Quote Originally Posted by leftylib View Post
I've seen very little in depth exploration to sub types in socionics.
Yes, because you are looking at the wrong page '-)

LSI Subtypes

Sensory subtype: (The Controller)
(Valentine Meged & Anatoly Ovcharov) The sensory subtype appears comparably restless in their behaviour and internally emotional when compared with the logical subtype. They are reticent yet also obstinate and willing to enter conflicts whenever their opinions are not honored; in such cases they flare up and become unduly sharp and absolute in their statements. Constrained and cold in demeanor, dislikes objections and long explanations. They constantly observe the actions of others in order to try to assist them or to point out their mistakes. Although their remarks may appear rather indignant, and lacking in tact, their intentions are usually constructive, as they wish to help; when their instructions are listened to and carried through successfully they will then offer a kind smile. Dresses conservatively although they sometimes aspire to appear fashionable. During conversation they approach the interlocutor without coming into direct contact. Whether at work or at home they are not inclined to practice superfluous rhetoric or manipulation.
(Victor Gulenko) Irregular and impulsive, does not always follow the order they require from others, in this case they are capable of condemning those who disrupt this order. Communicable and courteous from a distance, but on closer observation, can prove to be intolerant. When caught, they can answer with aggression. Their aim is leadership, but they are better at leading small associations. Outwardly appears strong. The men frequently have facial hair. In their clothing they prefer a free style.
(Sexual behaviour) Thoughtful and initiative-taking in care, but uniform in the erotic. Know how to make compliments and establish close contact. Often emotional, quick tempered, decisive and sharp. Persistent and obstinate, know how to attain their goals by any price. Need a sexual, emotional, and romantic partner who does not find them boring; a flexible diplomat who knows how to discharge their emotions and is an easily appeased and forgiving person.

Logical subtype: (The Instructor)
(Valentine Meged & Anatoly Ovcharov) The logical subtype is self-assured, quiet, constrained, dry, correct and impenetrable. At times seems haughty but is moderately kind and imperturbable. Very polite and attentive to details in conversation, likes that all specify and explain their opinions, but sometimes is prone to get stuck up on nonessential details. When they ask questions they want answers to provide exhaustively detailed information. Dislikes uncertainty and is internally quite collected. They never lose their presence of mind and try to encourage those that require their support. Appears like a straight line, motionless, seeming to look through, rather than at, the interlocutor. Movements are measured but restrained, tendency to shuffle footwear when walking; when they turn they do so suddenly; their neck rests squarely on their shoulders and appears stiff.
(Victor Gulenko) Most rational logical type. Very constructive. Their aims are in hierarchy; works thoroughly and brings everything to its end without missing a detail. Not very dynamic and does not transfer confusion. Outwardly is strict, sustained, somewhat single-minded. In working situations is official, and even with close relatives can manifest a barrack style of behaviour. Clothing is conservative, for males: his suit is often in a strict, dark tone.
(Sexual behaviour) Restrained in their expression of feelings with an aim towards clarity and definition; disposed to flatness in relations and reacts negatively to quarrels. Inclined to doubts and distrustfulness. Often show concern about their partner and provide them with pleasant gifts and trifles. Require a sensitive, delicate partner, since they are straight-line/simple in sexual contacts and sufficiently restrained in the positive and negative expression of emotions. Need an attentive, thoughtful partner, whom will not tie them to their will. Their partner should yield to their persuasions and strive to satisfy all of their requirements.