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Thread: Discussion of LSI-ISTj Subtypes

  1. #161

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    It sounds to me that your brain is broken because no one with normal cognitive processing abilities would circle jerk so much like you do and still not find the answer to simple questions. Ti cognitively understands the contextual nuances of ideas and theories whereby mental models are build from that. The problem is your Ti is severely damaged. You can handle plug and chug black/white concrete rules but your brain can’t think beyond black/white. You can’t separate the grey matter to black and white and instead of just accepting that you’re a failure, you go around pestering everyone digging for answers and nothing anyone can say is clear enough nor adequate enough no matter how many times they have to repeat themselves because you can’t process anything abstract. Making people repeat themselves won’t give you a new answer to your same old questions. Your brain is like a pie but only with the crust. If you know you’re psychologically deranged, take your meds. It’s not going to turn you into SLE nor magically make you understand things that’s beyond your reach but hopefully it gives you some calmness from being so repetitive and anal retentive.
    I don't know what got rattled around in your head so much that you still can't let go of the disagreement on the *subtype* of a person in a fringe astrology-esque theory........ but this drama is getting too repetitive and boring. I plain don't have time for this so calm your shit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    I don't know what got rattled around in your head so much that you still can't let go of the disagreement on the *subtype* of a person in a fringe astrology-esque theory........ but this drama is getting too repetitive and boring. I plain don't have time for this so calm your shit.
    Listen Myst, stop going around in circles. We’ve been long past talking my LSI friend and quite frankly, your interest in her is fucking creepy as hell. You had to circle back. You’re not her. You’ll never be as pretty or accomplished as her. You’re so emotionally and socially retarded it comes out screaming “autism!” in all your posts. So no, it’s never been about me, it’s about your broken brain and your anal inability to accept any answers that don’t fit perfectly inside that borked brain of yours. You literally know nothing of socionics theory and need everyone to spell out how concepts manifest in reality. You’re literally shooting in the dark. You’re desperate for attention and pester people by circling around the same thing and are no closer to the answer.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #163
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    yesterday had to take the COVID test, because I had almost 39 Celsius fever. Test involves sticking a long plastic stick through the nose deep into the nasal cavity. It had to be done so the rest of my family knows wtf they should do, go into lock down or not. The others were too squeamish to do it, so with a high fever and shit I stuck that shit into my face and wiggled it around for 15 seconds to get a good sample. Test was negative.

    now that the fever is gone I'm reminded of the fact, that I seem to easily endure discomfort for the sake of getting shit done. Not valued but strong Si confirmed. It seems Gulenko was right..
    Last edited by SGF; 10-25-2020 at 10:46 AM.

  4. #164
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    Cheezdust Christ

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    She does know on the professional level that I am very qualified, because I worked as a production assistant (for a large network). Much of it goes to the fact that I easily impose my will on others without any thought behind it and don’t give a shit who says no. She doesn’t operate that way and doesn’t bypass rules and she won’t coerce. But to me, if you want this result, you’ll do as I say. And I don’t give orders and not participate. I’m present, coordinate activities that would be conducive to the goals and I would also be there doing what they’re doing- I went to the gym consistently and worked out with them, kept on top of their diets and even ate the same as them when in company, sat there during recording sessions and gave them suggestions and how to implement it, etc.
    Wot. Can I ask why you were doing this personal trainer-esque stuff? I didn’t know music production was like the military.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Wot. Can I ask why you were doing this personal trainer-esque stuff? I didn’t know music production was like the military.
    cause she's chad SLE obviously

  7. #167
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    Anyway I low-key stan this thread because I’m thinking of dating an LSI sugar daddy for the lulz. Keep it coming.

  8. #168

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Listen Myst, stop going around in circles. We’ve been long past talking my LSI friend and quite frankly, your interest in her is fucking creepy as hell. You had to circle back. You’re not her. You’ll never be as pretty or accomplished as her. You’re so emotionally and socially retarded it comes out screaming “autism!” in all your posts. So no, it’s never been about me, it’s about your broken brain and your anal inability to accept any answers that don’t fit perfectly inside that borked brain of yours. You literally know nothing of socionics theory and need everyone to spell out how concepts manifest in reality. You’re literally shooting in the dark. You’re desperate for attention and pester people by circling around the same thing and are no closer to the answer.
    lol. 1) I'm not Myst. I heard that's someone's pet theory on here who likes to spread it and talk shit behind my back. I mean I'm not surprised, some people are just like that. 2) If only you could have the ability to clearly name as to what thing I'm trying to circle around in your imagination.

    But no, because you only have such a vague schizophrenic idea about me and who I am that you are just making yourself sound ridiculous and actively pathetic with all this blind and schizophrenic crazy of yours, with you letting yourself and your judgment be affected by the hate of other people to top off all that. You don't even know me, we never even talked before, so you are coming off really weird and severely fucked up about all this. Yeah, I'm bored of all the aimless hate. It's just disgusting, sorry. And yes, schizophrenic.

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    Actually @SnatchYourWeave

    I realise now that sbbds probably stirred shit behind my back right away and not just later. So if that caused the initial and subsequent crazy escalation by you then I understand.

    @sbbds I absolutely do not find it cool that you actively egg on others and have them make themselves look like a fool of themselves in public getting at me like some crazy idiot out of nowhere when they originally would not have done so.

    And I find it even less cool and I find it actively crazy malicious and hateful that you are acting like that and that you don't consider anyone else's well-being in the process, just your own. And of course you try to lie in the face of me when I bring this up. ... But I wouldn't expect anything else from you.

    Sorry Snatch, if that is what this was then we can both forget about this crazy argument. Thanks.

  10. #170
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    @SnatchYourWeave For some context, @grumpyvic81 thinks that you and I have talked before in private lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    @SnatchYourWeave For some context, @grumpyvic81 thinks that you and I have talked before in private lol.
    I mean even if you two didn't talk in private - though I know for a fact that you did talk about me with others and not just Viktor no - you did attempt to smear me in public and you claim she may have read that before & it was also where you did egg on Viktor, that one was too obvious because he directly parroted your thoughts and he directly called you into the thread too. So it's not cool. And you liking that post of mine above just shows how you just enjoy bad drama for fun. Gonna stop feeding that now & forever, good luck trying to get a rise out of me, either you or Snatch, I don't have time for this teenager drama

  12. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    I mean even if you two didn't talk in private - though I know for a fact that you did talk about me with others and not just Viktor no - you did attempt to smear me in public and you claim she may have read that before & it was also where you did egg on Viktor, that one was too obvious because he directly parroted your thoughts and he directly called you into the thread too. So it's not cool. And you liking that post of mine above just shows how you just enjoy bad drama for fun. Gonna stop feeding that now & forever, good luck trying to get a rise out of me, either you or Snatch, I don't have time for this teenager drama
    ... You are literally feeding it because this happened months ago and I haven’t mentioned it since then. I’m not trying to egg her on here; my first comment in here was because I found it overly dramatic. In any case, she also seems to think I’m EII, so I don’t think she’d take me seriously.

    Also, I wasn’t even trying to “smear” you back then, you were just being really aggressive and argumentative with me, and I didn’t have control over what Viktor says/does either.

    And yeah, I did like your post because I find it absurd.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SojournInLimbo View Post
    LOL, it is a freaking useless rabbithole. Nobody who I care about IRL cares about typology and we are all better for it. Ironically, the only person who did care about it was an abusive asshat due to ridiculous type-based assumptions. And anytime I get too sucked into typology is when my relationships fall apart because individual differences ironically become discarded for overly intellectualized mental masturbation. People's own individual histories are just as important as their supposed type in order to get a complete picture.of a person.

    Like shotgunfingers seems like a very good example of a LSI but that doesn't mean he can speak to the full spectrum of experience of an LSI and neither can other LSIs necessarily speak on his behalf to fully understand his experience. The same can be said for you and snatch in your respective typings. Otherwise, it just becomes blind arrogance.

    I understand typology is essentially a way of processing information but there are biases outside of type which can influence overall presentation. This is probably a major factor in why there are several different interpretations and disagreements regarding typology and Socionics in the first place.

    However, it is a fun thought exercise just as long as one doesn't take it too seriously. It, afterall, is just one tool of many.
    You think that I was an abusive asshat because of typology?

    No, I was an abusive asshat long before I ever learned about typology. I abused my parents physically, psychologically, emotionally, and financially.

    The problem is when people refuse to own their own will - whether it be because they blame ethereal concepts like Se, or typology as a whole, or other things - or people - entirely.

  14. #174
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    Can we go back to typology please?

  15. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Can we go back to typology please?
    Change is all part of life. Everything evolves, including this thread!

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    Quote Originally Posted by SojournInLimbo View Post
    At the very least, it seemed like it was used as an excuse for it. I have always known that it was way beyond typology and a long history before that. I was trying to tell you in my own misguided way.

    I am extremely grateful that you fully understand it now.

    EDIT: I am leaving this alone now because you said you wanted nothing to do with me. My goals are officially done on here. I knew you couldn't resist keeping tabs on me.

    I have no regrets to dating you. Despite the extreme level of toxicity and a match made in Hell, you were the only one to push past my defenses that I couldn't keep running. I needed someone that dysfunctional to get through to me. I believe I was kinda like that for you.
    I am sorry you are sick. If I were Christ, I would heal you. But I am not, I am just a man.

  17. #177
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    holy fuck, this thread is a disaster.

  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    yesterday had to take the COVID test, because I had almost 39 Celsius fever. Test involves sticking a long plastic stick through the nose deep into the nasal cavity. It had to be done so the rest of my family knows wtf they should do, go into lock down or not. The others were too squeamish to do it, so with a high fever and shit I stuck that shit into my face and wiggled it around for 15 seconds to get a good sample. Test was negative.

    now that the fever is gone I'm reminded of the fact, that I seem to easily endure discomfort for the sake of getting shit done. Not valued but strong Si confirmed. It seems Gulenko was right..
    It’s a good thing you’re alright. After the fever breaks you’ll recover fast.

  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    yesterday had to take the COVID test, because I had almost 39 Celsius fever. Test involves sticking a long plastic stick through the nose deep into the nasal cavity. It had to be done so the rest of my family knows wtf they should do, go into lock down or not. The others were too squeamish to do it, so with a high fever and shit I stuck that shit into my face and wiggled it around for 15 seconds to get a good sample. Test was negative.

    now that the fever is gone I'm reminded of the fact, that I seem to easily endure discomfort for the sake of getting shit done. Not valued but strong Si confirmed. It seems Gulenko was right..
    I did the test on myself like a few weeks ago and it was negative. Today I had to go to the hospital to have someone else do it to me because I have something coming up that requires it. They did the right side first. The guy jammed it so far up my nose, toward the back, it felt like he hit a nerve. My eye started watering as the shock wave hit the whole right side of my head and neck. He handed me a tissue and said he was sorry, asked if I needed a minute as the tears poured out my right eye. I composed myself and I said, please just get it over with now. He did my left side and I didn't feel a thing. I left there with my dignity and pride intact. I hated it though. I wonder if he hit the source of my chronic headaches. It hurt for about an hour after but now it is ok. Never letting anyone do that to me again.

    Edit: almost forgot why I responded. My beta ST, probably LSI, business partner drove me there. He said he was impressed at how I sucked it up as he watched the whole thing go down but he had an urge to punch the guy in the face when my eye started tearing up.

    I don't have valued or strong Si but I am still image conscious enough that I would rather suck it up than look bad getting it done.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  20. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I did the test on myself like a few weeks ago and it was negative. Today I had to go to the hospital to have someone else do it to me because I have something coming up that requires it. They did the right side first. The guy jammed it so far up my nose, toward the back, it felt like he hit a nerve. My eye started watering as the shock wave hit the whole right side of my head and neck. He handed me a tissue and said he was sorry, asked if I needed a minute as the tears poured out my right eye. I composed myself and I said, please just get it over with now. He did my left side and I didn't feel a thing. I left there with my dignity and pride intact. I hated it though. I wonder if he hit the source of my chronic headaches. It hurt for about an hour after but now it is ok. Never letting anyone do that to me again.

    Edit: almost forgot why I responded. My beta ST probably LSI business partner drove me there. He was said he was impressed as he watched the whole thing go down but he had an urge to punch the guy in the face when my eye started tearing up.
    Yeah, the guy should have been more careful. Its easier to control if you are the one feeling where its going imo. My eye watered as well, due to it needing to go all the way in until it can't anymore. I was actually surprised how far in those things can travel tbh..

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    ... You are literally feeding it because this happened months ago and I haven’t mentioned it since then. I’m not trying to egg her on here; my first comment in here was because I found it overly dramatic. In any case, she also seems to think I’m EII, so I don’t think she’d take me seriously.

    Also, I wasn’t even trying to “smear” you back then, you were just being really aggressive and argumentative with me, and I didn’t have control over what Viktor says/does either.

    And yeah, I did like your post because I find it absurd.
    god lol if *I* was argumentative and aggressive then what were you? Rhetorical question, please. This amount of hypocrisy and victim mentality of yours is extreme.

    And then you expect others to just magically overlook your hateful rages when you don't even think of apologising afterwards or anything like that like a mature adult would, like Viktor was a mature adult afterwards. Exactly how old are you, because this is like on a three year old kid's level.

    I'm sorry, I'm not interested in talking to you or to anyone who throws crazy hateful stuff like that at me like most people would never do it, and then doesn't have even a minimum amount of insight about their own behaviour afterwards. Don't be surprised at later consequences, it's that simple. People are just not going to like it in the long run.

    I mean. TLDR: you said "this happened months ago and I haven’t mentioned it since then" so all should be automagically OK and so people should all love you and be always nice to you, lol. seriously.

    Edit: To be clear, I'm not trying to sort this out with you. I'm simply giving you a reality check here but I'm not deluded enough to believe that it will make you change all your ways suddenly lol. When people act this extreme, it's going to take long years of hard work on themselves to sort it out.
    Last edited by grumpyvic81; 10-27-2020 at 10:24 PM.

  22. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    god lol if *I* was argumentative and aggressive then what were you? Rhetorical question, please. This amount of hypocrisy and victim mentality of yours is extreme.

    And then you expect others to just magically overlook your hateful rages when you don't even think of apologising afterwards or anything like that like a mature adult would, like Viktor was a mature adult afterwards. Exactly how old are you, because this is like on a three year old kid's level.

    I'm sorry, I'm not interested in talking to you or to anyone who throws crazy hateful stuff like that at me like most people would never do it, and then doesn't have even a minimum amount of insight about their own behaviour afterwards. Don't be surprised at later consequences, it's that simple. People are just not going to like it in the long run.

    I mean. TLDR: you said "this happened months ago and I haven’t mentioned it since then" so all should be automagically OK and so people should all love you and be always nice to you, lol. seriously.

    Edit: To be clear, I'm not trying to sort this out with you. I'm simply giving you a reality check here but I'm not deluded enough to believe that it will make you change all your ways suddenly lol. When people act this extreme, it's going to take long years of hard work on themselves to sort it out.
    So is this reasoning of yours here (on a 3 year old level). You admit here that you were being argumentative towards me, and you have not once apologized. So what do YOU expect?

    The second and third-last bolded points prove that you’re just letting it drag on ad infinitum, as if that’s mature? Not wanting to sort out problems with people, and instead complaining and lecturing them sure is the pinnacle of emotional maturity.

    Don’t bother lecturing me if you hardly know me (not being Myst of course, as you claim), and are intent on being unfair and assuming yourself as being in the right no matter what. In this thread too where people are clearly *already* perplexed as to why you started shit with SnatchYourWeave, instigating things for no reason.

    On the last bolded point, speak for yourself. You are clearly projecting here.
    Last edited by sbbds; 10-28-2020 at 02:17 AM.

  23. #183
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    Best thread
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

  24. #184
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    Its like quadra memes are true or something.. leave it to beta quadra to make a brawl out of a discussion :>

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    I mean even if you two didn't talk in private - though I know for a fact that you did talk about me with others and not just Viktor no - you did attempt to smear me in public and you claim she may have read that before & it was also where you did egg on Viktor, that one was too obvious because he directly parroted your thoughts and he directly called you into the thread too. So it's not cool. And you liking that post of mine above just shows how you just enjoy bad drama for fun. Gonna stop feeding that now & forever, good luck trying to get a rise out of me, either you or Snatch, I don't have time for this teenager drama
    For the record, I don’t harbor you any ill-will nor did I throw malice at you. What I’ve said to you is very direct and honest, and not meant to be insulting. I wanted to get you to stop being pedantic and learn to be open to conceptual thinking without freaking out that not every little detail has to be spelled out directly. You’re not SLE but LSI and Ti is heavily concentrated in the ego block with pronounced Ne PoLR. I never talked to sb on any level. She’s a fraud and nothing she’s ever said has any substance. Sb doesn’t ever directly address anything and is always trying to defend herself by gaslighting aka sowing seeds of doubt and guessing how people feel and act upon emotional prediction. That’s really just fucking weird and it’s not something any logical type does. What’s laughable is when people like me confront her and cut her crap, she gets angry and sees all these perceived threats that aren’t really there. Besides, I’m not the only one who knows she’s not SLE. She’s supposed to be exposed to socionics for 10 years on this forum and still can’t accurately self-type which is just retarded. So no, I don’t take her seriously because she’s delusional. I actually took you seriously because I think you’re sincere, but unfocused and lack direction.

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    Sometimes real-world notions like visas, traffic rules, criminal code and other social realities may fall in the zone of ignoring. This may cause 'unexpected' problems, even imprisonment. The society does not care take into consideration neither your unique interpretation of the established law nor your type of information metabolism.

    See this is why I always say I don't give a shit about rules and regulations and that the translation into English is misleading for LSI, making the type seem like MBTI STJs. e_e.. its because that shit is Te... and the quote above is Te ignoring description.

    Ti is more like principles - a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

    The comprehension of LSI as anything other than ISTP is down to a misunderstanding due to translation errors.

    @Northstar so yeah, fuck rules, as you aid. "Laws" should be imo translated instead as principles or just chains of reasoning or something like that, rather than the misleading notion of rules, laws and regulation, which is more the realm of Te. SLE with 4D demo Te tho is supposed to understand these things well and navigate such things without really caring much about them.
    Last edited by SGF; 10-29-2020 at 07:01 AM.

  27. #187
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    O.o I’ve only been on these socionics forums for 5 years, even including my old alt. Person in red above is cray cray.

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