Quote Originally Posted by DaftPunk View Post
Sooner or later you'll figure it out. According to Temparament IJ and EP are quiet different but share the fact that they're static. Looking at the IEs in every block and figuring out what fits better is a good way IMO (Means comparing Base/Cretive, Role/PoLR, etc)
If I just compare the temperaments ( http://www.wikisocion.org/en/index.p...le=Temperament ) I relate more to IJ though can easily relate to some parts of EP. If the EP type likes and needs constant change then this is the biggest clue I don't fit since I enjoy stability.

From http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...pes-by-Gulenko ... I'll bold what I agree with

Role - Se - extraverted sensing

In extreme situations, mobilize and act very decisively. Gives resistance to any encroachment. Can not respond to attempts to dictate, power pressure. It is very independent and will not force anyone else. He sometimes lacks the will to pull myself together and do what is overdue. She is not afraid to speak out against a superior force. Can go to the head of every rank and to demand solutions of the problem. He has a habit of first touch an opponent. Getting involved in the dispute, actively, and sometimes aggressively defend their opinions. Suffers because of his irritability and edginess. For this reason, it is difficult to relieve tension in the shoulder of the case.

Role - Fi (introverted feeling):

Unsociable people. He is very hard to build relationships with people. Makes an effort to behave kindly, to enter into close contact. Hides her personal life from the outside. He does not like uninvited guests do not know how to fill them. In communicating very cautious. Conversation support only when it concerns important to him so. Values ​​already established relationships. Persistently retains the system of relations, which has become accustomed. Will not break well-established relationships, but will not cling to relationships that have outlived themselves. Indifferent to criticism from outside. Not afraid of a negative attitude. With unknown or incomprehensible to him by people trapped internally, does not feel like myself with them to lead.

Role - Ti - introverted logic (Yeah probably the whole thing)...

Is able to bring myself to be disciplined and the executive. Conscientious, though slow in the performance of a particular job. Takes care of the details. Strictly adheres to the commitments made. Powered modestly, without the noise and praise. Strives to objectively and without emotion to understand the situation, analyzing the facts. However, it is difficult to express their understanding of the analytical language. In a formal setting is restrained and dryish. It does not like to show their attitude to the people. Solve difficult problems due to the large stock of patience, which he endowed by nature.

I can sound like a real dummy when trying to explain things and I assume that an LII would rarely have a problem like this. I've got an interesting dynamic with my ESTj buddy where I don't even need to say the details of a question and he still understands what I'm trying to say lol. "You need to go to the place with the guy!"... "Oh yeah that's where you get it."

I appreciate the help everyone, (I feel the thread should have its name changed lol). I think I'll mull over what I've learned so far and let myself see it as I observe my own interactions from a fresh perspective.