Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
I don't know why you bother. She just wants to dissect everything you write. She still owes you 5 apologies as if it's worth anything real.

cozy up to some tea with me

I'd love some tea. Hugs are nice too. My kitchen is not tidy right now, so yours, please. Tidy kitchen is part of the experience.

As to apologies I don't ask for them, much of the time. Certain trespasses, like when when my SLE son did a little vindictive thing when he was annoyed this weekend in response to my just action, I desire an apology for. I use to get outraged when crossed by him in a particularly disrrespetful way (which comes about when his anger flares up) but then usually, I realized on reflection, I don't always get an apology. This time I practiced self control over my anger and kept quiet and calm. And ten minutes later he emerged from his room (whence he had stormed off to) just to say, "Sorry for being a d***". Now that is not how I taught him to say sorry but I sure did appreciate the gesture.

So from those an dear to me I would like an apology for certain kinds of offenses is important to me. Others, when there is no close relationship, most often I accept the unspoken completely un-referred to one that I perceive if things are able to continue on in peace. That really works; I learned that years ago from a workplace incident.

Also as to this back and forth with Ann, I am aware that if in fact she is your Supervisor, you experience conversation with her a lot differently than I do.