Have any INFPs or ENFJs on this forum had a relationship with one another? If so, could you describe it? Personally, as an INFP (cue overly saccharine INFP romanticism) I've never felt so deeply connected to anyone as I have to my ENFJ friend. Perhaps my friend feels otherwise, but I choose to let this mystery remain unsolved for now. I think I feel this connection because the ENFJ thrives on bringing others out of their shells, especially this cynical, melancholy INFP who hides herself from the world. I think of this relationship as an effective contrast: the ENFJ's light must have the INFP's (or ISTJ, their dual, or any other "dark" introverted type, for that matter) darkness in order to shine. Or something like that. Perhaps I've idealized these relations too much, as I've done many other things (yeah, I have). Thanks for listening .