Numbers! muah (my phone is lost, so don't hold it against me please... Do you know where Josh is now? I saw Matt @ Subway, as you know... "Five dollar foot-long and a bottle of anything... TO GO-oo-oo-oo-oo-o!!!!")

The Se subtype description works for LSI women too. (You are the Se subtype, btw.) By looks alone, one could easily mistake this subtype for some Ip temperament sociotype, (although Ij temperament becomes pretty glaring when this subtype becomes agitated--which can be frequently, in my experience.) To quote Tom Petty, they "stand their ground/won't back down," etc. They can look quiet, brooding--underneath it, they're fun-loving and tough.

Re-reading it, the Ti subtype description works pretty well for females too. (For an example of the Ti subtype, think Michael Jackson's one-time "lover" Brooke Shields... Compare her to the Se subtype: she seems much less brooding, more upright and 'settled.' The Ti subtype is fun-loving and tough too, of course. Outwardly, they APEAR more affable than their Se subtype counterparts.