I do similarities with both the ESFj and ESTj. Both can grade on my nerves. ESFjs usually take much longer though. They can leave me alone for periods of time and there is something so genuine and almost childlike about their giving. I have difficulty communicating about many things with them though but they are nice enough that I'll nod politely

Maybe I'm misjudging the type ESTp. I know there is this type though and they seem cookie cutter copies of each other.

I'm sorry but they remind me of undisciplined children who have never learned to respect things like personal space or privacy.

They try to immediately recruit you as a friend. Lavishing gifts on you and talking about what kindrid spirits you are with them even though they really have no clue who you actually are.

They see themselves as players and are proud of the fact. To them, manipulating people into doing what they want simply doesn't hold the guilt that it does for many people.

They don't understand how invading a persons personal space through hugs and familiar touching can feel very uncomfortable to some people.

Procrastination through action. I tend to have a lazy type of procrastination while they just go go go avoiding doing what they should be doing. They are accomplishing all kinds of things, just not what they should be.

Thinking they know what you are thinking even though they have absolutely no clue. They might be able to guess through body language etc. what other types are thinking but when it comes to intuitive types they are usually WAY off base. They are apply their motivations to our actions. Because they do so, they get paranoid.

They like flashy and shiney things. They like to shop ...I mean a lot. I see them coming up with excuses to go out and spend money. They like to spend money on pampering themselves.

Snappy dressers. They tend to be very neat and well put together (my ESFj mom only cares a bit about this kind of stuff - its never been her priority though)

They don't seem to like to be alone even though they talk about what loners they can be. I honestly haven't seen this loner side of the ESTp whatsoever but everyone of them talks about it.

They pride themselves in the vast networks of people they have to support them (because they are A1 shmoozers in social situations).

They seem to have a difficult time working with Intuitives though. They inadvertently sabotage us by screwing with our concentration.

So what do you think?