The problem here is that the ILI issues advice which comes out as a command, through suggesting a solution for a problem that seems to be present.

Quote Originally Posted by ILI

Since your group is having personal time management issues my advice to you would be to copy us and organize a compulsory work day where everyone is required to work and most importantly be seen working with others. It improves productivity considerably since those who actually work can actually inspire those who have trouble working.

Plus when people know that they have to provide active proof that they've actually been productive (or face a penalty where there are supposed to complete the stuff in their own time). You'd be surprised how much collaborative productivity increases.
Quote Originally Posted by LSI
what are you talking about!?

Quote Originally Posted by ILI
Collaborative programming project
Quote Originally Posted by LSI
we aren't having time management issues, where did you create this concept?
you've created some kind of empty concept and decided to enforce it upon myself, which I am not impressed with to be honest
I am incredibly aware of my own groups situation and the tools require to apply
You are an external agent without insider knowledge, so how could you possibly have an insight into my group?
Quote Originally Posted by ILI
Its advice you don't have take it, if your team is working well without any of those issues you don't have to take anything I say.
Quote Originally Posted by LSI
I quote "Since your group is having personal time management issues " Where the hell did you get this from?

you pulled this out your arse

I have issues with some of the programmers
but that is my problem

I appreciate the concern
but you are making stark conclusions
Quote Originally Posted by ILI
I have no idea how you are working to be honest or what is even happening with your group

Dude I'm not trying to solve your problems I could never manage to do that, considering that I haven't even finished my own ones lols. I just thought by talking maybe we could share advice and if lucky maybe it could be a beneficial exercise.
If you don't want to talk about your group project, that's no problem
Quote Originally Posted by LSI
I've been thinking about it, and maybe I came into it at the wrong approach. You just came across as very much "this is your issue, this is what you need to to do solve it" and I don't like that kind of tone. So I was not very receptive to being told what to do

-I do appreciate your motive however and I appreciate your thoughts

-apologies, your wording and phrasing initially output a different motive of your text, but I see where you're coming from
and I am always happy to talk and discuss anything at all, that isn't a problem
Quote Originally Posted by ILI
Its cool no worries, didn't mean to create such an impression if I did, anyway I find face to face best

-sorry I did come off as arrogant and all knowing, I've just seen it as I've re-read what I wrote