion = 0.47, control = 0.23, liberalism = 0.21,
    separatness = 0.2, suggestion = 0.17, ornamentalism = 0.09, naivety = 0.08, fielddependence = 0.07,
    specialisation = 0.04, contentment = 0.04, simplification = 0.03, hopefulness = 0.01, will = 0

    Values of socionic functions:
    imagination of alternatives («Ne») = 2.43, separation of independence = 1.69, suggestion of relationships («Fi») = 1.46,
    suggestion of synchrony («Fe») = 0.27, calculation of laws («Ti») = 0.2, imagination of metamorphosis («Ni») = 0.18,
    sense of homeostasis («Si») = 0.05, acceptance of collaboration = -0.44, separation of exclusive = -0.51,
    calculation of profit («Te») = -0.52, acceptance of subordination = -0.73, sense of domination («Se») = -4.07

    Quadra values:
    Alfa (natural) = 0.7, Delta (moderate) = 0.36, Gamma (capitalistic) = -0.29, Beta (hierarchical) = -0.78

    yet again thinks my leading functions are Ne and Fi but type lii haha

    anyways it’s hard for me to answer things all that differently even if I retake

  40. #360
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    This test is bullshit
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

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