Quote Originally Posted by Esaman View Post
That the negative barrier is not beyond reason?
Oh, it was rhetorical and about typing Eliza. nvm.
Not necessarily about Eliza. And not in the way one would immediately think it might be.

The description is rather black-and-white. One or the other. But I think differing situations might create differing responses. When I read these things, I approach it as best I can with a clear mind, not with a filter of me being one or the other. So that when I read these types of descriptions, i hold the info in 'limbo' as I look at various past actions and responses of mine, others, etc, to see where it might fit or not fit, how much of each, so I can maybe better see/understand what it is referring to. In this particular case, there are plenty of times when I don't, and there are some times when I do.

For example, when my neighbor friend and I are at lunch, and she tells me the cost as I'm digging for money from my purse, and she gives a super high price, initially i 'accept' her price as being the right price. (She's my friend, why would she lie to me?) But I can't believe that it really cost that much so I stop digging around and look at the bill myself, flabberghasted by the price she'd told me. At which point she'll laugh because I fell for her little prank.

All that happens within less than a minute. And it's in situations where I trust the person giving me the information, and the information is about something external to me, rather than internal. Also, why would I initially doubt someone's description of their own internal feelings, or thoughts? Surely they would know better than I, right? Yes, over time I might learn to distrust them.

Is putting the info in limbo "acceptance", or "rejection"?
It's not really either, it's just on hold until more information can come in.
And it might take a long time before there IS acceptance, if it comes at all.

Anyways, so as I was weighing these things in my mind, questioning this particular dichotomy, I was also keeping in mind some people's reactions to it. Some questioned it as well, some saw both possibilities within their own behavior, and some immediately identified with one or the other. So why the hell couldn't I pick one as being the one that fit?? Why do some people like this dichotomy a lot, and others, like me, not so much?

And then I realized that that in itself could be an example of Negativism.
And laughed.