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Thread: ENTj driving friends and co-workers away

  1. #81

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    You misunderstood me.

    Oh, come on, Kim. I wanted a big, bloodly, blow out war. Earl will around soon I'm sure.


    I think I have very bad case of PMS!!
    <--- Me pouring out all my love on you!

    Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Artemis
    You misunderstood me.

    Oh, come on, Kim. I wanted a big, bloodly, blow out war. Earl will around soon I'm sure.


    I think I have very bad case of PMS!!
    Ha! I still think she should not marry anyone to protect her!
    Come on, now, battle it out! Spears ready!
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

  3. #83

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    Default Kim was correct, on all things

    Quote Originally Posted by Artemis
    Ask a simple question!

    Actually, Earl, said lady is 17. They have been dating a year now. He was married before at the age of 21 and divorced 8 months later as she cheated. I know enough about him and so does my husband and also her father to know that he realizes what a perfect gem he has in her. He doesn't want to lose this. He truly loves who and what she is. He's been around enough to know what it is he wants in life. As he says, "She's not a girlfriend . . . she's a keeper."

    Also, not everyone is you nor I and one can only decide for themselves if they are ready for marriage at any age. She is an ESFp and I see in her a need for an older man to gently guide and protect her. I see a wonderful future for the two of them. And yes he will have to go to Iraq at some point in time if he wishes to advance his career but that does not seem to be anytime soon in his future as he is the company accountant or whatever they call them in the military.

    Kindly remember I asked one simple question! You should start a Christian advice column. Dear Earl . . . .
    Kim was correct on all issues here. It seems as though my posts would only further the issue into your close-mindedness (for that is what it is. You call us (especially me) a hypocrite for not listening to outside ideas, yet you don't listen at all).

    If you'd like war, that is fine. Keep in mind that I'm not a warmonger, so when the time comes, it shall be done (on my end, although that was such a great saying, you should read it again without the () text. Direct quote from Revelation I think ("Deus ex machina" haha). Yes, I truly have nothing better to do). Also, writing this to inspire war is not so easy, is it? Thanks to some intriguing developments to which I really don't see how they affected me as so, I'm a slightly calmer Earl. Even so, you mess with the Earl, you mess with the a Neo-Templar (based off the ancient order of the Knights Templar. It refers to anyone who deeply believes in Christian systems and "old skool" mannerisms and beliefs). So, let us prepare with some statements:

    She's 17, not 27, so don't expect her to be able to make an actual decision (not saying she's stupid or anything. She's really the smartest person I know of who doesn't flaunt it in any way, shape or form) regarding the rest of her life. At 27 I'd still be hasty about such long-term committments, as should most people.

    The only reason people get married is because they have reached a point where life has nothing to offer them alone, but with another person, they can go farther.

    Also, the marriage license is, in itself, a piece of paper. This is true. However, what is represents is their eternal love and mutual understanding of each other. It is also a statement in front of God Himself (not that you believe this, but the person you propose to be the future Lady Hallington would believe it) that their love will never end, and they will be together forever in a holy union. As I said, if you don't believe in this, he must, elsewise he's a hypocrite. Being the good Baptist he is, he'd find himself with a deep conviction that the Sacriment of Holy Matrimony be kept intact. If not, then he knows what I shall name him.

    Also, I'd like it if you didn't use His name in such a slanderous way ("God, save me from your people!"). That only mildly offends me because in the Old Testament, a similar statement was uttered by a persecuted prophet.

    Also, this entire topic has nothing to do with what we believe. We have no power over you, which simultaneously begs the question of "why did you post this, outside of to incite 'war'"? This has more to do with a decision that will literally shape her entire being (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, etc) for the rest of her life! Despite what you think that she should be exposed to the world at such an early age, realize that she is, in herself, her own person. However, you must be the one to guide her, not her (I presume you've already received the request, elsewise this wouldn't be posted) future "husband".

    She can be as independant as she likes, however she cannot be independant of physical abuse, emotional abuse, etc. Also, after she gets married, then what? Realize that right now, your entire plans for her involve her getting married, then it stops there. Does she plan to go to college or a trade school? If she does, would she be able to financially do so (weddings are expensive). What are his plans? To go to Iraq and die or something? A clerical (not religious, desk) job in the military is hardly something to which offers great promotional value. Even if he left when his years were up, he'd only become a low-level secretary unless he learns another skill. Further, where are they to live? When do they plan to have children? Are you reading this? Is this to fulfil some twisted idea of your children that you have (Cone should be engaged, if not married; and Lady Hallington should be married as early as possible)?

    As Kim said, Lady Hallington should never need a man to support her (or a woman, however it is 99.99 (etc)% certain she isn't that way (can never be 100% sure, because if you are, your math is wrong)). Let her live her life independantly. Nor should she need guidance from anyone except from her parents, nor should she ever place herself in a situation where this is necessary. If she's not self-sufficient before she marries, she'll only be in the marriage for the fact that he's supporting her.

    Now, this happened in my own family. My grandmother (on my father's side) did almost exactly as you say Lady Hallington is about to do, marry a military man right after she's 18 and start a family. Back in her day, this was almost expected. However, the consequences will certainly be the same. Because of his military background, my grandfather was abusive, always expecting immediate and efficient results for anything. They also had children at an early age, and this person happened to be my father (yay!). He witnessed firsthand the beatings each of them received for not complying. Also, she felt indebted to my grandfather for marrying her (thus releasing her from my grand-grandmother's pleads to marry young), so she stayed through it. She left him multiple times, returning out of a sense of duty. Each time she returned, it was worse.

    Almost 50 years has passed, and it is the same. He just hides it better and she is more submissive. Granted, (need name for Mr Lady Hallington's possible betrothed member, how about giving his name, for reference?) he might not be abusive. Actually, although it seemed the point of the paragraph, it wasn't. The duty my grandmother felt because she never developed individually (self-sufficiently) made her return to a place that was unbearable. Even if he doesn't abuse Lady Hallington at all, there's the possibility that she'll simply become an old, stay-at-home mother who spends all day wondering "what if"? The person I base this on is my own mother (I wonder if she reads my posts? If so, I may be in trouble ), who married at a well-enough age, however did not develop proper self-sufficience (she lived at home her entire life and worked a low-wage job).

    Before Lady Hallington does anything at all, ensure these things first:

    She's out on her own (absolutely no financial support by you or anyone else)

    She has an education

    She has a suitable cash reserve in a bank account (say a few thousand, in the 1-2 grand range, reasonable for self-sufficience and to save up for the wedding)

    She is completely happy by herself, and is happier with him.

    They can both live together (no socionics either, they must physically be together for a time. It is easy to deduce from type their general relations, however in real life, things happen that strain the relationship, beyond where sociology can predict) without excessive conflict (small things, are normal, and accepted) and without physical intimacy (if they can survive truely by themselves, they should be able to do without. Take a long walk or something!). Under your beliefs, I suppose some sort of arrangement could be met for the bare minimum of what you feel necessary (I'd suggest weekly coupling, as outside of that, you're just in it because you're bored. Possibly twice weekly). This is because there is indeed a bio-chemical reason for the Act, however if they can properly supress it, it shows self-mastery. The reason I left the option for the weekly approach is because the bio-chemical need is often found to be very great in lab reports, and the monkies couldn't stay away (interesting how science studies these things), and those that were forced apart suffered permanent brain damage (and yet I do not falter from my beliefs, no matter how damaged my brain may or not be (I doubt it is anything serious, as the monkies only showed depression, sometimes serious. Other than that, nothing else of importance)).

    Anyone she plans to marry must meet equal guidelines as well.

    Also, it would possibly be best if you had Lady Hallington read what has been posted whenever you render your decision. Either way you decide, she must be informed. I know I'd like to be informed when others debated of my future (funny thing is I had a myriad opportunities today, why does she seemingly follow me? Have you trained her to follow the one you hate supremely? Or perhaps it is because she does read this, and is looking for the opportunity to kill me? Or maybe I'm paranoid or something, because I'd rathe be paranoid than anything I've suggested. I wonder what's going on in my subconscious that I'd even suggest such an idea. Ludicrous!).
    Mr. Cone's family scares me.

    If I only had a brain...

    Voted "most cryptic" and "Most likely to become his/her country's next president/prime minister"

    I'd like to thank all of you who voted for me. When I take office, I'll remember those who didn't vote for me...


    Warning: can be long-winded when writing. Allow for a minimum of 20 minutes to read each individual post of mine

  4. #84
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    Earl, you have some really good morals, but something there just totally creeps me out and I can not put my finger on what.

  5. #85
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    i dunno i couldn't read all of that. ):
    6w5 sx
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    sloan - rcuei

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew

    Earl, you have some really good morals, but something there just totally creeps me out and I can not put my finger on what.
    He wasn't voted most cryptic for no reason
    I gather *shrugs* ...

  7. #87

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    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    Earl, you have some really good morals, but something there just totally creeps me out and I can not put my finger on what.
    Now I don't like you either.

    LOL! I've had enough fun today. Later!
    <--- Me pouring out all my love on you!

    Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

  8. #88

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    Default Gigantic post

    That post was big. Surprisingly it only took me half an hour to write, while I was doing homework, buying on iTunes, playing a game, and listening to some involving podcasts and music. If you read it, you can make the determination on whether or not I was affected by my multitasking.

    The basic concept is that I agree with Kim, who agrees with me (nice infinate loop). She shouldn't marry at such a young age, and I feel that most likely he has an ulterior motive to marrying her. Besides, if he truely loved her, he'd wait for the end of time to marry her.

    At the end, I suggested Lady Hallington herself came here. Sure, I'd receive quite the verbal (and possibly physical) beating because I oppose what she probably views as the completion of her life. She must know, however that you cannot say your life is completed until you've done it both by yourself and with someone you love. Aye, she'll hate me, and it is really of no concern to me, as someone must note what is happening before her life becomes little more than "the wife of <name of the guy>". Aside from losing her identity, she loses a good portion of her life, with childcare and all that that will eventually derive from this marriage.

    If she does come here, I just hope she understands what I mean when I say this. It is one thing (that will most likely happen) that she reads a small portion and judges. Read in its entirety and participate, a well-informed decision is a decision worth making. I both fear and anticipate this day, as a lady scorned is a wrath one never escapes. However, she must know, and if Madam trusts her to make such a great decision, she needs all the information.

    I'd do this for anyone who had questions about whether to do something or not (suggest they get all the information, done mostly by asking others). I'm not opening a clinic, like Madam Hallington stated, however I'm saying that you should all be able to do similarly to what I've done, be able to rationally state something based on your own beliefs and your understanding of events, law, and people. <now look, here come the masses with their questions. The doctor is perpetually out >.
    Mr. Cone's family scares me.

    If I only had a brain...

    Voted "most cryptic" and "Most likely to become his/her country's next president/prime minister"

    I'd like to thank all of you who voted for me. When I take office, I'll remember those who didn't vote for me...


    Warning: can be long-winded when writing. Allow for a minimum of 20 minutes to read each individual post of mine

  9. #89

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    "Aye, she'll hate me, and it is really of no concern to me, as someone must note what is happening before her life becomes little more than "the wife of <name of the guy>". Aside from losing her identity, she loses a good portion of her life, with childcare and all that that will eventually derive from this marriage."

    I'd be running for my life if I were you! All us nameless, brainless wives and mothers will hunt you down. Oh, and don't be shocked if you get knocked up side the head today. She is pissed that you keep saying she follows you around the school.

    " . . . a lady scorned is a wrath one never escapes."

    She's an ESFp, Earl! Good God, man! What were you thinking?!

    "I'm saying that you should all be able to do similarly to what I've done, be able to rationally state something based on your own beliefs and your understanding of events, law, and people."

    You have the right to your opinion, but Earl, you were the first to tell her age on this forum and you continually use our last name in your posts. That is not your right or obligation. That is personal information that you had no right to put out there. That's why I am livid with you. I don't give a fuck (so you bleep it out when you say it -- the intent is the same) about your opinions, only your right to express them. You violated our privacy! She knew I was writing about her and thought it was hysterical. You could have expressed your views without anyone needing to know that you knew her. You violated the rules of decency and respect!
    <--- Me pouring out all my love on you!

    Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

  10. #90

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    Default :grin:

    Well, you're the one who first started off with this entire proposition. You of all people should know that I take nothing as a joke, even if I laugh at it. Perpetual calculation and the same is as I do, and when one states something, it is infinately calculated until a reasonable answer can be derived. Being that you find this little off-shoot of the thread as a joke is of no concern to me. I view it as a both a personal attack on my beliefs and disrespect to the Lady. I'm not the only one to think this way, and as all has been said, it is ultimately, her decision. Ours is to guide and help, providing information without overt direction. You requested help, it has been given.

    Yes, you can hunt me down (I live practically next door to you! How hard is it to kill the idiot down the lane?) , however I doubt anyone would join you. Your quote has been taken entirely out of context. You seem not to realize that a large portion of your life is indeed removed when you bare children. Aside from the myriad hilarious occupations I can think of, there's the fact that you must perpetually be at the ready to care for your child. Sure, you could hire a babysitter and consequentially have no emotional bond with your children, all in the vain hopes for personal success. Still, it is never easy to have children and a job, so I suggested she hold off on the former in order to pursue the latter (and personal fulfillment). Elsewise, everything becomes a myriad times more difficult (myriad is the wotd (word of the day) ).

    I myself find it rather hilarious that in some recess of my mind I perceive events as such. She can be as angry as she is, for really the folly is in my own perception (perceptual reality- my own form of pseudo-psychology). Most likely, it is because she's mentioned so often upon this forum that it seems as though she has pervaded my life (aye, tis mildly disturbing of sorts). Similar to how I used to see people I've never seen before in real life (ie other folks online) based of an odd picture on a profile, despite the fact that they lived thousands of miles away, this is so. Further, if I'm the insane one, why does she nearly immediately move from her position in the back of the cafetorium to the front, directly behind me, each time I move there? It isn't as though she couldn't tell her friends to move or whatnot. A subtle hint as well, speak quietly, ma'am, for all the world can hear of your misadventures when you scream them. Sure, it is loud in the morning, however I'm trying to sleep/read my book, and I'd appreciate the comments of agreeablility to be kept down to where my ears cannot hear. Truely I am psychotic in some respect, and so it continues...

    About invading your privacy. I see no way that the term Hallington refers to your proper name. As far as any are concerned, this name is derived from the fact that "a millenia ago, you were the great architects who build the first guildhall". Aside from that, you're the one posting pictures and making lewd, obscene comments about all your escapades. Further, people know my name (Earl Euradere), so what difference does it make if they can deduce yours? Granted, the power of the Matrix (some conspiracy theory that due to new search engines and how everything is going online, a person could instantly know your whole life better than you do) could deduce a myriad things from it. However, your IP that is listed on this site every time you post is of greater value than a simple name. Any idiot with the proper skills (not me) could hack this site and steal IPs and spoof addresses and create spam spontaneously using that IP address. Then, with the new CAN-SPAM act that may or may not be passed (we'll suppose it does), you could be incarcerated for losing your IP. Sure, you could plead someone stole it, but wouldn't the real spammers do the same thing? Just make sure you shower alone...

    Censoring is important on the Internet. Without it, we are twice to 3 times more likely to speak out of context and offensively in the real world. If we don't police ourselves when no one else will, we open up a nice long chain of degrading social morals.

    Also, I don't know her. I not not woman in any fashion (just ask her, I don't even have female friends, I'm such a failure!). So, do not presume that this is all because I know things about her or whatever fantasy you wish to fulfill in order to look like the great protector of people you eventually set up for failure. Aside from age and name, there is nothing else I know, and really we all have deduced this from your own writings! . I know more about the folks on here than I know of you or your family. These are people who I only read about, never witnessing, never experiencing. In so far as all practicality goes, they could be robots or just one person that has infinate time to spend online and infinate typing skills. If it weren't for the fact that you assert that you are the biological creator of Cone, I could argue that you are perhaps an angry Cone who decides to skip classes every day just to write counter posts of little intrinsic value. Even knowing that, I could still argue otherwise, as there is no truth to the matter that any of us exist at all, perhaps we are all ficticious creations of Cone and myself. The only reason I assume Cone is real is because he once hit me over the head, which proves that either I'm very good at inventing people so real it hurts, or that Mr. Cone was angry with me for calling him an overachiever.

    If you'd like me to stop calling you <title> Hallington, suggest a name, which I would still attach a title to (it is only fair, as one was taught to respect and admire the female form in the use of titles and manners. It is just the way that one is taught when brought up in such a traditionalistic family).

    On a completely unrelated note: Lord Bloggington () is up and running. So, The Madam's suggestion that I start writing elsewhere can finally be realized. Using ideas from here, I shall suppliment them on Bloggington. This is to say that I will continue writing here, but only the bare essentials. Then, if more is needed to be said, I shall write a suppliment to the entry, first by rewriting the topic, quoting a few people, quoting my own basic response, then writing until my fingers bleed (which has happened before, so don't think that I'll stop just because I'm tired (no, it didn't happen, but I could see it happening)).
    Mr. Cone's family scares me.

    If I only had a brain...

    Voted "most cryptic" and "Most likely to become his/her country's next president/prime minister"

    I'd like to thank all of you who voted for me. When I take office, I'll remember those who didn't vote for me...


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  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Artemis
    "Aye, she'll hate me, and it is really of no concern to me, as someone must note what is happening before her life becomes little more than "the wife of <name of the guy>". Aside from losing her identity, she loses a good portion of her life, with childcare and all that that will eventually derive from this marriage."

    I'd be running for my life if I were you! All us nameless, brainless wives and mothers will hunt you down.
    It's only a matter of taking time. I know several women who got married at an early age and kids. Some regret it. I have never heard a woman say "I wish I had married at 18 and not at 25." It's about really finding out what you want. Noone is saying that all women should have a career. But every woman should take time to find out. She is too young to really know and there is no reason not to find out.

    And why can't you both just cut the personal crap, eh?
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

  12. #92

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    And why can't you both just cut the personal crap, eh?
    TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
    "I feel like I should be making a sarcastic comment right now, but you're just so cute!" - Shego, Kim Possible

  13. #93

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    Default Art or Earl?

    Quote Originally Posted by XcaliburGirl
    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    And why can't you both just cut the personal crap, eh?
    Is that directed to me or the Madam? I hope it was directed towards her, as it is truely insane how she now posts about how it bothers her, despite the fact she's said so much stuff that was so very personal that would actually get her arrested in some places (if in the real world).

    Well, I suppose the worst she could do is kill me, and that wouldn't bother me overly. Just speed up some aspects of my life (hehe). Sort of sad I must worry about that, however it would only take a massive movement to kill me, because Mr Cone is entirely too subtle and anyone directly related to him would be immediately questioned. Of course, the Lady did talk to people who have a history for violence today, so maybe she's setting her plans into motion. We can only await it. Time to assemble the Gat Squad (I don't look at death and laugh, I beat the <censored> out of it, making the only way death could take me is if it had help or was a sneaky <censored> who got me while I was down). This won't go well people, a family with each paying a group of mercenaries. To think, we are simple children and we're acting like major political figures with a deep feud. Ludicrous indeed.
    Mr. Cone's family scares me.

    If I only had a brain...

    Voted "most cryptic" and "Most likely to become his/her country's next president/prime minister"

    I'd like to thank all of you who voted for me. When I take office, I'll remember those who didn't vote for me...


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  14. #94

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    Default Re: Art or Earl?

    Quote Originally Posted by Earl60861
    Quote Originally Posted by XcaliburGirl
    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    And why can't you both just cut the personal crap, eh?
    Is that directed to me or the Madam?
    Edit: (Note the bold, underlined text.)
    TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
    "I feel like I should be making a sarcastic comment right now, but you're just so cute!" - Shego, Kim Possible

  15. #95
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    "Is that directed to me or the Madam?"

    Most probably "to the Madam."
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

  16. #96

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    This is a hot topic


    FWIW, my cousin (female) got married when she was eighteen because she wanted to clean her own house instead of her mother's house. Fifteen years later they finally divorced after his refusal to have children, his depression etc etc etc. She definitely regrets that relationship which she says now she was in no position to really evaluate when she was eighteen.

    I got married when I was thirty and not a minute sooner. To me, it finally felt like the right time. As folks are saying, I had a lot of finding of myself to do before marriage and I'm glad I spent that time.

    Did anybody know that there is an actual ideal age to get married according to sociologists? It is supposed to be around 25. Ideal age for birth of first child runs from 25 to 30. Prior to that children stress the individual's resources too much; after 30 parental energy resources are not as high. Interesting data, correlated with depression, education, income, and happiness with marriage stats.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze
    This is a hot topic
    *touches it* Ouch! Man, you're right, it is pretty hot. :wink:
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  18. #98

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    Default Name of study?

    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze
    This is a hot topic


    FWIW, my cousin (female) got married when she was eighteen because she wanted to clean her own house instead of her mother's house. Fifteen years later they finally divorced after his refusal to have children, his depression etc etc etc. She definitely regrets that relationship which she says now she was in no position to really evaluate when she was eighteen.

    I got married when I was thirty and not a minute sooner. To me, it finally felt like the right time. As folks are saying, I had a lot of finding of myself to do before marriage and I'm glad I spent that time.

    Did anybody know that there is an actual ideal age to get married according to sociologists? It is supposed to be around 25. Ideal age for birth of first child runs from 25 to 30. Prior to that children stress the individual's resources too much; after 30 parental energy resources are not as high. Interesting data, correlated with depression, education, income, and happiness with marriage stats.
    Do you happen to know the name of that study? I referenced it in a previous post on this thread, and it bothers me that I don't know the name of it. Yes, this little detail does make my actual knowledge look like imaginary, conservative "statistics" pulled from my "twisted and deformed' mind.

    I shall tone down the personal stuff, although there isn't much for me to tone down, in my opinion . Likewise, I'd appreciate if the Madam would tone down the offensive comments towards me. You're welcome to completely disagree with me, but kindly don't provoke me when you write. That's the main reason it got this bad in the first place. As I've read somewhere, there's three people/groups of people you don't want to argue with:

    God (He's infalliable) (can substitute your own deity if other religion)
    The Media (they'll always have the last word)
    A stubborn person of mild to great intellect (they won't back down and know where to look for support)

    I agree with this, although until recently I never considered myself as part of any of those groups (well, impossible to consider ones self part of the first party). In some respects, I thank the Madam for showing me more of what I look like to others. In other respects, think of the person you write for before you post. Marriage is a serious commitment, and hopefully you've learned this. If not, I won't force it on you because you obviously don't want to think of reprocussions at a future date.

    That'll be all, I've said all I can think of, at least without more "kindle for the fire" from the Madam or the Lady.
    Mr. Cone's family scares me.

    If I only had a brain...

    Voted "most cryptic" and "Most likely to become his/her country's next president/prime minister"

    I'd like to thank all of you who voted for me. When I take office, I'll remember those who didn't vote for me...


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    @Earl: Mirowski & Ross, _Social Causes of Psychological Distress_ . Not sure of the year, but it's pretty recent like 2003 or something.

  20. #100


    You can actually watch the scenario in the headline post unfold on TV.

    Check out Smallville and the transformation of Lex Luther (obviously an ENTJ) from an over protective, over confident but likable friend into an evil overlord bent on world domination.

    Paul MBTI INTJ Socionics INTP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul
    You can actually watch the scenario in the headline post unfold on TV.

    Check out Smallville and the transformation of Lex Luther (obviously an ENTJ) from an over protective, over confident but likable friend into an evil overlord bent on world domination.

    Paul MBTI INTJ Socionics INTP
    Superman portrays what directions ENTJ's can take very accurately.

    Clark Kent is a nice, idealistic, intelligent and shy guy who turns into this big tough guy that fights injustice. Very much an ENTJ theme. The "NT" intellectual, nerdy side that expresses itself in Clark's character, with a sudden desire to fight, a feeling of unfairness, and a need to take control and initiate to change things. It's an ENTJ gone "good" and seeking to help others.

    Lex Luthor is also (in smallville) a nice, idealistic, intelligent guy. But, being unfairly treated by those close to him, he becomes evil because his idealism and principles are destroyed. While Clark Kent got the good from his surroundings and family, and was confronted with the bad of the outside world, Lex was confronted with the bad from his own surroundings. This is what made him untrustful, vengeful, disillusioned and giving up hope. He turned into a tough guy wanting to dominate everyone at all costs and became evil.

    There are in reality, IMO, two subtypes of ENTJ:

    a) idealistic, helpful, principled, caring, protective, good natured, innocent... fights for good and battles injustice.

    b) sadistic, manipulative, scheming, vengeful, tyrannic... fights to take revenge on the world for what it has made him endure
    ENTj - intuitive subtype - 8w9, sp/sx

  22. #102


    I very much agree that not all ENTJs turn into evil villains, but the Lex Luther plot in Smallville does fit fairly well with the scenario in the lead post.

    I don’t think Clark Kent is an ENTJ.

    Clark Kent doesn’t really seem to want to change the world. He mostly protects the status quo of the world from the changes attempted by likes of Lex Luther. That sounds much more S like than N like.

    He might be an ESTJ, but ESTJs, like ENTJs, tend to be leadership inclined. When has Clark ever really lead anyone? He doesn’t even have a sidekick.

    Clark mostly goes around obediently doing his chores, stressing over relationships, and waiting around for problems to happen, then when they do, he goes in and fixes those problems as they occur. That doesn’t sound very J like either.

    Further, can you actually envision an ENTJ or an ESTJ that looks like Clark having the dating problems that he does? Some of the relationship stuff that he stresses over is very F like, but I think he leans enough to T for that one to barely dominate.

    Clark is however almost certainly an E.

    Paul MBTI INTJ Socionics INTP

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    I think you're missing the point. Superman is an ENTJ, that's pretty obvious... and Clark Kent represents the NTish nerdy innocent side of his personality. Clark Kent has to be an "N" to be so absent minded and intellectual. He's clumsy because he's too conceptual and not pragmatic enough. No "S" would be clumsy and nerdy like that.

    It's a metaphor given by the authors of the Comic book to explain how a seemingly weak/tender person (= the kid and Clark Kent) becomes strong and tough to fight injustice (=the alter-ego/adult and Superman).
    ENTj - intuitive subtype - 8w9, sp/sx

  24. #104


    In one of the movies, Superman voluntarily gave up his powers to be with Louis. In the TV show, he actually wanted to give up his powers to be “normal”. I can’t envision an NT of any flavor doing that.

    Even if he really wanted to be with Louis, an NT would be more likely to think to themselves:

    Well, hmm, I have to give up my powers to be with a girl, well, who made up this stupid rule, who exactly is going to enforce it, and are they really stupid enough to take on Superman. Hey, I am Superman, I think I will keep my powers, go out with the girl, and deal with this suicidal idiotic enforcer later. As far as wanting to give up my powers to be “normal”, umm, I don’t really want to be normal when I can be Superman.

    Take away Clark Kents powers and he is just some dude in High School. Take away Lex’s powers, and, well, he doesn’t have any, so he is still Lex.

    Paul MBTI INTJ Socionics INTP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Arguing over the type of a fictional character is a waste of time.
    I'm here to waste time
    ENTj - intuitive subtype - 8w9, sp/sx

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Arguing over the type of a fictional character is a waste of time. Anyway, if you want to see the real superman click here
    Awesome !

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    He does seem very ENTj here though.
    I'd say ESTp --
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  27. #107
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    Default Re: ENTj by function

    Quote Originally Posted by SFVB
    Conscious - Te (Extraverted Thinking - Practical Logic)
    Very true for me. Except for the fact that, due to an environment which did not really give a fuck about all my knowledge, I tend not to be as know it all as I was as a child.

    Conscious - Ni (Introverted Intuition - Intuition of Time)
    I have this constant need for new and extravagan perispectives, yet I'm unable to believe in them if not tested. The last line of the paragraph is especially true for me.

    Conscious -Fe (Extraverted Feeling - Ethics of Emotions)
    Feeling is binary. I can be completely content, and the moment later explode in anger. Usually, the anger is built up over time. Same applies to bad feelings, I cry out of nowhere (preferably only when alone). However, this is not really true for good feelings, probably due to the fact that my default mood is happiness.

    Conscious - Si (Introverted Sensing - Static Sensing)
    My favourite colour pair for dressing would be a strong yellow associated with black. Go figure. I have been long known for the fact that I can eat almost anything that other people find "too strong" "too sweet" or whatever. Eating is not really a pleasure for me, it is just a logical necessity in order to survive, make my brain work and buil muscles.

    Subconscious - Ti (Intorverted Thinking - Theoretical Logic)
    Nothing to add.
    Subconscious - Ne (Extraverted Intuition - Intuition of possibilities)[/quote]

    The last sentence sums up everything.

    Subconscious - Fi (Introverted Feeling - Ethics of Relationships)
    This one, along with the Te one, is the paragraph I can identify with the most. Just like Eidos, sometimes the thought that I need some always-happy and stable girl pops in my head, but deep inside I know that I would be bored to tears by a relationship of this kind. I think that the root of this behaviour can be traced to the necessity of an ENTJ to perceive everything they do as work striving towards a result. Thus, if the girl is already happy and perfect, there is no work whatsoever to do.

    Subconscious - Se (Extraverted Sensing - Dynamic Sensing)
    All correct, especially the last paragraph. I'm usually not the one in power, but the one that uses the power of ESTPs to get the results. Those jocks like power to get the girls, so I can usually make them order their subordinates what to do, without being perceived as "the boss" (which I don't like)

  28. #108
    Creepy-angry jew


    He's a damn comic character. Are you guys THAT detached from reality?

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    Quote Originally Posted by angry jew
    He's a damn comic character. Are you guys THAT detached from reality?
    Are you THAT detached from a sense of humor?

  30. #110

    Default relationship problems

    I'm just getting into this personality type thing and already I can see why I've failed at finding a loving relationship. I'm a 23 y/o ENTJ and have never been in what could described as a "serious" relationship. I find it very difficult to talk to girls that I am genuinely interested in. I'm terrified of them. It's much easier for me to get close to girls I have no real interest in. I want to be able to approach girls that I like but I don't have a developed emotional sense. I need advice on what to do to get in touch with my emotions and how to understand the emotions of others. Has anyone found meditation or self hypnosis helpful in finding their emotional sense?

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    Default Re: relationship problems

    Quote Originally Posted by heylookoverthere
    I'm just getting into this personality type thing and already I can see why I've failed at finding a loving relationship. I'm a 23 y/o ENTJ and have never been in what could described as a "serious" relationship. I find it very difficult to talk to girls that I am genuinely interested in. I'm terrified of them. It's much easier for me to get close to girls I have no real interest in. I want to be able to approach girls that I like but I don't have a developed emotional sense. I need advice on what to do to get in touch with my emotions and how to understand the emotions of others. Has anyone found meditation or self hypnosis helpful in finding their emotional sense?
    Just do it. It's not that difficult. You will eventually get in thouch with your emotions only exercising them.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  32. #112
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    I always wondered what an adult ENTj sounded like. My best friend is an ENTj but he is only 18, so I kind of just get a window into your minds. I'm an INTp by the way, and I absolutely love the ENTj logic, it's so very useful. You probably don't frequent these forums, I guess this reply is for my entertainment alone.

    Once I was laying on my bed thinking about your types mindset. And I broke into it for a while and experienced a very very! fast paced train of thoughts. It was bubbly, jokingly honest, on the move, and had a great memory. I couldn't control the illusion for long and it faded away with in an hour. But it was fun, and I bet it can be a great deal of fun to be an ENTj with something to do. You guys are great at getting things done, and I'm always glad to keep an ENTjs company... unless I'm tired and being introspective, then I'll shun you with a smile, to come back another day. For today, I ponder problems, tomorrow I... probably will be doing the same, but the next day we can do something.
    Concepts, Fantasy, Strategy, and Power.


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    I can relate to your problem until I realize how much work people can really be. I've never manipulated anyone for my own benefit, although I catch myself lying to people all the time so as not to hurt their feelings. I'm not some perfect robot, but I really have no use to manipulate others. There is nothing anyone can really offer me but great conversation. Think about it though, everyone else does this crap to each other. They use each other to feel a certain way or whine & complain for sympathy, people sleep around & literally cause each other misery just to advance with the opposite sex & some are even victims to their emotions but Im controlling? All the while you have a strong willed ENTJ caught in the mix of all this chaos! I'm sorry my straight forward approach isn't the hand holding they crave or when I realize you're just impossible to deal with & I detach. I'm not being cold just realistic, I have broken down the issue & zoned in on the error.. we can fix it together or I can fix it on my own.. but if you're in denile or hung up on your trivial feelings then I dont have squat to work with. Basically don't sweat it too much, the world is filled with people. Are you going to waste your time watching what you say & holding people's hand or are you going to waste time removing people who can't stand to be in the presence of a true leader? Don't waste anymore time.. Just pick one!

  34. #114
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    Te is about gathering facts and then manipulating them to their own advantage and so, yes, both Te types can be very manipulative; as for the personality of an ENTj, they are very gregarious and generally very good natured. Mature human beings realize their own complexes by self examination and then they realize what they do.

    One can not assume that Enterprisers (aka ENTj) are always extremely honest and straightforward as they resume Business affairs or affairs of the heart; if financial stability is the practical and pragmatic goal, then you bet these types will lie to get what they need.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  35. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    One can not assume that Enterprisers (aka ENTj) are always extremely honest and straightforward as they resume Business affairs or affairs of the heart; if financial stability is the practical and pragmatic goal, then you bet these types will lie to get what they need.
    I don't associate with this at all. I have too big of an ego to lie/cheat to get what I need. That sucks all the accomplishment and bragging rights from it.

  36. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finale View Post
    I don't associate with this at all. I have too big of an ego to lie/cheat to get what I need. That sucks all the accomplishment and bragging rights from it.
    "Mature human beings realize their own complexes by self examination and then they realize what they do."
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    "Mature human beings realize their own complexes by self examination and then they realize what they do."
    You know, if you want people to take you more seriously, you can start by not trying to pass maxims off as genuine arguments.
    "We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.".

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    Quote Originally Posted by RobVillain View Post
    You know, if you want people to take you more seriously, you can start by not trying to pass maxims off as genuine arguments.
    You're right. Thanks.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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