Chapter 3

"Looks like I have super strength but dat really doesn't make sense according to my personality ..." Ath said. He took out his Pokeics manual and studied it intently while the popular kids looked at him like 'what the fuck is that dork doing now.'

"No it wasn't super strength not EXACTLY it was de wind. I used de power of wind to buff myself to having enough strength to rip somebody's head off. And I also feel de power of farts flow thru me!" He bent over and farted on a bunch of bullies, sending them flying backwards. "Awthom I can super fart!"

Dolphin bent over near the corpse; to double check that the being Ath killed was in fact, a demon. "Conjurus Impentious" she said. Magical spells always sound cooler when you say them in made-up latin.

"Hey dolphin isn't it kewl... I use power of wind and you have power of water and fire. TOGETHER LET'S STEAMROLL THESE BULLIES!"

"Ath! You just killed a human. Not a demon. We don't kill humans. It's not The Way™."

"B-but dat person was just as hurtful as the demon jock!" Ath said.

Dolphin didn't really disagree. "Yes but the point is humans can be redeemed. Demons can't. Humans usually want to hurt your feelings, demons want ... to hurts your feelings AND kill you. And well granted sometimes humans want to do both but... the point is we have a shot at redemption."

She looked at Ath, worried of what she might have to do. "Now that you killed a human... you're probably a demon too. Or turning into one" she said. "I was just trying to be heartfelt and idealistic before. Maybe you're not really one of us after all..."

Camera zooms close to the sad and scared expression on Ath's face as the show goes to commercial break.