IMO biggest complainers about education being too expensive is some NF with 100k in school debt and can't pay it off with their liberal arts degree and won't deign themselves to do a mind numbing job so the natural alternative is to resort to complaining or selling cupcakes for 4 dollars a whack.

Then some asshole ST like this guy latches on to that shit and makes everything suck. Yea, education can be mind-numbing, painful and of limited use, but opting out of it for some fantasy that you will make it in this world with a little elbow grease and wishful thinking is bullshit.

This is also one of those anti-government guys who want to defund the educational programs, give everyone vouchers for schools and various other ways to de-educate the poor more then they already are. The fact that he's latched on to this, a problem he helped to create, is like Paula Deen selling diabetes medicine, it venal, parasitic and makes him scum in my book.

Get educated, do it cheaply, it's good for ya..