I literally don't care if I get banned since I don't have anything else to say. I already didn't have anything else to write on my attempt at a 16types Adventures thread and I'll be glad to let bnd say what he wants in it, it's his story originally after all. I just want to say one thing I appreciate mu4 for is working in software engineering and having to deal with irritating compsci people all day day in and day out who have no idea how to program but have a huge ego regardless, and if that's a relevant topic to you check out my Heresy Thread where I talk about Dijkstra who also criticizes that kind of thing from different directions, I'm going to have a long future of that myself unless I can be one of the people who does something to change that culture which isn't easy and I don't think I'd do that alone.

Another thing I appreciate is mu4 being on a site with so much awful stuff going on in the shadows and in backchannels, that's not mu4's fault and he isn't responsible for it since that's just part and parcel of owning a site with any level of activity, but he still has to clean things up and get rid of all the really sketchy, illegal, and grossly immoral stuff as far as possible. Yes, I was teasing mu4 for coincidentally calling romance a bourgeoisie social construct right after I posted about how un-romantic I thought socionics was in the Heresy Thread, but for all his faults he does some things right and I'm going to thank him for making the world slightly better through those things. I hope he can stop being a tankie, but I still thank him despite the fact he's a tankie.

So I post this thread in honor of mu4's hard work keeping up this forum, including keeping down the bad people, and at his job.