Quote Originally Posted by Joy
ISFjs are loyal, yes. I don't see that as their greatest strength though. I think their greatest strength is their sincerity. People who are not close to them will not actually see the true person, but if there is an ISFj in your life, you can count on him or her to just flat out tell you what their assessment of a situation or person is. There's no wishy washy bullshit or sugar coating or games or tip toeing around your feelings. If they think something is foolish, stupid, or wrong, they'll just say so. This is a bit harsh for some people, but in combination with the positive Fi qualities, such as the afforementioned loyalty or their family values, it makes them, imo, invaluable. Some of them also tend to "play rough" when it comes to joking around and whatnot. When people get offended because of their sincerity or style of humor, they will likely see the other person as being too sensitive and will be unsympathetic and unapologetic. ISFjs understand that a true friend tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. They also understand that it is not in a person's best interest to coddle them and overlook their weaknesses.

They may have strong values about how it is okay and is not okay to treat other people. For example, an ISFj may scold you for making fun of the way someone looks (even in their absence) or being unkind. If, however, that person is on their shit list, all bets are off.

ISFjs are also good at seeing that things get done when they need to get done. From what I've seen, they have a good memory for details, the type of stuff that's relatively important but easy to forget, such as something needing to be done, a person's name, a detail about an event such as an item that needs to be bought along, etc.

ISFjs are prolly most easy to recognize from their buttoned up appearance. They may be polite with strangers or those they don't know well, but they will not be familiar.