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Thread: 16types Adventures: Ath Finally Gets His Own Episode!

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    Default 16types Adventures: Ath Finally Gets His Own Episode!

    16Types Adventures: @Ath Finally Gets His Own Episode.

    (a 16types Adventures/Supernatural crossover story.)

    (For the purposes of this story, we're all 16 and 17 something high school students. Besides Vero, who is our adult teacher.)

    High School. Anywhere, USA.

    A couple of boys were talking in class a few minutes before it was about to be over. "Hey man did you fuck Christine last night?" a handsome heterosexual jock said to one of his buddies.

    "No but I fucked her tits man, she loved that shit." The jock, whose name was Bryan (just some name I made up not anybody on the forum), turned his attention to a shy and awkward (and obviously effeminate) kid in the back of the class. "How about you Ath did you get any pussy?" the jock said in a sarcastic assholeish way.

    "Ath's such a stud I bet he has the honies lining up at his pad every night" another Jock said.

    About five people in the class chuckled while the rest just ignored the boy's obvious hurt feelings. This person was Ath, one of the many adventurers with super powers.

    Dolphin, a fellow adventurer, looked at Ath and frowned compassionately at what just took place.

    After class was over, Dolphin ran up to Ath. "I'm really sorry about those jerkish guys" she said in her angelic feminine voice.

    "Listen here missy, I don't need your damn pity or str8 female empathy" Ath said.

    Dolphin lit up. "You actually know what that means! One of us, one of us!" she cried out.

    "I know dat ur just trying to make me feel better and I appreciate it but Ath will solve Ath's problems mmmkay?"

    Dolphin mentally kicked herself in a likeable way. "Right. Gotta work on my codependency issues. Well bye then I guess." She blew a strand of hair out of her face while walking out. "Okay *that* went well..."

    "Who are you trying to fool..." Bryan said to a lone Dolphin walking in the hallway.

    Dolphin spun around to confront the tool. "Excuse me?"

    "You sit there and pretend to be that Loser's friend, but I saw you fingering yourself in the bathroom to my yearbook picture" he said.


    "Me and my buds put a camera in the girl's bathroom" the jock said. "Unlike half of the weak ass mascluivoids in this school, some of us actually do masturbate to naked women and not men. And gotta say dolph,"

    Dolphin quickly gained her composure. "Okay yeah so you're good looking. It doesn't mean that you can treat other people like crap."

    "Oh really now. I know you dig men that can hurt you. Ashton ring a bell?"

    Dolphin slapped the jock in his face. "Ashton and I are... complicated" she said. "Why don't you mind your own business."

    Bryan's eyes glowed a campy black, revealing that he was something other than human. "Because you need to be one of us. Not some pathetic do-gooder."

    Dolphin frowned. "That's why I found Ashton so attractive... he was conflicted, caught between both worlds."

    Flashback of Ashton trying to fit in with the jocks, but he got teased.

    Another flashback of Ashton trying to fit in with the sissy loser fags who played roleplaying games and were mama's boys, but he intimidated them (as well as caused unintended homoerotic tension). And was annoyed at their socialism and overly emotional nature that clashed with his prudent capitalism business man-ness.

    "He was like a lost puppy in the rain and I wanted to save him with my straight female empathy!" she admitted as if she were on Oprah.

    "You did save him.. he's not a demon like us, thanks to you. But he could be. You both could be..."

    "No. Leave me alone. Don't make me cast a Water Bolt spell on you!" Dolphin threatened.

    "The Creepy will outnumber the Cutes of this world and we will feast on your flesh" the demon said. "Give in to your animal nature. You really wanted to laugh at Ath back there didn't you? DIDN'T YOU."

    "NO!" Dolphin cried out. She then pushed the bully back with her Water Jet spell and he went flying flat on his ass.

    Bryan looked up at her and growled.

    "Be nicer or next time it will be Fire not Water...." she said.

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    Chapter 2

    Dolphin walked out of High School, glad that the school day was finally over. She was walking on the huge grassy parts outside of school, near the park. This time, it was Ath who was following her. "Hey..." he said.

    Dolphin looked at him and just kind of groaned. "Thought you didn't need my help..." she said.

    "I don't but i saw wut u did back der to dat bully and it was pretty kewl. I wish i knew what MY power was... " Ath said.

    Dolphin knew that if she said something stupid like 'Heart' it would cause the poor picked-on nerd to just kill himself right there.

    "You'll find it someday I guess..." she said.

    Another bully saw the two talking. He came out from behind a tree. He was younger and shorter and in a lesser grade than Bryan but that didn't stop him from being just as sadistic. "OH MY GOD LOOK FELLAS. ATH ACTUALLY HAS A GIRLFRIEND HAHAHAHA!"

    A bunch of other bullies surrounded Ath. Like gnats.

    "You are a fagit, fagit fagit fagit" the bullies taunted and jeered. Bullies naturally found somebody's Inner Fag and stomped on it, repeatedly.

    "Hey guys this is Ath trying to catch a ball!" the bully said. He then hit his own face. Everybody cracked up.

    Dolphin walked up to the bully. "And this is you trying to solve a calculus problem." She stood there frozen with a durr look on her face like she had no idea what to do.

    "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY" the bully said.

    Dolphin rolled her eyes.


    Dolphin giggled. "I c-can't just sit here and watch a human being picked on. It goes against my heroic nature. And honestly Ath. Now come on. What are you going to do? "

    Ath grabbed the lead bully's head and ripped it right off. Blood and guts spewed everywhere.

    "DAT!" Ath said.

    Everybody in the crowd either ran away in fear or stood there dumbfounded at what just happened.

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    Chapter 3

    "Looks like I have super strength but dat really doesn't make sense according to my personality ..." Ath said. He took out his Pokeics manual and studied it intently while the popular kids looked at him like 'what the fuck is that dork doing now.'

    "No it wasn't super strength not EXACTLY it was de wind. I used de power of wind to buff myself to having enough strength to rip somebody's head off. And I also feel de power of farts flow thru me!" He bent over and farted on a bunch of bullies, sending them flying backwards. "Awthom I can super fart!"

    Dolphin bent over near the corpse; to double check that the being Ath killed was in fact, a demon. "Conjurus Impentious" she said. Magical spells always sound cooler when you say them in made-up latin.

    "Hey dolphin isn't it kewl... I use power of wind and you have power of water and fire. TOGETHER LET'S STEAMROLL THESE BULLIES!"

    "Ath! You just killed a human. Not a demon. We don't kill humans. It's not The Way™."

    "B-but dat person was just as hurtful as the demon jock!" Ath said.

    Dolphin didn't really disagree. "Yes but the point is humans can be redeemed. Demons can't. Humans usually want to hurt your feelings, demons want ... to hurts your feelings AND kill you. And well granted sometimes humans want to do both but... the point is we have a shot at redemption."

    She looked at Ath, worried of what she might have to do. "Now that you killed a human... you're probably a demon too. Or turning into one" she said. "I was just trying to be heartfelt and idealistic before. Maybe you're not really one of us after all..."

    Camera zooms close to the sad and scared expression on Ath's face as the show goes to commercial break.

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    Chapter 4

    "She's good..." Sam said. Not Me, but Sam from the tv show Supernatural Sam. Sam Winchester.

    "... And she's right" Dean from Supernatural said, following up right behind. Sam was wearing a light beige jacket, Dean was wearing a darker brown one.

    Dolphin looked around. "Huh?" she said. "What's going on."

    "They ice somebody, they get iced themselves" Dean said.

    "No matter how adorkable they are..." Sam added, sizing up Ath's essence with one lookover.

    "Dude you did not just use the word 'adorkable' Dean said.

    "Kinda did" Sam said.

    Dolphin smirked at their brotherly chemistry.

    "Hi, I'm Dolphin" Dolphin said. "I'm something called an 'Adventurer' so I know about demons and stuff. Oh and hey you're Hunters right? That's cool...."

    "So you've seen the show then?" Sam said.

    "Yeah..." Dolphin said trying to hide her dorky nature.

    Ath just stared at them all socializing while tears ran down his face. Couldn't believe dey were all nonchalantly talking about killing him and stuff. "BULLIES... ALL OF YOU ARE FUCKING BULLIES. YOU WANNA KILL ATHIE. I DON'T THINK SO. TAKE DIS U TRATIOR STR8 GIRL!" ath bent over and farted right in dolphin's face, she went flying back.

    Seeing a straight girl get hurt in front of him triggered Dean's Ashton-esque Protect The Heterosexual Female instincts. "You sonofabitch" he said, and tackled Ath on top of a picnic table. He began straddling the boy and had both hands wrapped around his throat.

    Ath wailed and cried. Dean took out a dagger and was about to stab Ath's heart with it, when his wrist was grabbed by Sam's just a split second before the blade was about to go through Ath's skin. Not Dean's brother Sam mind you, but Adventurer Author-of-this-story Sam.

    The two made eye contact.

    "You're cute honey but I don't think so" With all his might and new found Monk/Assassin powers (my current class that I narcisisstically think meshes well with my personality the best) Sam one-handedly threw Dean's 6 foot 1 body against a tree.

    "Why are you protecting him!" Other Sam said. "Are you a demon too?"

    "Only in bed" Sam quipped.

    Teacher Vero walked up to the group. "There's no need to quarrel children. Truth is, we're all Freaks here right?" she said. "All Losers who were picked on in High School and were given powers to beat back the evil in the world because of it."

    Dean gave Vero a look as if to say 'Speak for Yourself.' "I wasn't really made fun of that much..."

    "Rules are rules" Dean's brother said. "He killed somebody he has to go too."

    Ath cried and hid behind Sammy. "I didn't do it on purpose" he said, trying to defend himself. He was trembling he was so nervous. Well he asked to defend himself for once, and he was doing it. "I was just bullied a lot in skewl and I saw sum jock's eyes turn black and I thought it had to be a monster like dat. Den dolphin used her powers and discovered dat it wasn't a demon but a human. I did kill a real human. I guess truth is we're all monsters capable of bullying."

    Ath walked over to Dolphin and suddenly hugged her. "I'm sorry I farted on u" Ath said.

    Everybody in the audience couldn't help but aww at that.

    "It's my fault... I should have fried that damn demon jock when I first found out who he was but... I hated myself for finding him hot" Dolphin said.

    "It's okay ur a str8 girl we forgive u" Ath said while looking at both Sams knowingly.

    ..."and I'm sorry that I change my rpg class every story" Adventurer Sam said. "That shit is confusing but you know what my alt itis is like!"

    "Whaddya Say Sammy, we let him off the hook?" Dean shot a glance at his younger brother.

    Sam thoughtfully nodded. He was in deep contemplation.

    "But gang!" Ath said, finally feeling a part of everybody now. "Dat jock bully is still out der harming more innocent ppl. We need to stop him!"

    "Finally. Something I can stab without any moral dillemas" Dean said. "Let me at 'em."
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 11-16-2013 at 09:50 AM.

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    Chapter 5

    High School Pool area. The Demon Jock/Bryan was busy tormenting another student. "Aw Chris Jackson didn't make the swim team cuz he's a fatty." He pouted sociopathically.

    "Yeah well I tried and gave it my best .. that's all that counts" Chris said.

    "I hate when people say that, only losers say that" the jock said. "You should kill yourself for being weak." He pushed Chris down.

    "No dude! What the fuck is wrong with you."

    Bryan's eye's turned black. "Kill yourself or I'll kill yourself for you."

    Sam, Dolphin, The Other Sam, Dean, Vero and Ath. God that's like.. six people... all rushed up to the bully.

    Sam (Me) looked to the camera and broke the fourth wall, as if giving a Public Service Announcement. "If more people in our country stood up to bullying in the Real World like this perhaps we wouldn't have so many lost souls online looking for satisfaction in archaic personality models..."


    Bryan looked at the gang and snarled. "Oh great. Six social rejects."

    "He can count!" Vero said in that uppity feminist girl power way she speaks in that makes the loser feel better about themselves. "How impressive."

    The demon lunged at Vero, but she easily knocked him back with a lightning spell.

    He tried to teleport in to quickly shank one of the girls, but Ath countered that with a fart spell. He tried to zone in on one person, but everybody protected each other and he couldn't even get one hit in.

    "How does it feel being picked on and outnumbered?" Sam said. "The bully getting bullied."

    Bryan snarled. "Unlike you I don't give a shit."

    "Yeah because you have no soul" Dean spat out.

    Bryan looked all around at them, about to give the evil speech of the day to counter Sam's speech of goodness. "You think killing me will stop our reign? Bullying in life goes on forever, for I am just one in a legion of many. And for eternity we shall all laugh at you being bad at sports and not being able to get dates with girls even if you are 'heartfelt.' I am not just a Bully... I am the reason Bullying exists..... I am....

    Bryan started to morph in weird forms, bubbling in and out of reality and consciousness... evolving into something more.

    Sam stood there looking scared. "Uh oh."


    BOSSSSSSSSSSSS FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT. (more hardcore boss fight music plays)
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 11-16-2013 at 10:03 AM.

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    Chapter 6

    It was hard. It was every awkward, lost lonely shy insecure/introverted oh I just want my mommy now feeling they all ever experienced coming rushing at them all at once. And the Idea of Bullying was good at tapping into their own bullying, like when Sam bullied Jews and Dolphin bullied Gypsies. The ol tv trope of "Me And You Are Not So Different."

    Of course this was a trap. As a Narcissistic Idea, the Idea of Bullying was merely trying to absorb the gang into his own essence, so they would lose their unique personalities and just become the pure idea of Bullying. With enough mental strength however, one could protect themselves against the Idea's instant KO spells.

    The Idea of Bullying was using a lot of Shadow type Area of Effect magic damage spells, so Sam countered that with his Heart Heal spell to keep the party up on its toes. Dolphin alternated between Water and Fire magic because bullies are good at preying on predictable empathetic patterns of nature in people and using that against them, so you had to beat the bully at its own game and be shocking and spontaneous just like they are...

    Ath really didn't care how much he was damaging the bully or not, he just felt loved and supported by his friends, so he just thew out some poison fart spells here and there while mixing it with wind buff spells for his allies. He was just glad that he got to face a legendary IDEA and not just be empowered by killing off some weak little minion of a thing.

    Sam mirrored Dolphin's 'mix it up' strategy and used Sailor Moon's class change orb to constantly keep the bully from figuring out what he was doing. Rainbow Mage, Monk, Warrior, Bard or Priest.. you never knew what the clever little homo was gonna be next. You cannot troll evanescence, you can't troll that beautiful snapshot of time that you can never hold onto, you can only troll what the heart lingers onto... that was the ultimate key in defeating the Idea of Bullying.

    And everytime the Bully said something sociopathic, sadistic or mean, everybody just let it go.

    "NOOO YOU'RE GASLIGHTING ME" The Idea of Bully cried out. "PLease stop.. don't hurt me. PLease don't hurt me."

    Sam remembered those very words that he spoke to his own bullies' once and how they didn't listen. How they just laughed in his face at his humanity.

    "Sorry Charlie, but as you say... everybody's a bully." Sam callously shrugged and flicked his hands with Piper's Hands of Discontent, delivering the final blow against this episode's Big Bad.

    The Bully cried out and exploded in an expensive CGI effect, having finally feeling loss and humanity- it died, and went back into the nothingness from whence it came.

    Of course you can never get rid of Bullying forever, just like you can't ever get rid of any bad thing 'forever' but you can fight against it from taking over the world and having pure control like what it yearns.

    (hang on tight kiddos, just one more chapter for dis episode)

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    Chapter 7

    Sam, Dolphin, Vero, Sam/Dean and Ath all decided to celebrate at the nearest pizza place in town.

    "Another Idea down the drain... and we have a new pup in the litter to boot" Dolphin said.

    "This is putting a pretty ribbon on things like I always do but who cares: Welcome to the gang buddy" Sam said, holding up his can of pepsi to salute the little dork.

    "I rubs each in every one of u" Ath said with love and kindness in his heart.

    "So an Adventurer, a Hunter and a Bully Slayer walk into a bar..." Vero says while people laugh.

    Sam(me) thought of something important as he nearly choked on his pepperoni pizza.

    "Waitaminute. What the hell ever happened to that innocent we were saving at the pool?"

    Dean shrugged. "I don't know man. I was so juiced up fighting that I kinda forgot we were protecting somebody and not just... fighting somebody. Straight man here sorry" Dean said, trying to get in on the jokes.

    Speaking Of, Chris walked up to the gang right then and there. "Ooh look at you queers trying to be cool just because you won one itty bitty fight in our ocean of darkness." As a now evil being, he loathed episodes where the outcast at first feels left out and then inevitably has a damn heartwarming moment at the end where they feel included.

    Vero frowned at Chris. "He turned you into one of him..."

    "Now I see the light. The true light. None of you have the balls for what's coming next...."

    Sam, Sam and Dean wanted to just quickly dispose of this lesser evil right here but they couldn't just do it in a crowded place like this. The bully smiled self-confidently before walking out of the pizzeria.

    Creepy music plays as the camera \fades to black...

    DE END?

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    Quote Originally Posted by truck View Post
    You cannot troll evanescence, you can't troll that beautiful snapshot of time that you can never hold onto...
    mmmm, just for this.

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