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Thread: IEI-INFp Subtypes

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirena View Post
    I want to have an IEI and an SLE in my life! Such a bittersweet existence that would be! *sigh*

    I had the most AMAZING experience with an IEI years ago. To this day, he feels like the only person I've ever met that shared my soul. I met him during a vacation in Miami; we didn't live in the same state :frown:. Still don't. Being separated from him felt like having reached heaven, then being expelled to hell. I had NEVER felt that way. Nor have I ever since . This was 12 years ago! I still think about him to this day and relive the moments in my mind. The feelings. It's an indescribable feeling. From the moment we saw each other, that was it. We didn't sleep, eat. Nothing. And what we did do, we did together, but tbh there was nothing outside of the two of us that was remotely appealing. Whatever we did, we didn't really do. We went through the motions, but it was still a world made up of the two of us. The funny thing is, I don't even recall our topics of conversation, for instance. But I remember the emotions. To go through your life knowing that no one gets you and only feeling connected with others through very rare glimpses. Then to find someone who IS you. . We loved each other, but I find that the word "love" doesn't truly describe what we were to each other. I've loved many people, but what we had makes the word love implode from within because it breaks every boundary imposed by that word. It wasn't romantic, although it was. But it was so much more. We didn't even kiss! Only we were capable of understanding each other's essences, so only we had a real opportunity to love "the person" its entirety. And how could we not! We couldn't. I've found this to be such a rare thing, it makes me sad to think it might never happen again. . Melancholy.
    :frown:. <3 I'm sorry! This sucks! But you will find another IEI again if you get out there, it's so easy for us to spot each other .

    Wow, the way IEIs talk IEI on IEI up, it sounds better than duality!
    IEI, sp/sx 4w3.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinki View Post
    :frown:. <3 I'm sorry! This sucks! But you will find another IEI again if you get out there, it's so easy for us to spot each other .

    Wow, the way IEIs talk IEI on IEI up, it sounds better than duality!
    Ha! Read Akra's signature.

    On the other hand, I imagine it would actually turn out to accentuate neglected areas so much that would make it hard to live day to day in the real world. I'm not a fan of the real world though. Shrugs. What octopus said.

  3. #123
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    I think the movie "If Lucy Fell" wonderfully portrays the IEI-IEI dynamic discussed in part of this thread.

    P.S. The trailer doesn't do it justice, but I just watched the whole movie and I can't think of another movie that exemplifies this better. Has anyone else watched it?

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirena View Post
    I want to have an IEI and an SLE in my life! Such a bittersweet existence that would be! *sigh*

    I had the most AMAZING experience with an IEI years ago. To this day, he feels like the only person I've ever met that shared my soul. I met him during a vacation in Miami; we didn't live in the same state :frown:. Still don't. Being separated from him felt like having reached heaven, then being expelled to hell. I had NEVER felt that way. Nor have I ever since . This was 12 years ago! I still think about him to this day and relive the moments in my mind. The feelings. It's an indescribable feeling. From the moment we saw each other, that was it. We didn't sleep, eat. Nothing. And what we did do, we did together, but tbh there was nothing outside of the two of us that was remotely appealing. Whatever we did, we didn't really do. We went through the motions, but it was still a world made up of the two of us. The funny thing is, I don't even recall our topics of conversation, for instance. But I remember the emotions. To go through your life knowing that no one gets you and only feeling connected with others through very rare glimpses. Then to find someone who IS you. . We loved each other, but I find that the word "love" doesn't truly describe what we were to each other. I've loved many people, but what we had makes the word love implode from within because it breaks every boundary imposed by that word. It wasn't romantic, although it was. But it was so much more. We didn't even kiss! Only we were capable of understanding each other's essences, so only we had a real opportunity to love "the person" its entirety. And how could we not! We couldn't. I've found this to be such a rare thing, it makes me sad to think it might never happen again. . Melancholy.
    I have been friends with this IEI boy for a few weeks now. I know exactly what you're talking about .
    IEI, sp/sx 4w3.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirena View Post
    I think the movie "If Lucy Fell" wonderfully portrays the IEI-IEI dynamic discussed in part of this thread.

    YouTube - If Lucy Fell trailer
    P.S. The trailer doesn't do it justice, but I just watched the whole movie and I can't think of another movie that exemplifies this better. Has anyone else watched it?
    No, it looks rather good though ! I might go and rent it :wink:
    IEI, sp/sx 4w3.

  6. #126
    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    The intuitive subtype is quiet and the ethical subtype is cheerful.

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    Roses are red
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    I'll fuck you with a rake.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khola View Post
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    I'll fuck you with a rake.
    You can't

    I'm here

    and you are there

    ILE "Searcher"
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    Enneagram: 7w6 "Enthusiast"
    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
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    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MOP View Post
    I you tubed infp and I came across these two videos. They are may or may not be infps but if they are they are different subtypes.

    The question is who is who ?
    I'm quite confident that the first one is IEI-Ni.

    I'm just slightly confident that the second is IEI-Ni.
    Though she might the other subtype or even another type.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baby View Post
    To be honest, vague, I think this litany is pure bullshit
    I second that.
    "If you can find out little melodies for yourself on the piano it is all very well. But if they come of themselves when you are not at the piano, then you have still greater reason to rejoice; for then the inner sense of music is astir in you. The fingers must make what the head wills, not vice versa."- Robert Schumann

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    Is the theory supposed to be that an Fe-IEI will get along better with a Ti-SLE (and an Ni-IEI will get along better with an Se-SLE)? Can this be a good indicator of your subtype...?

    If an IEI gets along better with an Ne-ILE than Ti-ILE, does this indicate a leaning towards the Ni subtype for the IEI? (or is this irrelevant)

    Also... can Fe-IEI's have a hard time with social easiness/social anxiety?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clumsy View Post
    Is the theory supposed to be that an Fe-IEI will get along better with a Ti-SLE (and an Ni-IEI will get along better with an Se-SLE)? Can this be a good indicator of your subtype...?

    If an IEI gets along better with an Ne-ILE than Ti-ILE, does this indicate a leaning towards the Ni subtype for the IEI? (or is this irrelevant)
    There was a thread somewhere here that proposed the opposite. Fe-IEI + Se-SLE works better etc etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Clumsy View Post
    Also... can Fe-IEI's have a hard time with social easiness/social anxiety?
    Maybe so, because they are more aware of the social happenings.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune View Post
    I don't relate to any of this, except perhaps the common tendency toward avoidance. I do avoid or put off what I find unpleasant. As well, when I was younger, I was considerably more withdrawn, but never really a "joiner". If a group of friends were doing something I didn't want to do, I'd generally beg off. In fact, I'd never really experienced peer pressure in any significant amounts. Therefore, I never drank before college, never took up smoking, and never engaged in any illegal drug use.
    I've always tended toward dramatic (some would call it melodrama). I can be very volatile and willful, but also very clearly consider myself predominantly an introvert, first and foremost, as my primary tendency is strongly internal self-reference. I'm much more social than I ever used to be, but I still guard my private time very zealously. Solitude often feels like my "natural" state.

    Does it seem that the - subtype might be more noticeably closed off, generally quieter, more compliant and have more of a tendency toward "spaciness" than the - subtype...?
    In short, yes.

    The Ni subtype essentially corresponds to a more introverted IEI personality. As such both of its introverted functions will be stronger, Ni and Ti. Ti is an introverted judging functions that helps you formulate your inner judgements aka it helps you determine where you stand. It is your inner "I" voice. Thus the Ni subtype of IEI tends to be more individualistic, more opinionated, and less likely to go along with everybody else just to preserve friendly relations. It will also have less issues saying "no" and entering conflict if needed. Since Ti is mobilizing function may sometimes even seek out conflict to the point of acting as if a crusader for truth or some system.

    This subtype will also have weaker Se and be less adaptable in conversation, more physically clumsy, more fearful and prone to anxiety and insomnia, lack in initiative more compared to Fe subtype. It will get tired faster from interacting with the physical world.

    Intuitive subtype will have very keen intuition though. Being more introverted subtype, this IEI will have to develop very good intuition no way around it, because it doesn't intake data from the outside world very often. So its intuition is constantly has to work off very little input.

    It may be overly-sensitive and prone to avoidance. Might feel like reality is too much and be very strongly affected by things that don't really have any effect on other people.

    This subtype may come off as more selfish to others because it guards its time (Ni) and knowledge (Ti) very fiercely and with right amount of experience and keen intuition it will put up barriers quickly. Less frequently starts conversations or inquires about others and is less emotionally reactive than Fe subtype. But is also less rigid and more flexible and tolerant of disorder and lack of punctuality, less demanding of others, less imposing, less moralistic. It may act more like a perceiving type and less like judging due to strong Ni and weaker Fe.

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    From what I've noticed, the sub. would be alot lazier than the sub. also they are quite messy. The sub. is much more concerned with making others happy, usually at their own expense, and they are great emotional manipulators.
    EIE tritype 5w4, 4w5, 9w1

    As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
    Carl Jung, "Memories, Dreams, Reflections", 1962

  14. #134
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    Yeah, screw making people happy at my own expense.


    OK, maybe 30/40 percent of the time. It's not easy. Fi-Ne has more of these self-sacrificial qualities.

  15. #135
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    Wow well makes perfect sense. I was wondering whether I was INFj or INFp and my dad is LSE... The conflictor thing explains our relationship exactly.

    I lived with him for 18 years and for the last two only with him. It made me physically and mentally ill, literally. Other factors included, but his presence really didn't do good for me, as didn't mine for him either. We get along best from a distance, then we get along well.

    Very good advice btw. I have felt the benefits of joining the gym in the last year as well.

  16. #136
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    shapeofthings: you must be IEI because you have a black and white avatar.

    I don't relate to these descriptions. Especially not the Ni one? And I'm supposedly Ni subtype.

    well whatever.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    shapeofthings: you must be IEI because you have a black and white avatar.

    I don't relate to these descriptions. Especially not the Ni one? And I'm supposedly Ni subtype.

    well whatever.
    I think that she is either istj or estp. Most of the things she says are SE and TI combined.

    By the vi she posted im inclined to say istj

    Seems like unhealthy manifestation of NI harmonizing subtype, which is why she has mistaken herself for infp.
    Last edited by NewBorn STAR; 06-24-2011 at 02:03 PM.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    I think that she is either istj or estp. Most of the things she says are SE and TI combined.

    By the vi she posted im inclined to say istj

    Seems like unhealthy manifestation of NI harmonizing subtype, which is why she has mistaken herself for infp.
    lol I wish.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by shapeofthings View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    I think that she is either istj or estp. Most of the things she says are SE and TI combined.

    By the vi she posted im inclined to say istj

    Seems like unhealthy manifestation of NI harmonizing subtype, which is why she has mistaken herself for infp.
    lol I wish.
    Doesnt mean that you cant relate to her descriptions though. They are the behaviors of the same valued BETA (HAIL THE QUANDRA) functions.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux
    So, raisonpure, do you love sitting and listening to music as much as I do in nature?
    Yes, every word makes me feel nostalgic. It's been a while since I've been able to enjoy that luxury, and I'm quite sick because of it; krae calls it being "caged". Do you have photos of your adventures?

    As for Ti hidden agenda, I once drew a diagram that illustrates Ni+Ti in a nutshell. I believe tcaud would like this:

    This is pure ti. Unlikely to stem from infps and plus Raison you dont look like infp for one bit.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    This is pure ti. Unlikely to stem from infps and plus Raison you dont look like infp for one bit.
    I used to make those mindmap things too.

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
    and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI

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    I don't make mindmaps either. Even if I have help with one of those mindmapping apps.. I'm just not interested in that process. Every once in a long while, I make a list. And I don't start off with a central idea, like you would in a mindmap.

  23. #143

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    lol EyeSeeCold thinks a dynamic type in motion isn't a dynamic type. fucking idiot, you even have the LII architect as your avatar. go masturbate to george boole.


    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    "Every moment think steadily as a Roman and a man to do what thou hast in hand with perfect and simple dignity, and feeling of affection, and freedom, and justice; and to give thyself relief from all other thoughts. And thou wilt give thyself relief, if thou doest every act of thy life as if it were the last, laying aside all carelessness and passionate aversion from the commands of reason, and all hypocrisy, and self-love, and discontent with the portion which has been given to thee. Thou seest how few the things are, the which if a man lays hold of, he is able to live a life which flows in quiet, and is like the existence of the gods; for the gods on their part will require nothing more from him who observes these things."
    Marcus is LSI-Ti (probably 1w9 sp/sx) to the core. I loved 'Meditations' – it was the only book that actually made me consider how to improve my life. Sucks, cause everything you said rings true, and even meditation, despite dwarfing any hallucinogen in terms of psychic-spiritual value, hasn't truly 'cured' me, but perhaps I need more discipline. I find myself thinking less about suicide and more about how best to return to the dimension whence I came... this world is getting old quick.

    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux
    Seriously though, INFps, GO TO THE GYM if you're feeling down..
    I feel like I'm stretching my Se when I go to the gym. It's no longer whining and dormant.
    Yeah, exercise used to be great, but nowadays it just seems like a futile outlet for murderous passion. I'd rather sterilize all impulses through meditation, so that at least I wouldn't hallucinate needles in my arm every time I'm drunk.

    The world is not enough.

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    lol EyeSeeCold thinks a dynamic type in motion isn't a dynamic type. fucking idiot, you even have the LII architect as your avatar. go masturbate to george boole.
    Learn to interpret a metaphor.

    An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
    and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Hey, when all else fails, you can always abscond from life and escape to Legion.
    sigh... I prefer to work alone.

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    lol EyeSeeCold thinks a dynamic type in motion isn't a dynamic type. fucking idiot, you even have the LII architect as your avatar. go masturbate to george boole.


    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    "Every moment think steadily as a Roman and a man to do what thou hast in hand with perfect and simple dignity, and feeling of affection, and freedom, and justice; and to give thyself relief from all other thoughts. And thou wilt give thyself relief, if thou doest every act of thy life as if it were the last, laying aside all carelessness and passionate aversion from the commands of reason, and all hypocrisy, and self-love, and discontent with the portion which has been given to thee. Thou seest how few the things are, the which if a man lays hold of, he is able to live a life which flows in quiet, and is like the existence of the gods; for the gods on their part will require nothing more from him who observes these things."
    Marcus is LSI-Ti (probably 1w9 sp/sx) to the core. I loved 'Meditations' – it was the only book that actually made me consider how to improve my life. Sucks, cause everything you said rings true, and even meditation, despite dwarfing any hallucinogen in terms of psychic-spiritual value, hasn't truly 'cured' me, but perhaps I need more discipline. I find myself thinking less about suicide and more about how best to return to the dimension whence I came... this world is getting old quick.

    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux
    Seriously though, INFps, GO TO THE GYM if you're feeling down..
    I feel like I'm stretching my Se when I go to the gym. It's no longer whining and dormant.
    Yeah, exercise used to be great, but nowadays it just seems like a futile outlet for murderous passion. I'd rather sterilize all impulses through meditation, so that at least I wouldn't hallucinate needles in my arm every time I'm drunk.

    The world is not enough.
    That is an important part to realize instead of pitying yourself and fucking up everything you have given. WHy not put yourself to a mystic trial.
    In this moment i suggest you start meditating, working out and trying to reach enlightenment or gnosis. Here you have a guide book with slight te bias as the writer was intp. But its still very insightful. And you seem the right material for such things

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    This is pure ti. Unlikely to stem from infps and plus Raison you dont look like infp for one bit.
    I used to make those mindmap things too.
    Well atleast you are a logical type. You can use ti when te - ni combination says its good for learning some usefull concept or other shit.
    Im saying that you are more likely to use it/ti. She uses it like a veteran prostitute

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    Great link, thanks for posting it. I've been quite curious about Brunton since learning of him a few months ago.

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    Great link, thanks for posting it. I've been quite curious about Brunton since learning of him a few months ago.
    yeah great and helpful stuff. But i thought you already had reached gnosis !

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Do they teach economy there ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    That is an important part to realize instead of pitying yourself and fucking up everything you have given. WHy not put yourself to a mystic trial.
    In this moment i suggest you start meditating, working out and trying to reach enlightenment or gnosis. Here you have a guide book with slight te bias as the writer was intp. But its still very insightful. And you seem the right material for such things
    I'm not pitying myself, and I already meditate. Things just get boring. I also don't care for self-help revelation books, as I'm already well-versed in all the realms they feign to cover.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    That is an important part to realize instead of pitying yourself and fucking up everything you have given. WHy not put yourself to a mystic trial.
    In this moment i suggest you start meditating, working out and trying to reach enlightenment or gnosis. Here you have a guide book with slight te bias as the writer was intp. But its still very insightful. And you seem the right material for such things
    I'm not pitying myself, and I already meditate. Things just get boring. I also don't care for self-help revelation books, as I'm already well-versed in all the realms they feign to cover.
    Shouldnt it be obvious then that things get boring.

    Please enlighten me.

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    There are environments in which I don't get bored; it just so happens that those aren't conducive to my survival. The dilemma is clear, I'm just not self-deceptive enough to buy into some illusion of "healthy" growth, when I could be spiraling through tempests.

    No book or prescribed spirit plan will enlighten you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    There are environments in which I don't get bored; it just so happens that those aren't conducive to my survival. The dilemma is clear, I'm just not self-deceptive enough to buy into some illusion of "healthy" growth, when I could be spiraling through tempests.

    No book or prescribed spirit plan will enlighten you.

    If you need to go spiralling through all the sickness till you understand that you dont need it. Then that is exactly what you are gonna do.

    Books can help. But it comes down to experience and realization itself. Yes

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    I don't need any sickness, I just like living at a fast-pace and find situations of chaos more interesting. Health is not a one-size-fits-all phenomenon.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    I don't need any sickness, I just like living at a fast-pace and find situations of chaos more interesting. Health is not a one-size-fits-all phenomenon.
    Ah now i got you. Yeah im the same. Nothing wrong with that.

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    Default Fe-IEI vs Ni-IEI

    Anyone know some key differences between these two types? I can't seem to decide which I am...seeing as how I relate to both. I thought I was Fe-IEI but I recently met another IEI who I am 100 positive was an Fe-IEI and he seemed much more extroverted than I did and he told me he actually LIKED talking to people Then there's my other friend who is Ni-IEI (again, 100% positive) and I feel like he is WAY more shy than I am...this subtype business is confusing...

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    Esenin, IEI, INFp (Meged, Ovcharov, subtypes)

    Intuitive subtype: an idealist.

    Appearance: It looks calm, tactful, slow, diffident man. It seems divorced from reality, an inert and little adapted to life. But this is a mistake because he has excellent insight, helping him to establish useful contacts and find support from influential people. Acts on the surrounding soothing and relaxing. Outwardly serene, but inwardly sentimental and is prone to long survive their troubles. Mimics some monotonous, often expresses mild surprise or full interest conversationalist. Look dreamy, slightly tense, with glitter. It is often sad, attentive or slightly ironic. These dimensions, smooth, intimate, sincere. On the face of almost constant presence polite, with its half-smile of confidence. Gestures are modest, timid, nedemonstrativnye. Gait is slow, smooth.

    Character: gentle, considerate person. In the soul - a dreamer and romantic. Has shaped memory can reproduce the experience of the past to the smallest detail. Looking back, sees all the blunders and mistakes, extracts from them a lesson for the future. Thanks to a strong intuition sees near-term prospects of affairs and relations, but because of the tendency to idealize everything, can they be overstated. In any difficulties do not lose hope that in future all goes better than the present.

    Several unsure of himself, inclined to doubt or hesitation in a situation of decision. Does not like to rush, may delay the solution to the problem indefinitely. Does not aspire to leadership, it is difficult given the organizational functions, tends more to the intellectual sphere of activities than to production.

    We can be distracted by irrelevant detail and thus has no time to do in life are more important things. Does not like stereotypes, strict orders, the need to obey the regulations and instructions. In an apartment or in the workplace may allow the artistic mess. He hardly gives economy and sober approach to the cases because of what can sometimes lose big chances.

    Dislikes routine and monotony tends to new experiences, interesting and unusual people. Loves to talk about various mysterious phenomena. Willingly accepts and promotes the extraordinary ideas and innovative approaches, but is being cautious in new endeavors, preferring to cede the initiative more stubborn and punching people. However, the need to exercise extraordinary diplomatic skills, achieving success where others retreat, straight and eager partners, not value flexibility in the relationship.

    Sensitive and attentive to people, trying to maintain equal relations with all. Because of absent-mindedness sometimes forgets its promises, but then did their best to make amends. At the same time tolerant to other people's flaws and weaknesses. Do not know which of the two disputants preferred, therefore, tries to reconcile them.

    Needs moral, physical and material support. Respects the strong authoritative people. Exhausted relationship breaks immediately, since it is very accustomed to people. Knows how to wait patiently, adapting to any conditions. For the sake of good relations with relatives, trying to meet its requirements, is trying to cultivate business skills, to perform work and family responsibilities.

    2. Ethical subtype: Diplomat.

    Appearance: the impression of a soft, charming and emotional person. Usually looks inspired and optimistic. Has a good sense of humor. About their problems and failures can tell with a smile. Ironic, cunning, unpredictable and inconsistent in their behavior and conversation. Creating original contrasts, can suddenly prick and just as quick to hug and kiss. Artistic, charming, laid-back in communication, sometimes with a tinge of familiarity and impudence. Is able to bring together the distance. Courteous, polite and considerate. Sometimes he simply charming, so great his art is like and have the people to him. Able to persuade. Presents the request in such a way that it is difficult to deny. Graceful motion, even theatrical. Gait is graceful, fast. These emotional, rich hues, sometimes melodious.

    Character: emotional, charming, easily and naturally comes into contact with strangers, having to trust warmth and sincerity. Knows how to cheer up others, laughing unusual antics and utterances. Figuratively, with a good sense of humor tells of his experiences and what they saw. Well versed in the feelings and sentiments of the people, knows how to build useful contacts in order to achieve their goals and find the most likely actors conceived. Their requests invests in such form that he can not refuse.

    Loves to be in the spotlight. Elegant, skillful in their ability to please, willing to make compliments to others. Each is able to find a personal approach. Loves and knows how to reconcile the disputants. It is often ironic and sarcastic, but even the unpleasant things said in jest as it were, with a smile. Unobtrusive in his feelings, if you do not see reciprocity - moving away.

    It is easy to light up a new idea, but can quickly lose interest in it, if it requires for its realization a lot of patience and effort. Is in need of praise and encouragement, are sensitive to criticism of their work and unsung efforts of others. From this it is working is reduced. At the same time, advances given praise encourages him to overcome difficulties, helping to gain confidence in themselves.

    Several suspicious and inspire, tend to demonstrate to others their physical and moral suffering. Sensing danger, their mood of anxiety passes to others. In his heart is very vulnerable and very upset by their failures. Self-contradictory, prone to sudden mood swings: from laughter to tears, and vice versa. Their case proves hot, tips perceives only calmed down and then up to the next emotional outburst. Needs the support of a forceful, strong, energetic person.

    Willingly share their problems with others, seeking sympathy, understanding, support. Consults with others before making important decisions, although not always this advice should be. Independent by nature, impulsive, unpredictable in their actions. Tends to ad lib and improvisation.

    In some situations, admiration and surprise surrounding his fearlessness in danger. Valyazhen and unruffled, but this is only his tactics, allowing to make an impression on others. His serenity is valid in many infectious, can escape from everyday worries and problems.

    Graceful in his movements, demonstrates the refinement, good manners, tastefully dressed. Chistoploten, flavorful in everyday life, has aesthetic taste, like fine trinkets. Seeks to comfort. Cares about the appearance of both your own and loved ones. Can buy extra things, wasteful and neekonomen not like those who are generous with the details. Does not value things like his and others'. Giving or taking them in debt, can permanently forget about them.

  39. #159
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    Yup. Try DCNH subtypes instead.

    Know I'm mistyped?

    Why I am now.
    Why I was , once.

    The statements expressed in this signature may not necessarily reflect reality.

  40. #160

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    Great, thanks! Does anyone know what subtype this guy would be?

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