Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
your answer explains why other tempermants find the ENTJ arrogant, rude etc. I>E> AS I have already explained to you (we hear...are you stupid, you mean you cannot get this the first time around...) yes, mr, rational I get it / we get it. I am giving up here because your unwillingness to think a little more deeply about this is frustrating..... I am not kidding here. I enjoy learning about all of this but hate being shut down by someone who will not engage a bit more deeply into the emotional side of this.

Its not they we are fickle, maybe the enfp is just smarter when it comes to knowing when to fold.
I don't know what you're talking about. Everybody's trying to give you a considerate reply here. You're coming up aggressive already. Don't expect us to open us with that attitude. In itself, that is a lack of understanding, and respect, of other people - so I wouldn't pride myself in my people skills and knowledge of emotions of others if I were you.