Interesting and considerate reply. It has been interesting getting to know this particular ENTJ. After reading many of the posted comments....I found myself remembering how much I disliked this person upon our initial meetings. I thought that arrogance and some other strange thing was stirring around in that ENTJ's head that I did not see any reason to want to get to know this person.....then, through circumstances out of my control we were forced to get to know one another. Then, what an eye opener. This particular ENTJ is probably a genius. Although I think that the mental and spiritual challenges that I offer give this Fieldmarshal a good run for the money. Which is probably why we enjoy each others company so much. But there are things about the ENTJ...yet, one thing is for certain. I am not sure that I have met anyone more loyal to friends and family, serious about learning and dialouge or who works harder at controlling emotions....go figure