Laura Bozzo (SLE-Se) is famous for being a TV actress and "reality" show presenter, somewhat popular among the lower classes in several countries of Latin America and the United States.

Lawyer by profession and possessing education in political science, she's always been interested in climbing the ranks of the social order, often reaching the high spheres of power. She has built a career lending herself to set stages for the television in favor of the political agenda of the powerful and corrupt figures in power. She was convicted and jailed in Peru for aiding Alberto Fujimori and Vladimiro Montecinos and now she's operating in Mexico in favor of the "old party", Mexican PRI, most specifically, for the governor of the Estado de Mexico, Eruviel Ávila (EIE-Fe), a state that funded a massive campaign in the last presidential election and put Erinque Peña Nieto (IEI-Fe) in power. Ávila lent Bozzo a few official helicopters to set a stage pretending to help people in the communities devasted by the last hurricane (most specifically, around the famous Acapulco area).

This was unmasqueraded by various journalists, among them the most famous and prestiged Carmen Aristegui (IEE-Ne), to whom Bozzo responded recently in a live show:

In my personal opinion, Bozzo suffers from some sort of acute psychopathy:

Psychopathy is a type of mental illness used to describe an individual who is incapable of feeling guilt, remorse or empathy for their actions.