Quote Originally Posted by DarkWhite View Post
I like your post . I am a theatrical type seeking to be a part of an emerging movement and I am a hippie with pink hair! Seriously I am! But I wouldn't think I am very laid back, I have wild and rich emotions as much as wild and rich reactions. I thought about being an NT for very long time...while I seem to score fifiy-fifty on F/T in MBTI, socioncs seem to clearly categorize me as feeling type. But still I am very close to thinking types...
But now about something else... I really think about making a VIDEO, cause I see that your guesses are a bit about every type. I really think making a video might it make clearer. So if anyone would be so nice and generate some questions for me, I'll be happy to answer them as soon as I can ... *edit: I took 4 socionics tests for far and I scored equaly INFj/ENFj... I relate to them pretty much. On cognitive functions test I usually score as: Ni<Fi<Ne<Ti<Si<Se<Fe<Te
Perceiving types do have in general more problems to decide if they're an ethical or locigal type while j's have more problems to decide if they're sensors or intuitives. This is because perceivers have alwayas a judging creative and a judging hidden agenda function