Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
AHAHAHAHAHA You’re the one who was triggered when I confronted you for parroting copy pasta and mbti nonsense. You refused to accept my typing of my friend and insists she belongs into the theoretical box of which you know absolutely shit about. You resort to childish insults with “up your ass” comments to me when you felt threatened that I called you out for being dense. You can’t hack theory. You don’t know how to apply theory to reality, you can’t even make simple logical reasoning conclusions without being spoon fed by someone else. Now you backtrack and act like I flipped out when you’re the one who got busted so suck it up Becky. You’re so fucking weak that you’re blaming people you wouldn’t dare to speak to in person while condescendingly lecturing them online. All that tells me is you a punk ass. You already know you’re trash; you don’t need me to spell it out. However, since we all now know how much you like playing the victim, there you go.
I'm not engaging with this blind crazy, lol. I mean who takes any of this random shit from you seriously. Do you realise we are on a fringe forum about a schizophrenic theory? Calm down and get grounded again, until then it's pointless to talk about anything lol.