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Thread: Heartlessness

  1. #41
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Me neither. Maybe NFs do't get this.
    Neither have I.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
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    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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  2. #42
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    I have been called cold and heartless by an IEI who was my close friend for years, but then blew up at me because apparently I did not provide enough *awwpoorthingIfeelforyouyouhaveitsohardletswallowi nthegloomanddoomofyourlifeandwritedepressingpoetry together* input and was too focused on possible ways to make things better. Fair enough I guess....
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae16t View Post
    *awwpoorthingIfeelforyouyouhaveitsohardletswallowi nthegloomanddoomofyourlifeandwritedepressingpoetry together* @Kim

    No, let us order in yummy food and talk about possibilities to make things better!

    (I am cold and heartless...)
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae16t View Post

    Ive called someone cold before, but I don't think I've gone the heartless route. It is kind of a weird expression. Everyone has their convergences, and maybe there's is being a douchebag, ice queen, or whatnot. Maybe they just have a coldddddddddddddddddddd heart! /judgey (not @ you)
    I was very very hurt at the time, I have to admit, because I genuinely cared about her as a friend.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae16t View Post
    Aw =[ how about poetry and food? Dos mundos, yo!
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

  6. #46
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    pfft Someone's accusation of heartlessness is their admittance to selfishness.

  7. #47
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    I think being heartless means to commit heinous acts, with complete awareness that what you are doing is wrong, but not care. Doing things that actively harm other people, either physically or mentally and either not to consider the consequences or to take pleasure in doing such acts. To even enjoy doing such things. Or it can be just saying things to hurt people's feelings with the intension of doing so.

    Being cruel to animals that can't defend themselves also counts as an act of heartlessness to me, and is one of the lowest types.

    I've been accused of being insensitive on some occasions. I have a distant quality to me when it comes to unfamiliar people, and some read into it in this way. I do see how some people who don't know me well would get that impression, but it's a misrepresentation of how I am as a whole. I do care a lot, but my caringness has an awkward way of showing itself in certain situations.
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    Make things right? Who are we to decide when things are right and when they need to be fixed?

  8. #48
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    Most see Gammas as "heartless" in the grand scheme of things (ILI's most especially). After all, the viewpoint that so characteristically defines my quadra certainly would fit the criteria. "Life is a game"

    Games are emotionless, heartless, mechanical. The dice say what they say, the RNG is absolute. You tried and you, through no real fault of your own, failed. It was a valiant effort, but that counts for nothing in the face of raw facts and the ironclad laws of this material universe. Your feelings matter jack shit, your previous efforts are and always were at best a great story worthy of a saga, and at worst a cruel joke we'll all forget as if it were a fleeting dream.

    Yet that's a lie. Yeah, it's a game, it all is and we cannot not play it. Life itself is a game, but how does that matter in the end? So what if life's a game? Your experiences still matter. Your life may and likely does matter. For want of a nail and all. You'll probably never see or even comprehend how your life mattered, but it almost certainly did in a way you'd never be able to understand unless you shared the perspective of the Christian God...

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    now with Corona Virus Protozoa's Avatar
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    People who aren't sluts are heartless to me. There are so many people they could have given intimacy and pleasure to over the course of their lives. No heart at all.
    previously Megadoodoo

  10. #50
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    by heart i mean more like having guts. in that sense i got ton of heart. i fought multiple at once and they are the one who quit. I was up ready to still go when they retired. i shot up a gang of thugs. i didn't flinch. it was like i done that shit a thousand times.

    they didn't want shit after that. totally killed their morale because they didn't have the will. whatever they brought i come back one up stronger.

    i'll do sick shit but on my own terms. I called the bouncer out in the middle of street shirt off (already punched him in the club) and he wouldn't come out. he was big too , bigger than me but only in physical comparison not in will.

    I'm generous on my own terms and when it works in my power calculus. Same with protective. I'll only protective someebody for my own benefit.
    Shit comes with a price tag.

    i slapped my friend in the park cuz he pissed on my car one night when he was drunk. i got him there and smacked him dead in the face. he pulled out a police baton and said come on. I put my hands and said let's go. he lost his nerve. he was just fckin aroud. i'm not fckin around. i realized had bat in car so i went to get baseball bat and he became real deferential and apologetic. "You're fckin crazy, you're fckin' crazy"

    i stopped my car and got out once to a group of ten latinos my age my size, that made a face after i drove by (this was during the war with the spanish) they were talking shit, I said I'll fight all of you right now! Simple, right here right now. They didn't want nothing.

    dude hit me in the face once with a weapon from out of nowhere and i still came forward in the fight and still beat his ass....i wasn't even aware of trying that's just what my body did on automatic, i was like watching myself punching his head in until he fellz on ground, a viking.

    i always take negative shit as a complimentz.

    I'm a big shot. So I can throw money around like sport. i can be more generous than anybody if i'm the one doing it on my terms. People think I got a heart because I throw a fifty dollar tip at a waitress. I like having big wad of cash.

    yet walking with a friend this big black dude came out of an alley and was like "Hey let me get some money." the kid i was with reached into his pocket real fast and pulled out a five dollar bill. i looked at the guy and said nope. i never hung around with that kid after that because he's a born rat. lean on him enough and he'll give up everybody and his mother.

    I can goes from zero to sixty in a heartbeat. the waiter was talking too much, tlaking like he was somebody, i got up during my lunch and punched him in the face, sat back down like nothing happened and politely asked the wiatress for more ketchup. the kid sittin' across still tells the story.

    the dean of community college told me I was a sociopath. i smiled.

    see 25 things about you for full story. i called the security guard a stupid dyke after my carz got towed cuz i parked in the fire lane like i own the joint. i parked in the fire lane because there was no spots. i am paying money how the fck you ain't going to have any spots for me to park in. well fuck it i'm going to park in your fire lane, fck is the chance there's going to be a fire.

    sometimes, no.. i vandalized the high school gymnasium with shoe polish. the teacher told me i was a p.o.s. and would like to throw me down the hill so I break my neck. I did not take too well to that and threatened to kill him. I MAKE MORE MONEY THAN HIM NOW. MY girl is hotter than his. 3500 dollar Gucci coat! wtf kind of man becomes a school teacher. 3500 dollar gucci coat. i bet more than his whole wardrobe.

    my friend swore up and down to me that I was Gordon Gekko...he even came to my house and hsowed me the movie Wall Street. I took that as a compliment, especially where it says Gekko has an ethical bypass at birth. that's me hehehe, until i flipped out on him one night because he came to my apt unannounced and uninvited and brought with him somebody i did not want in my house. when i see him from my porch i flipped out and came charging down three flights of stairs felt like my feet never even touched the steps. slammed the door open at the bottom step....the shit nearly came off at the hinges and rocked the wall around it. "YOU BROGHT HIM HERE!" "YOU BROUGHT HIM HERE!!" Guy went running out.

    Rotten is another one I like.

    I had a friend he would use Crazy, psycho, evil, vindictive, maniacal and puppetmaster...hehehe. "You're a very sick man." I would laugh and then say "tell me more." They went around table once...what motivates me. One said sensation and thrill of it. Then the other one said, he took a puff of his cigar, "to rule the world."

    other guy who end up hating me when i grabbed a girl off him used to love calling me "the most conniving person I ever met." that always made me smile. he would emphasize it to his brother. "K4M is soooooo conniving." i pulled a couple of steals on him he never forgave it... his upsetness amused me.

    when i see an opportunity to take what i want i can't resist!

    this other woman said I was an ogar. hehehe

    my girl tells me how crazy i am all the time. "you're a monster. but you fool people. if my sister really knew what a monster you were she would tell me to leave you." hehehe.

    the light is dead. hope is dead. the flicker is gone.

    don't coming to me when you need soembody to save the world or the park or whatever the fck it is. i ain't saving shit unless it benefits me, unless i'm getting the most out of it. i'm the villain!

    Last edited by Kill4Me; 03-24-2020 at 05:42 PM.

  11. #51
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    Heartlessness isn't necessarily in the eye of the beholder. People who are overly sadistic and negative/grimdark just bring down the energy of the room and make everybody fight and depress everybody. It's not 'in the beholder' I think no offense but ppl just say those things maybe because they don't want to admit how much they are truly affected by it or something.

    There is definitely objective heartfelt/heartless stuff.... I mean that is really what Fe is essentially I think.

    It is objectively heartless to molest and then eat a baby for example. Even if a person tries to make it romantic or 'special'. (lmao that's silly and campy, like lightning a bunch of candles before u eat a baby.) I'm sure there are people who like to do that though....

    That one was deliberately over the top and provocative... but it's also heartless to invade somebody's privacy and physically break into their home. Do I want some strange weirdo barging in my house right now? No of course not. That's heartless.

    It's heartless to exploit a woman's self confidence for your own financial gain by gaslighting her into thinking shoving a jade egg into her vagina is a good thing. And even more heartless to try and pretend you are NOT heartless for doing so.

    It's heartless to abuse a position of authority and try to control somebody's life too much using governmental influence and then try to cover it up and say 'but I'm just being professional!'

    It's heartless to make fun of somebody when they are not in the mood or go too far with teasing even. The difference between teasing and bullying/emotional abuse is one is obviously playful and meant to light-hearted rib somebody the other is clearly trying to hurt somebody's feelings. There is a huge difference. Maybe I just sense this sort of crap really well because of my narcissistically good Fi though. Maybe I don't understand other people might have a hard time judging this sort of crap but it's 'obvious to me.'

    but I mean maybe the person had a really fucked up life to deal with something like that. The saying 'hurt people hurt people' I suppose... but a few people are just assholes with no good excuse or reason tho. /shrug. It's not really that cut and dry because almost all of us have probably did something fucked up and we had no we had no good excuse for it at the time.

    Some things people don't fully agree if it's heartless or not. Is homosexuality heartless? Is abortion heartless? is being a Republican heartless? Is going to Wal-Mart heartless? Those are more in the middle things that aren't as obviously campy heartless like eating a baby, breaking into a house, unfairly punching a harmless 80 year old granny trying to buy a prune etc.

  12. #52
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    Values don't have any absolute basis, so one action is as good as another. Ends justify means.

    Essentially, any action is justified that furthers my aims. That is some Griselda blanco shit!

    Yippie. I'm heartless. I got no soul. I"m a reprobate. You can tell by my eyes. There's nothing there.

    I'm staring into the abyss. I'm among the dead.

    I can get whatever I want...suckin' people into my schemes like a nasty reprobate....spinnin' webs of deceit!


    Sometimes it got out of the friend whose nose I broke in another friend's driveway. I was not aiming for his nose....that was just collateral damage.

    When I had my driver's license and a car, I started to branch out to strangers. The only thing was that it had be a guy who looked like he could handle himself and one to one. I would pull my car over to the side of the street and get out. I would wait for a guy to come by and engage the person in a little conversation. Then boom, I'd start a fight and punch him in the face. If they fell to the ground, that was it. If they stood up and refused to go down I would keep hitting them. They had the option to fight back.

    I never robbed them. It was not about money. I believed that if I robbed them then I would start to lose power. I pretended that the point was to make the victim stronger so they would stop being victims. It made for tremendous laughs and stories...There was the headbanger. I hit the headbanger with a left. He just looked at me like he was possessed. So I hit him with a duplicate left and he fell. There was the coffee guy. This guy was carrying a tray of coffees in his hand when I approached him for a cigarette. I punched him. He did not fall. I got mad and punched him again. He was skipping and flopping around on one leg trying for dear life to keep his balance so the tray of coffees never spilled. He did like four revolutions with his body on one leg and a tray of coffees in one hand. That fucking tray of coffees never fell. I gave it a story afterwards..."His mother told him, 'you'd better bring me back those coffees or you're dead!" Today, if somebody who was there reminisces about the coffee guy, I'll say "Never spilled a drop of coffee!"

    It started to catch on like a hot start-up and i managed to weaponize it into a method of gaining power by selling it as a pro-social game. I would educate friends that the point of this game was to gain the person's trust before starting the fight. You were taking advantage of their kindness, for wanting to help or be friendly to a stranger, for being weak. Next time, they would be stronger and more selfish if a stranger approached them for a cigarette at 1 in the morning. You were doing them a favor. I gained a good amount of power from it with the city kids. I was even gaining a reputation for craziness in the inner city schools. I had a contact from the inner city and they would "such and such wants to come out with you one night". Soon enough, friends wanted to try it themselves. Before I knew it, there were three carloads of people (my friends, friends of friends) going out looking for people to do it on and I could watch it all the play out. The guy with the suitcase. But they did not do like me. Yeah, they would gain the person's trust. They would end up jumping the guy and stealing the stuff in his suitcase. That defeated the purpose.

    IT WAS about making people stronger! I GAVE these strangers the WILL TO FIGHT.

    (Who was the man they asked the guy with the coffees.

    The man I know not. All I know is this. Once I was blind and now I can see.)
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 03-25-2020 at 01:45 AM.

  13. #53
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    If by heartless, one refers to people who are cruel to and uncaring of others then I've seen this behaviour in individuals of all types; they only differ in the way that they dish it out. It requires a modicum of detachment and selfishness to be that way when thinking straight. Often people use the word, heartless, just to be cruel and many times the word erroneously refers to the cold hard truth when it should perhaps refer to the way the truth is sometimes delivered. Ijs seem to have the best innate tools for heartlessness although most try not to be. On average, Ips seem to get the most offended by heartlessness although many seem to be able to easily defend themselves in heartlessly vindictive manners.......

    a.k.a. I/O

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