OK I'm new to this board, so if this topic has been discussed previously, I apologize for not finding it:

I'm a 26 year old ENTJ who's beginning to wonder about everyone around me, and whether or not I'm doing/saying/acting certain ways that would drive people away. I've always been the kind of person who enjoys having lots of friends, and being very friendly with everyone around me. Lately (i.e. last year or so?), it seems like several friends of mine have withdrawn, and there seems to be a negative attitude floating around amongst them towards me, based on tidbits I've heard here and there.

In addition, I've noticed almost during the exact same time frame that my workmates have gone in the same direction. I don't get the interaction from them that I seem to remember having, such as not getting invited to go out to lunch, quiet falls over their conversation when I do approach, etc. When I do talk to them it's almost as if everything is fine, but I can't help but notice or pick up on subtleties that would imply otherwise.

I can't seem to pinpoint an exact event that would have caused this, if it is in fact true, and not just paranoia on my part. My approach with some has been to just directly ask them, but that's not gotten me anywhere, and in a way, may have contributed towards their feelings or conversations towards/about me.

I am a typical ENTJ, very self confident, always in the leadership role, and always more than willing to share my advice to them on personal or business matters. In several cases I've seen it succeed and have helped numerous friends & workmates better themselves as a result of the guidance I have offered. So what's with the seclusion I'm suddenly feeling from them, and how can I approach it or repair it without driving them off further? These aren't just acquaintances, I'm talking long time friends and workmates. Are they worth the trouble (my first reaction is no, but my wife (INFS) disagrees. Thoughts? Help? Recommendations?

Thanks for any and all advice. And please be as blunt as necessary to drive the point home. I'll provide further details without getting too personal if requested. This board is a great resource, just from my past several hours of browsing the forums I've found it very helpful. :wink: