Does anyone else think that the people on this forum on average are more qualified than a professional psychoanalyst/therapist?
Does anyone else think that the people on this forum on average are more qualified than a professional psychoanalyst/therapist?
What a great replacement for a nany
I wouldnt want to be "better than" a psychologist. In Rocky's words, "barf!"
regarding the therapeutic side:
supposedly psychotherapy is not any more helpful than talking with friends, family, religious leaders, strangers, etc.
IEE 649 sx/sp cp
Understanding other people is a lot more efficient than "dealing with problems"
I think that this site / socionics in general, hell even MBTI, could help a whole lot of other peoplewhen it comes to everything. If you can undestand that people actually do think differently than you do, and even glimpse at why and how, then I think that is a great thing.
This forum is filled with amateurs and maybe a few people in academia related to psychology at various levels. As such, you're going to get primarily amateurish advice. Maybe they're dead-on, and maybe they're not. If you're just curious and trying to understand things better or gain insight into things or if this is just a hobby then it's great. If you've really got deep psyhological or serious personal issues to sort out though, by all means go see a professional first, and then stop by here later.
edit: the main problem is credibility, and not knowing how much of it somebody has, and that there's often more to things than meets the eyes, both in terms of theory and in terms of how much credibility somebody "appears" to have.
Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
16 years of bliss in an Activity relationship
depends on the professional and the problemOriginally Posted by Slava
Originally Posted by Slava
I should have just asked this:
qualified at what?
Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.
~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.
I agree: that's the great accomplishment of MBTI and Socionics: it can instill an "Aha moment" in people and put their minds at rest and accept themselves and others as they are...Originally Posted by UDP II
“I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking
I think the Freudian and/or Lacanian type of psychoanalyis is useless, except perhaps for types with dual-seeking -- so I'd have to answer "probably" to the question.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied