I have been typing seriously for 2 years now, but the only thing i am sure of is that i am an NP. I hate to ask, i rather figure it out on my own, but i have really tried! I started out ISTj, next INTj, then ENTp, following with INFj for a while, and most recently was quite confident in being an ENFp. I have studied functions, IM, type relations, and a wide range of mdti and socionic type descriptions. If it helps type me, it really pains me to have to ask other people, who study something i have invested so much time in, for help on typing me. I do not consider myself too mysterious or unknowable to type, i just see too many connections between NP types. SJ, SP, NJ are so easy for me to type!!! At least i think so...SJ and NJ definatly, but since i do not confidently know my type, i have little confidence to type others. I would do a lot for this freaking elusive piece to my type's puzzle!