Hello everybody!

It seems I have to introduce myself in order to get full access to all features of the forum, so let's do this.
So, I'm 22 years old, living in Germany, studying very weird subjects: Art history, Archaeology and Classical Philology. Namely Latin. But I also know Ancient Greek. I hope to be able to go on some excavations and later work in a museum.
My other interests and hobbies are music, listening to it as well as composing for my own. I play guitar and I love singing. I also am a worship leader in my church's youth group. I like writing a lot as well and have been working on a fantasy novel for some time now.

I'm still not entirely sure about my socionics type, as I'm quite new to the whole typology thing, which is rather unknown in Germany. But I got interested in it when I wrote a paper on Ancient physiognomics and read several articles on psychology in magazines.
My tendency towards IEI is still the greatest, though.

So, that's it for now, I think.