Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
With her specifically? I know her and observed her, and we worked together. There’s 2 basic ways to know someone very quickly and well- work with them and/or live with them. I’ve done both. She’s not a character or archetype which can be easily spotted. Besides, LSI-Se are the more common LSI type. She’s excellent at enforcing on an administrative level where she aggressively fights to have her artists get the most benefits. LSI-Se are very aggressive when it comes to bargaining. They handle leadership better but they don’t like being tested on their authority. They operate on very absolute terms. Point is, the explicit written rules are easy to enforce when one side don’t pull their weight. The hard part is how do you get someone to cooperate if they’re slacking? When it comes to dealing and managing people especially those who are unpredictable, she gets enormously frustrated (LSIs in general do). She’s not going to cut them off and she doesn’t want to threaten them even though inside she does.
That's pretty weird to me for how I understood how LSI-Se is. LSI-Ti I can see having issues with using "too much" direct force or adapt to what they did not expect/predict, but LSI-Se is described as not having issues with it:

- "Can apply pressure on his subordinates if he is in a leadership position, forcing them to work conscientiously; inclined to "tighten the screws" giving instructions in imperative intonation; will check if his orders have been carried out. If his arguments are not taken under consideration, may flare up and try to force others to do everything as it should be done."

- "Orients quickly in extreme situations, displaying considerable willpower, endurance, and practical resourcefulness."

(Wikisocion LSI subtypes)

I really had a sense from your pic that she's the Ti subtype but you know her better obviously.

Maybe those artists are slacking so much that the above LSI-Se methods don't work on them tho yeah

She hired me not because it was planned, but because she’s already observed how I am in the public sphere and knows how I am with people that gave her the idea I could enforce the rules and make sure the consequences stick when it comes to this line of work. She does know on the professional level that I am very qualified, because I worked as a production assistant (for a large network). Much of it goes to the fact that I easily impose my will on others without any thought behind it and don’t give a shit who says no. She doesn’t operate that way and doesn’t bypass rules and she won’t coerce.
That's the thing, my understanding was Ti subtype doesn't do much coercion but Se subtype will if needed. In your video too it went beyond just idle Ti moralising, umm.....that wasn't a bad example there lol

Also LSI-Se is described as not always keeping to the rules lol, they can get impulsive. Ti sub is the one that doesn't bypass rules and Ti sub is the real administrator/bureaucrat type.

But to me, if you want this result, you’ll do as I say. And I don’t give orders and not participate.
That's good lol, no hypocrisy there then

I’m present, coordinate activities that would be conducive to the goals and I would also be there doing what they’re doing- I went to the gym consistently and worked out with them, kept on top of their diets and even ate the same as them when in company, sat there during recording sessions and gave them suggestions and how to implement it, etc. I categorized and enforced regiments. I made sure they had some order in their life to make it conducive to carrying out their contracts. LSIs in general are very bad when it comes to getting others to cooperate. They let people run amuck and when ppl get totally outta control; they purge them. To them, due to Ti being lead, “The rules should be adhered to and your actions should fall in line with those rules. I shouldn’t have to tell you what to do, you should know it already.” SLE works the other around- “I will do this and then legitimize my actions.”
That again just sounds Ti subtype to me. What you said about SLE makes sense lol

One thing I do want to ask you - as an SLE - about though. So you said you categorise, create and enforce the regimens, but when does your "P-ness" come out, your spontaneity and wanting to make change and variety etc? Does it not get to be too much of a burden after a while to keep and enforce the consistent regimens as an SLE-Se? Even SLE-Ti is described as getting unhappy with having to keep it up after they already lost interest. Or for you money or something else keeps you interested? What is it exactly if so?

- "Grows bored if he doesn't find an application to his abilities, or if he has to finish something he's lost an interest in or that which has no practical interest for him. Only new experiences and impressions and frequent changes in activity raise his vitality."

(Wikisocion SLE-Ti subtype desc)

Now that I think about it further, I understand why LSI likes to partner up with SLE. It’s like Stalin (LSI) and Zhukov (SLE), Diocletian (LSI) and Maximian (SLE). The brains behind the power needs the enforcer with brains to exact the consequences of the power.
Tbh I'm talking about all this bc previously I was not all that clear on what LSI-Se is really like in practice. I had the impression they were an enforcer type pretty much but ofc not in the same way as SLE.

And, "enforcer with brains" I like that for either one lol