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Thread: Socionics Tests

  1. #121
    Haikus Pink's Avatar
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    It was also pretty obvious which photos were sensor vs intuition.. I myself enjoy a beautiful shot of food but the ones on the test weren't that eye catching. (Great concept, and great test though!)

  2. #122
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    It took me four tries to finally get a result on the nonverbal test.

    Type: Yesenin, Superid
    Subtype: Huxley, Id
    Profile: Irrational

    69% - Dynamics 31% - Statics
    45% - Extraversion 55% - Introversion
    23% - Rationality 77% - Irrationality

    50% - Logic 50% - Ethics
    17% - Sensing 83% Intuition

    Charts domination TPE
    34% - Superid 26% - Id 23% - Ego 18% - Superego

    I'm about 99% sure I'm an LII. TPE subtype most likely ILE or ILI.

    Anyone else getting weird results on this?

    Pattern test:
    Superid > ID > Superego > Ego
    Irrational profile

    Hmmmm. Some of those patterns were rather hard to see and several looked basically alike with one teeny tiny change. So I can't say it's very accurate.

    Associative test:

    I guess I'm more irrational than rational in my artistic preferences. If it's too symmetrical or orderly, it's more likely to boring.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  3. #123


    3 times no result. 4th time LSI (with SLI). 5th time LII (with LIE).

    Тип: Maxim Gorky, Superego
    Подтип: Gabin, Superid
    Профиль: Introverted

    Maxim Gorky
    The logical sensing introvert (LSI). The Inspector. LSI are very responsible people, often workaholics, which stick to their commitments. At the same time they can be forceful and stiff individuals, who defend their opinions and positions stubbornly, reserving to the aggression if needed. They are very good at analysing and structuring information with great attention to details. Their opinions normally are very well-formulated and lack any ambiguity. Although they can make an impression of calm and reserved individuals, LSI can be moody and quick-tempered. At the same time they tend to be very gentle and protective of the close ones. LSI tend to force their decisions on others, but also take the full responsibility for their decisions and actions. They dislike people who can't express their thoughts in a more or less structured way, jump from topic to topic or misuse the terms. LSI do not like to discuss their natural abilities as they may be not sure about their hidden potential themselves. They are careful in the interpersonal relationships, suspicious and try to avoid unnecessary confrontation. They do not like to waste their time or to be late. The time is very important to them and they may often look at the clock or watches. LSI tend to save resources, to avoid the financial risks and generally can be satisfied with little possessions.

    The sensing logical introvert (SLI). The Artisan. SLI are very attuned to the bodily sensations and of the space around them. They work often with their hands — it can be do-it-yourself skills, cooking, gardening, fishing etc. SLI love nature and feel a strong connection to it, love to be outside in a peaceful happy place. SLI like their possessions, often have collections of material objects like knifes, wine and etc. They have good understanding of the material objects: what are they good for and how to use them. SLI are interested in minimizing the uncomfortable physical experiences. They can describe in detail the pain in the body but prefer not to talk about it and to keep themselves to themselves. They have a remarkable sense of humour and can ease the emotional atmosphere around them. SLI tend switch easily the topic of conversation and start talking about things without any obvious connection with the previous topic. That might be a comment on the uncomfortable clothes or bad posture etc., which will then be followed by a practical advice on how to improve the situation.

    4th time

    47% - Dynamics
    53% - Statics
    35% - Extraversion
    65% - Introversion
    59% - Rationality
    41% - Irrationality

    56% - Logics
    44% - Ethics
    53% - Sensing
    47% - Intuition

    29% - Superego
    25% - Superid
    24% - Ego
    22% - Id

    5th time

    47% - Dynamics
    53% - Statics
    44% - Extraversion
    56% - Introversion
    63% - Rationality
    38% - Irrationality

    67% - Logics
    33% - Ethics
    47% - Sensing
    53% - Intuition

    29% - Superego
    26% - Ego
    23% - Superid
    22% - Id

  4. #124
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    Thank you very much to all for the detailed feedback. I especially thank those who like Bluebird showed the results of all tests. All your responses are importna to me and I coolect them on the forum.,654.
    I opened a separate topic to compare results for all or a few of my tests.,657.0.html

    I have corrected yesterday the English version - it is now 88 questions and there was a mistake in the coding system which may have affected some of the results and was the reason behind "hard to get results".

    I have questions and comments.
    McBain do you remember what was the subtype or a profile?
    Nevra, I do not see our type in the avatar but I assume that you are either LSI or LII, right?

    LIIbrarian strange result. Irrationality is very strong. Could it be that you irrational type instead? Different test give the consistent result. I would suggest you to show you preferences in art and music and films - on my forum. I am not going to type you in depth but don't mind to have a look. No rush, as I ma very busy now tests.,7.0.html
    Narc, you wrote: "I took the test twice, both times got ILI (first time, I had ILE subtype, second time I had LII subtype). " It looks like ILI is your subtype if you are 100% sure that you are an LIE. I usually analyse the results of the test like this: irrationality plus introversion = dynamics. Just on the basis of these results I would check out ILI type for you - this is how I would think.
    School of Associative socionics:

  5. #125
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    Foundation I hope I have corrected the test and the results will be now in full for all types. Looking at your subtype and Superid type as the leading there must be there ILI type for you. Dynamic ILI.
    Mega, how do you self- type? ILI or SLI?
    Pink SEI/IEE - this sounds like a joke for a self- typing. Are you in doubt about your type or you are pretty sure? If yes then what is your type?
    School of Associative socionics:

  6. #126
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    @Olga I did the test again and I liked several of the new images you added. Maybe other parts of my brain are activated while viewing art. Art actually helps me see things from a clearer perspective, in some ways. Like I can see very clear artistic images when I close my eyes. One other thing that occured to me is that I have strong influence from an ILI. We knew each other since we were very young and he had an excellent eye for art. We would spend weekends visiting art galleries, museums, and the ballet, where he would explain his interpretation of art pieces and dance. I think this plays a big part in what I find appealing and what I find unappealing. I have books on just about every style and have developed an appreciation for many styles but a few in particular are very triggering of my memories.

    These are my results.


    The Result
    Type: Balzac, Superid
    Subtype: Jack London, Ego
    Profile: Dynamic

    The intuitive logical introvert (ILI). The Critic. ILI have the Ability to abstract and Philosophical Thinking, Noticing contradictions in Conclusions and Pointing Them to others (Critics). There is always logical reasoning behind their conclusions. ILI are able to see the ways to get the profit, often they do not take the opportunity. They are naturally sceptical and can pour the cold water on someone whom they believe to be overenthusiastic. ILI are often sceptical about themselves and their own potential too. They appear to be shy, reserved and unenthusiastic.

    Jack London
    The logical intuitive extravert (LIE). The Entrepreneur. LIE are the Best at hands on tasks, Perceive the World as full of Possibilities for Profit. They know how to solve a problem in the most efficient way, how to use the resources and take into account luck, coincidences and trends. LIE quickly adapt to changes and might switch from one occupation to another if they feel the previous position has exhausted all possibilities. They like to see real-life implementations of their projects and are not interested in completely abstract theories. LIE prefer to earn more rather than to spend less and are happy to spend big sums of money on their life-style and hobbies. They prefer big tasks and work on impulse rather than to do a routine work and might lack attention to the details. The Entrepreneurs are charismatic, well organized, have the foresight, think about the consequences of their actions and avoid unnecessary risk.

    Distribution graphs signs
    93% - Dynamics
    7% - Statics

    13% - Extraversion
    87% - Introversion

    36% - Rationality
    64% - Irrationality

    71% - Logics
    29% - Ethics

    32% - Sensing
    68% - Intuition

    Charts domination TPE
    41% - Superid
    24% - Ego
    22% - Superego
    14% - Id


    Тип: Balzac, Superid
    Подтип: Robespierre, Superego
    Профиль: Introverted

    The intuitive logical introvert (ILI). The Critic. ILI have the ability to abstract and philosophical thinking, noticing contradictions in conclusions and pointing them to others (critics). There is always logical reasoning behind their conclusions. ILI are able to see the ways to get the profit, often they do not take the opportunity. They are naturally sceptical and can pour the cold water on someone whom they believe to be overenthusiastic. ILI are often sceptical about themselves and their own potential too. They appear to be shy, reserved and unenthusiastic.

    The logical intuitive introvert (INTJ). The Analyst. LII are often perfectionists, see the world as a single structured system, where all the elements are logically interconnected. People of this type strain after order and logic in their own mind and around them. LII are able to pay attention to details and work accurately. They have very stiff principles and ideas of justice. These are based on their logic and therefore on the idea of fairness, but not on the moral rules of the society or family. They are ready to defend their principles and will not walk past something they see as injustice. LII put their principles higher than their own interests or interests of their family and the close ones. The Analysts are able to see multiple potential outcomes and are seeking knowledge in wide spectrum of topics. They prefer abstract theories and are a lot less interested in their practical implementation.

    Графики распределения признаков
    75% - Dynamics
    25% - Statics

    13% - Extraversion
    88% - Introversion

    31% - Rationality
    69% - Irrationality

    73% - Logics
    27% - Ethics

    27% - Sensing
    73% - Intuition

    Графики доминации ТПЭ
    39% - Superid
    24% - Superego
    20% - Ego
    17% - Id

    I did it before going to sleep last night then I did it again when I woke. I can't imagine that I will get an IEI result because my preferences have clearly been influenced, and broadened, by someone I respected. Just thought I should share that.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  7. #127
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    The test seems to be off here by 1.

    This forum is turning me ILI.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  8. #128
    Infinity Persephone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    The test seems to be off here by 1.

    This forum is turning me ILI.
    It's still better than 8%

  9. #129


    @Olga I'm sure about IJ. ESI or EII. Not LII, LSI.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 07-12-2015 at 10:53 AM.

  10. #130
    Olga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pink View Post
    A joke for a self-typing? Why do you think so?

    I have settled with SEI-Fe for myself, but occasionally people here will type me as IEE or Beta NF.
    Because these are very different types. Subtypes must be the types with the most resemblance with the actual type. But from your explanation I understand that you base it on people's opinion about your type.
    If you are SEI - Fe it means ethical subtype within your small group - IP or Superid group in my terms. In this case the most resemblance will be with IEI and this would be our subtype within Superid group.
    It also means that your TPE subtype could be any of this two - ESE ( Ego) and ESI (Superego). Because these types have ethics as a programme function.

    If people suggest that you may be IEE then they mean Id and SEE subtype. Then it would be irrational subtype for SEI.
    Alternatively, you can be not SEI but IEI with subtype IEE. This would more sense.
    I have described the logic behind the resemblance of types in the two articles about subtypes. It is not type or subtype description but instruction on how to conclude about the subtypes on the basis of greater similarity with the type. this is the short version.
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  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nevra View Post
    @Olga. I'm sure about IJ. LSI, ESI, EII (maybe). Not LII.
    Nevra, if you are not sure about your type I would suggest for you to do all my tests and post results here. I may be able to help you just by analysing the results of the tests. You can also try the Russian version of SNT which is slightly different in pictures.
    And I corrected the English version too. A few people liked the new version better than the previous one.

    I would suggest to skip a lot of pictures and take only the once you really like. You also can experiment with the test choosing slightly different pictures each time.
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  12. #132
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    1st I got ILE with LII subtype
    then I got ILI with LII subtype
    3rd I got IEI with IEE subtype
    now, when I tried to choose the ones I really liked the test wasn't able to say . I'll do that one more time though. It's quite interesting.

  13. #133
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olga View Post
    LIIbrarian strange result. Irrationality is very strong. Could it be that you irrational type instead? Different test give the consistent result. I would suggest you to show you preferences in art and music and films - on my forum. I am not going to type you in depth but don't mind to have a look. No rush, as I ma very busy now tests.
    I just redid the test, and now I get this result:

    Type: Don Quixote , Id
    Subtype: Balzac, Superid
    Profile: Irrational

    Dynamics 64% Statics 36%
    Extraversion 67% Introversion 33%
    Rationality 24% Irrationality 76%

    Logics 53% Ethics 47%
    Sensing 18% Intuition 82%

    30% Id 29% Superid 25% Ego 15% Superego

    It's a little closer to my self-typing. I don't know why I always get high irrationality. I think because a picture that looks too ordered and symmetrical is more 'boring' looking somehow?

    Also, I happen to like brighter colors so I get points for extraversion I guess.

    Also, the pictures classified under superego seemed more boring and mundane. I didn't dislike them but they didn't grab my attention either like some of them did.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  14. #134
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    Hi Ver, lets consider your PD profiles first. You have static, irrational and introverted profiles. This is the pattern and introversion does not fit. In fact it is very common that one dichotomy is off. This is what makes difficult to type people. However, if we could have had charts we would be able to compare what is stronger. What I can suggest at the moment that two subtypes are possible for you - static IEE and then EII as a subtype and not LII. Or irrational irrational IEE and then IEI as a subtype. I see that you extroversion and introversion is balanced. This means that the other two dichotomies to be more precise one of them must be disbalanced. this means that you have either more irrationality or statics.
    Please, try Russian version of the test.
    School of Associative socionics:

  15. #135
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    Librarian, you are absolutely right that you subtype must be irrational ILE or ILI because this what you get in the results as strong. It does not fit to the pattern but it is common that something does not fit. This also means that two other traits are borderline - balanced: extraversion- introversion and statics -dynamics. I would suggest you would choose one of the TPE subtypes and add it to your description in the signature. Another way to decide upon your PD -profile and subtype is to choose from PD descriptions. For ILI there is an option of three profiles:

    1. Introverted profile: Superego-Superid and Superid-Superego.
    The person who is characterised by this opposition is inclined to solitude, prefers a small circle of familiar people for socialising as well as for work and a well-known environment. Depending on what TPE is leading, the person balances his/her inner drives between responsibility for oneself and for others. The desire to think and to worry about himself/herself, the desire to protect the sensitive inner world from the destructive influences of the outside world with the need to protect and to care for other people as well as to allocate sufficient time and attention to their needs.

    2. Static profile: Superego – Id and Id – Superego.
    This opposition characterizes the person from the perspective of the dichotomy statics-dynamics. This person is balanced on the dichotomies of rationality-irrationality and introversion-extraversion. But the element of dynamics is not sufficiently expressed in the structure of personality, which is partly due to the stability of psycho-physical states, stability of mood and temperament. Depending on which TPE is leading, the person compromises between striving to enjoy life to the full and a strong sense of public duty and responsibility for other people.
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  16. #136
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pink View Post
    It was also pretty obvious which photos were sensor vs intuition.. I myself enjoy a beautiful shot of food but the ones on the test weren't that eye catching. (Great concept, and great test though!)
    I agree with Pink that that's not a great way to test sensing. Not only because a bunch of those food portraits were just ugly, but also because they might not appeal to those who prefer more dynamic images
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  17. #137
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    I agree with Pink that that's not a great way to test sensing. Not only because a bunch of those food portraits were just ugly, but also because they might not appeal to those who prefer more dynamic images
    I did the test a few more times and once scored higher on sensing (hmm 40%) and dynamics and my result was SEI but I don't think I chose any food pics. I should have posted the results right away but ended up closing the window. There were a couple of sets of images where I liked both about equally so I just chose the opposite of what I did the first time. I didn't look to see if there is a link on the site that clearly defines the categories of those particular images. It is probably best not to define them until the desired amount of results are achieved to see a pattern amongst test takers.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  18. #138
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    Yes, you are right and ideally I should have more more variety for sensing pictures. If you are sensors or if you believe you know what sensing pictures are - please, share! Somewhere I had the topic of discussion about Associative socionics training. It was called VAI. May be we can discuss pictures there? if you interested, of course.
    I am not going to reveal which picture means what because I am planning to do more tests. I did take them from the collections. If I need a sensing picture, I look at the collection of the person who was types as a sensor. Plus I need to be sure myself that this picture can be associated with sensing.
    It is nearly 80 people already who gave the results. It looks like the result often is close but not the hit.
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  19. #139
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    I tried the Russian version three Times and the test wasn't able to say . Olga where can I read about the subtypes system you are talking about?

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olga View Post
    Librarian, you are absolutely right that you subtype must be irrational ILE or ILI because this what you get in the results as strong. It does not fit to the pattern but it is common that something does not fit. This also means that two other traits are borderline - balanced: extraversion- introversion and statics -dynamics. I would suggest you would choose one of the TPE subtypes and add it to your description in the signature. Another way to decide upon your PD -profile and subtype is to choose from PD descriptions. For ILI there is an option of three profiles:

    1. Introverted profile: Superego-Superid and Superid-Superego.
    The person who is characterised by this opposition is inclined to solitude, prefers a small circle of familiar people for socialising as well as for work and a well-known environment. Depending on what TPE is leading, the person balances his/her inner drives between responsibility for oneself and for others. The desire to think and to worry about himself/herself, the desire to protect the sensitive inner world from the destructive influences of the outside world with the need to protect and to care for other people as well as to allocate sufficient time and attention to their needs.

    2. Static profile: Superego – Id and Id – Superego.
    This opposition characterizes the person from the perspective of the dichotomy statics-dynamics. This person is balanced on the dichotomies of rationality-irrationality and introversion-extraversion. But the element of dynamics is not sufficiently expressed in the structure of personality, which is partly due to the stability of psycho-physical states, stability of mood and temperament. Depending on which TPE is leading, the person compromises between striving to enjoy life to the full and a strong sense of public duty and responsibility for other people.
    Just out of curiousity, do you have the descriptions for the rational, dynamic, extraverted, and irrational profiles?

    I think of the two above descriptions introverted fits better than static. I never quite feel all that stable in my mood. It's quite changeable. I look calm and stable to others but on the inside, there's alot going on in there. I can relate to the part in the static profile though about compromising between enjoying life in full and fulfilling the sense of duty to other people.

    Also, do you think DCNH subtype usually correlates with TPE subtype or can they be different?

    I'm H subtype in DCNH, so wouldn't that correlate best with introverted profile or ILI subtype?

    I could be C subtype in DCNH too but I think H is more likely. I'm definitely not D subtype.

    I'm also guessing LII-C correlates to static profile and LII-D to rational profile?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  21. #141
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    Pattern test
    Rational profile || Ego - Superego – Id – Superid
    Several attempts over two days

    Associative test
    Logic Intuitive Extravert
    Done in english

    Nonverbal test
    Attempts over two days, each time increasingly strict and uncompromising. (i.e. clicking only what actually attracted to)

    #1 EIE/IEE Extraverted
    #2 ILE/LIE Extraverted
    #3 ILE/LIE Extraverted
    #4 ILE/LIE Extraverted
    #5 IEE/LIE Extraverted
    #6 IEE/LIE Extraverted


    Type: Hamlet , Ego
    Subtype: Huxley, Id
    Profile: Extraverted

    50% - Dynamics
    50% - Statics
    62% - Extraversion
    38% - Introversion
    55% - Rationality
    45% - Irrationality
    40% - Logics
    60% - Ethics
    44% - Sensing
    56% - Intuition
    TPE graphics domination
    28% - Ego
    26% - Id
    24% - Superego
    22% - Superid


    Type: Don Quixote , Id
    Subtype: Jack London , Ego
    Profile: Extraverted

    33% - Dynamics
    67% - Statics
    75% - Extraversion
    25% - Introversion
    43% - Rationality
    57% - Irrationality
    60% - Logics
    40% - Ethics
    25% - Sensing
    75% - Intuition
    TPE graphics domination
    33% - Id
    26% - Ego
    21% - Superego
    19% - Superid


    Type: Don Quixote , Id
    Subtype: Jack London , Ego
    Profile: Extraverted

    20% - Dynamics
    80% - Statics
    86% - Extraversion
    14% - Introversion
    50% - Rationality
    50% - Irrationality
    60% - Logics
    40% - Ethics
    29% - Sensing
    71% - Intuition
    TPE graphics domination
    36% - Id
    28% - Ego
    22% - Superego
    14% - Superid


    Type: Don Quixote , Id
    Subtype: Jack London , Ego
    Profile: Extraverted

    25% - Dynamics
    75% - Statics
    88% - Extraversion
    13% - Introversion
    40% - Rationality
    60% - Irrationality
    60% - Logics
    40% - Ethics
    29% - Sensing
    71% - Intuition
    TPE graphics domination
    38% - Id
    29% - Ego
    18% - Superego
    15% - Superid


    Type: Huxley, Id
    Subtype: Jack London , Ego
    Profile: Extraverted

    33% - Dynamics
    67% - Statics
    86% - Extraversion
    14% - Introversion
    43% - Rationality
    57% - Irrationality
    50% - Logics
    50% - Ethics
    29% - Sensing
    71% - Intuition
    TPE graphics domination
    35% - Id
    29% - Ego
    18% - Superego
    18% - Superid


    Type: Huxley, Id
    Subtype: Jack London , Ego
    Profile: Extraverted

    25% - Dynamics
    75% - Statics
    70% - Extraversion
    30% - Introversion
    43% - Rationality
    57% - Irrationality
    50% - Logics
    50% - Ethics
    29% - Sensing
    71% - Intuition
    TPE graphics domination
    33% - Id
    26% - Ego
    21% - Superego
    19% - Superid

    Selftype as ILI, at times considering IEI.
    The source was a multifactor test Dmitri Lytov was carrying on around 2006. It came with his comments and suggested ILI.
    I generally accepted that result. It was before learning would induce much bias. Self image and relationships seem to fit well, thus kept me convinced.

    It's very interesting to see a test on an entirely different approach to suggest diverging results!

    Once the types go engraved into your mind, verbal tests won't surprise you at face value anymore. Introspection wil lose its effectiveness and one is left to rely heavily on intertype relationships instead. A recent test. No matter how sincere my try, they will show the result I pretend.

    If worth as reference, took days in calm to answer this questionnaire so my traits would be reflected the best I could. I'll be thankful for any attempts to retype me.

    All things said... I'll be skeptical of results for now.

  22. #142
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    @Olga, retook the test and received ILI with LIE subtype, with nearly identical sliders to the previous results. Your fix worked.
    Have a different opinion on my type? Message me or tell me.

  23. #143
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    from that picture test

    Type: Balzac, Superid
    Subtype: Robespierre, Superego
    Profile: Introverted
    The intuitive logical introvert (ILI). The Critic. ILI have the ability to abstract and philosophical thinking, noticing contradictions in conclusions and pointing them to others (critics). There is always logical reasoning behind their conclusions. ILI are able to see the ways to get the profit, often they do not take the opportunity. They are naturally sceptical and can pour the cold water on someone whom they believe to be overenthusiastic. ILI are often sceptical about themselves and their own potential too. They appear to be shy, reserved and unenthusiastic.
    The logical intuitive introvert (INTJ). The Analyst. LII are often perfectionists, see the world as a single structured system, where all the elements are logically interconnected. People of this type strain after order and logic in their own mind and around them. LII are able to pay attention to details and work accurately. They have very stiff principles and ideas of justice. These are based on their logic and therefore on the idea of fairness, but not on the moral rules of the society or family. They are ready to defend their principles and will not walk past something they see as injustice. LII put their principles higher than their own interests or interests of their family and the close ones. The Analysts are able to see multiple potential outcomes and are seeking knowledge in wide spectrum of topics. They prefer abstract theories and are a lot less interested in their practical implementation.

    it says i'm 100% introverted.

  24. #144
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    so i tried only doing the ones that i "liked" -- which is hardly any. and it didn't come out with a result at all.

    then i tried being a bit more leniant, and now i've got completely different from the first time around:

    Type: Hamlet , Ego
    Subtype: Yesenin, Superid
    Profile: Dynamic
    The ethical intuitive extravert (EIE) The Performer. EIE are highly emotional individuals, attuned to the emotional atmosphere around them and are able to influence and shape it. The changes in their mood are quite apparent — their movements, facial expressions, tone of voice change a lot. EIE are often great story-tellers, with the ability to engage the listeners emotionally and switch their moods as the story goes. EIE enjoy being the centre of attention with ability to attract and hold the attention of a person or a crowd. EIE are very persuasive and convincing, but not by providing a lot of reasoning, but by influencing the mood of a person. They often provide the insight on the situations or predict potential outcome and often over dramatizing it. IEI feel the trends and time well. They are often interested in other epochs or fiction, not from the scientific point of view, but as an emotional attachment.
    The intuitive ethical introvert (IEI). The Dreamer. IEI often has feelings about the outcome of some actions or situation, being able to say whether the outcome is good or bad, but most of the time not able to explain why or what exactly will happen. Often they are lost in their dreams or thoughts, not noticing what is going on around them. They can influence the emotional atmosphere in a company of people, though the more people are present, the harder it is for the IEIs due to their introversion.

    curiously i'm still 100% introverted. it just shifted from logic to ethics it seems.

    i don't really see hwo you can figure someone's type out from what pictures they like though. i didn't see a single picture that make me think "extroverted". they were all introverted pictures! i mean how can a static picture be extroverted!

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ver View Post
    I tried the Russian version three Times and the test wasn't able to say . Olga where can I read about the subtypes system you are talking about?
    Sorry to hear that. But you can try to other of my tests and I will be able to add your results to the Test comparison topic. I mean Pattern test and Associaitive test.

    Subtypes I have two articles; short and long. I suggest to start with the short one - so that you have an overview and logics behind the TPE- system which is used for type and subtype identification. Then you can move on to a longer article if you wish to know more about it in general.

    BTW, there is 20 Pound reward for proofreading of the big article about subtypes - for anyone who has a spare time for it. )
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  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by LIIbrarian View Post
    Just out of curiousity, do you have the descriptions for the rational, dynamic, extraverted, and irrational profiles?

    I think of the two above descriptions introverted fits better than static. I never quite feel all that stable in my mood. It's quite changeable. I look calm and stable to others but on the inside, there's alot going on in there. I can relate to the part in the static profile though about compromising between enjoying life in full and fulfilling the sense of duty to other people.

    Also, do you think DCNH subtype usually correlates with TPE subtype or can they be different?

    I'm H subtype in DCNH, so wouldn't that correlate best with introverted profile or ILI subtype?

    I could be C subtype in DCNH too but I think H is more likely. I'm definitely not D subtype.

    I'm also guessing LII-C correlates to static profile and LII-D to rational profile?
    Yes, you understood it right about the correlation with DCNH subtype. In the TPE -system you cannot be Superego -type and superego -subtype at once but it is possible in DCNH like N - N. Another difference is that DCNH system does not differentiate subtypes at the level of 16 types. And the criteria of evaluation is also different. They don't use non-verbal preferences, they use visual identification like eye movement and etc. It is observation of the person mainly plus some general information. I see their criteria and judgement is prone to subjective interpretation. They don't have tests for subtypes either.
    The key difference is that DCNH subtype system is loose in terms of basic typology groups. It is not attached and there is not logical connections between DCNH as subtype system and the 4 small groups of typology. Subtype can be any one for any of the small group. This created chaos in my view because you can easily mistake type for the subtype and on the opposite. I always criticized this. In practice it is hard to decide and that is why in theory everything should be clear cut - to help with type and subtype identification.

    As far as I know they (Gulenko school) have the concept of temperament which is used as a major criteria of identification which group the person belongs. Once they establish the group they decide about the subtype.

    In TPE- system temperament is also used as a criteria but not as a major one because of the reference to classical temperaments which in fact are very similar to socionics temperaments described by Gulenko. So, you can say that they decide about the temperament by description and the same with quadras. They have no means to prove it statistically - no tests. They have one test FAP which identifies functional profile - strength of socionics functions. They relate it not to subtype but to the profile - an extra sub- system. Like you said - you can be LII with strong Ni of FE or whatever.
    The whole concept behind FAP is not clear and the questions used are the same which are sued for type identification. I do not take it serious at all. I think they use it use because they don't have the better concept like mine which could include and explain different properties in one system interconnected.
    DCNH consider 3 levels - type, subtype and profile - as a changeable level, situational. Every time you use different functions and this is what FAP suppose to show - which functions stronger in addition to your Ego- functions.
    So I would say DCNH system is more complex and less clear than mine and more subjective.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koneko View Post
    Pattern test
    Rational profile || Ego - Superego – Id – Superid
    Several attempts over two days....
    thank for your time and comments. I am not sure why tests have pointed to extraversion so strongly but it can be interpreted as a subtype ILE and irrational profile. It is not normal that an introvert scores high on extraversion but it means that it is balanced well and subtype comes out int the tes and not the actual type - for many people it is true.

    I forgot to give Librarian the link to profile descriptions:
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    so i tried only doing the ones that i "liked" -- which is hardly any. and it didn't come out with a result at all.

    curiously i'm still 100% introverted. it just shifted from logic to ethics it seems.

    i don't really see hwo you can figure someone's type out from what pictures they like though. i didn't see a single picture that make me think "extraverted". they were all introverted pictures! i mean how can a static picture be extroverted!
    Mercuito, is your type as stated INFj?
    Extraversion can be presented in bright colours and in large objects. Did you try the Russian version? Would you like to send me the pictures you like? Or you can post it here in the topic - just an example.
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  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    i don't really see hwo you can figure someone's type out from what pictures they like though. i didn't see a single picture that make me think "extroverted". they were all introverted pictures! i mean how can a static picture be extroverted!
    @Olga Two other SLE have also got the EIE or IEI results, so I don't know. Maybe it is an influence... You don't really have a big interest in art so it would be harder to determine your type by it. At least that is the way I see it.
    Last edited by Aylen; 03-19-2015 at 05:07 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Interesting concept. It seems like there'd be a lot of external factors going into test takers' choices other than their socionics type that might be difficult to control for.

  31. #151
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    so I took the associative test - I got IEE.
    In pattern test I got Static profile || Id – Superego - Superid – Ego.
    I think it fits.
    Thank you Olga for broadening my categorization ! Very interesting.

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    I have been thinking about this test some and I was wondering if some people are able to satisfy their suggestive, or possibly another, function (mobilizing) through art and music. The other day I was talking about how music that has strong Se flavor motivates me. I can clean the whole house, or organize my closet, with the right music. I can do just about anything with the right music. Then I thought about the SLE, I know, who took this test and scored high on intuition and ethics.

    as a suggestive (5th) function (IEI and ILI)

    The individual is often characterized by his inertia. If left to his own devices, he may choose to do relatively little to interact with the outside world. When he does interact with the outside world, he often finds his activities to be empty and unfulfilling. To this individual, life is often characterized by periods of stimulation. For him, however, true stimulation is often spontaneous, and interludes between periods of stimulation are often characterized by tedium, inertia, and apathy. He is often not very adept at finding new areas of interest, and may seek to continue to reproduce past experiences instead of moving on to new things. In order to break out of this cycle, he requires an outside stimulus of spontaneity and activity. With such a degree of spontaneity introduced into his life, the tedium and perceived meaninglessness is replaced by a constant state of activity in which he can experience new things and escape from the confines of his own mind.
    He is additionally very indecisive. He may lack the ability to make important decisions, especially with regards to his own future. He may know what he wants to achieve out of life in a broad or long term sense, but will find it very difficult to set and finish the short term projects leading to it. In order to be able to act, he needs a tangible and definite stimulus from somebody well grounded in external reality and who has a clear picture of what must be done in a certain situation.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Aylen, some people don't know what colours they like and may find difficult to decide what art they like. So it will not work for all equally good. We expect that people will choose "their own" art and music but it depends. Some people better choose music than art. And I don't know if we shall ever know why some people don't get the right result exactly - so many reasons why. Bit it is a new direction and it is worth to try. It is just the idea that it would be possible to type by art and music and films - is very good.

    As RSV3 said: " It seems like there'd be a lot of external factors going into test takers' choices other than their socionics type that might be difficult to control for. "

    Yes, it was hard for me but I took the risk. Better to try and to fail then not even try. And now I will get some information to think about. I will analyse the results and we can think together.

    I look at the picture and decide that it is good for logics versus ethics. But somebody may think it is not logics it is intuition or the colours are too dark.
    But there are still many possibilities to explore with nonverbal tests and it would be mistake not to try them.
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    I keep getting EIE... (IEE/IEI subtype) hmmm interesting

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    Socionics Nonverbal Test

    BY IGOR(ADMIN) · 13.03.2015

    Type: Maxim Gorky , Superego
    Subtype: Stierlitz, Ego
    Profile: Rational
    Maxim Gorky
    The logical sensing introvert (LSI). The Inspector. LSI are very responsible people, often workaholics, which stick to their commitments. At the same time they can be forceful and stiff individuals, who defend their opinions and positions stubbornly, reserving to the aggression if needed. They are very good at analysing and structuring information with great attention to details. Their opinions normally are very well-formulated and lack any ambiguity. Although they can make an impression of calm and reserved individuals, LSI can be moody and quick-tempered. At the same time they tend to be very gentle and protective of the close ones. LSI tend to force their decisions on others, but also take the full responsibility for their decisions and actions. They dislike people who can't express their thoughts in a more or less structured way, jump from topic to topic or misuse the terms. LSI do not like to discuss their natural abilities as they may be not sure about their hidden potential themselves. They are careful in the interpersonal relationships, suspicious and try to avoid unnecessary confrontation. They do not like to waste their time or to be late. The time is very important to them and they may often look at the clock or watches. LSI tend to save resources, to avoid the financial risks and generally can be satisfied with little possessions.
    The logical sensing extravert (LSE). The Administrator. LSE are often skilled craftsman and enjoy working with their hands. They tend to organize the space in the ordered, ergonomic way. LSE like their food, they eat to refill their energy levels and are not necessarily interested in delicacy. They are extremely hard-working individuals, putting a lot of energy and effort in whatever they do. It is very important for them to think through every task, prepare and collect all the information upfront and they have a great attention to details. Their ability to work is unlimited and unfailing, LSE have enormous devotion to whatever they are working on and are perfectionists. They are able to see how to get profit and are interested in practical implementations of things. LSE tend also to concentrate on minimizing the expenses.

    Graphs of the distribution of signs
    41% - Dynamics
    59% - Statics

    57% - Extraversion
    43% - Introversion

    73% - Rationality
    27% - Irrationality

    79% - Logics
    21% - Ethics

    56% - Sensing
    44% - Intuition

    29% - Superego
    28% - Ego
    24% - Id
    29%superid, 28%ego, 24%id, 18%superid.

    Last edited by Amber; 03-21-2015 at 03:16 PM.

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    Amber, may thanks, I will add our result to the list.
    Rayoka14, do you know your type? Are you 14 years old? Sorry, this was my first thought when I saw 14.
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    Hi, Olga,

    I liked the test and I recognized a couple of my older pictures (you typed me on fb at one point ...).

    I took it three times and got the same results, but I'm neither of those types.

    In your other tests I was Supergeo-superid and Ego TPE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Amber View Post
    Hi, Olga,

    I liked the test and I recognized a couple of my older pictures (you typed me on fb at one point ...).

    I took it three times and got the same results, but I'm neither of those types.

    In your other tests I was Supergeo-superid and Ego TPE.
    That's OK. As long as I know that you are ESI and the result is close - that is good for now.
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  39. #159
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    On the Russian Test, the first run, I get ILI, LII subtype. Close. Just switch the type and subtype around.

    56% - Dynamics
    44% - Statics
    29% - Extraversion
    71% - Introversion
    41% - Rationality
    59% - Irrationality

    61% - Logic
    39% - Ethics
    26% - Sensor
    74% - Intuition

    Charts domination TPE
    31% - Superid
    26% - Superego
    22% - Eid
    21% - Ego

    But then I redid it for fun changing some answers and get LIE, ILI subtype, dynamic profile.

    Then a third time I get EIE, IEE subtype, extraverted profile. Um, no.

    I didn't record my percentages for the last two times but everything was pretty close except for strong intuition. High intuition seems to be the only thing that is consistent between testings.

    It's like the more I take it, the more my results are off. The first time might have been the most accurate because I didn't overthink anything, just whizzed right through it like an idiot. The last two times, I skipped several, only answering if I had a definite preference for one or the other.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Colleagues, I have summarized the results of 99 people. I collected the results from 109 people. There were cases when people did not know their type or doubt between several types. I tried not to use such cases.A s a standard of comparison I used the opinion of the person about its type. I do not consider how people define the type (self-typing, with the help of friends or consultant, etc.). The results are approximate, but nevertheless it is an objective picture emerges, in my opinion.

    The main conclusion is that the test is not highly accurate determination of the type. Almost the same probability of getting a version of "your own" type and the type that does not have anything to do with your type (27:25). You are more likely to get as a result version of the subtype (44%) - the type with the same functional profile or club of interests( NT, NF SF, ST). Slightly less probable to get the subtype by your own TPE groups. This is a type who has either the same programme or creative function as you do. If you don't get neither type or subtype for the first time - you mae get it on a second or third time - this what happen to 5% of people who got originally a very different type.

    27% of participants got "their" expected type.
    25% of the participants have got the type option which coincided with their functional profile, there is a similarity on the Jung functions or club interests or TPE- subtype: logic + sensing (ST), logic + intuition (NT), Ethics + sensing (SF), Ethics + intuition (NF).
    5% of the participants have got TPE-subtype from the second or third trial of the test.
    19% of participants received as a result a subtype from their TPE group - a type with the same programme or creative function.
    25% of the participants got a result that is significantly different from "their" version of type.

    I would like to thank all of you for taking part and for emotional support to help me to evaluate the effectiveness of this test.,654.msg
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