Thanks Ann, that explanation of the typing codes is very helpful. I am going to get paper out and practice jotting down and translating these codes til "reading" it becomes automatic.

Next I think I need to have a fuller understanding of static/dynamic, which I can get from reading on Reinin Dichotomies, before I even try to understand Cognitive Styles. I now remeber skimming over Cognitive styles and it not really "sticking" for me.

Let me make sure I understand these things before I go further. Right now SLE son has new Assassins creed on the big screen with stereo sound and I am going to go work on things that need doing in other rooms... (computer is here with the big TV...).. I tried ear plugs but Mom is full of questions today and I have to keep taking them out to answer her - she is stuck on her thing today called "Where are all the other people?" that I can never answer satisfactorily for her (since she can't tell me who these "other people" are) and since she does not like the answer she keeps re-asking every five minutes, and we repeat the same dialogue:

"What people, Mom?"
"Well Eliza Thomason"
"I am Eliza. I am your daughter.."
"But where are the others?"
"What others?"

The only thing I can do is redirect her mind by getting her occupied. I just got her stringing cheerios but that will only last so long. Then I will take her for a walk and pet peoples little dogs (She always says, "Nice kitty") and we can watch the salmon jump in the stream... If we walk long enough it will tire her and after another meal she'll nap. And hopefully she will not wake up still stuck on the "other people".

(and I used up cheerioo-time typing this!)

As to this, I guess I need to follow the "process" step-by-step in order to understand it, or to gain a base understanding so that I can pickup the concepts quicker. Thanks for giving me a great clear start to the process. Its really helpful.