i really like the idea of seeing someone's face. it personally helps me get a feel for who i'm talking to. but you can't look at a photo and know the person's behavior, their motivations behind their actions, the past experiences that made them who they are today, etc. but a combination of reading someone's posts AND seeing their face makes it a hell of a lot easier than your fucking avatar. people, at least be real about that. i'm sorry but your avatars are not better representations of you than your own damn face. this is coming from someone who's passion is painting people's faces. no avatar you pick on a fucking whim or even planned meticulously is as beautiful or as telling as your face.

Quote Originally Posted by macysmama View Post
Well, I can. I'm sorry you feel resentment. I cannot change or take back my innate ability. I have an uncanny ability to see someone and in 2 seconds see their essence, the thing that is static and doesn't change in them. The "thing" that IS them. It doesn't matter if they are smiling, frowning, 5 years old or 50 in the photo or IRL. It doesn't matter what "One" moment the photo caught... It's like being hit in the forehead with a V8 all day long with everyone I encounter! LOL But it doesn't hurt. It's really quite beautiful, I take my ability seriously and connect on a very deep level in that one split second with people everywhere I go, from a good friend to a stranger at the grocery store.
i feel somewhat similarly, in that i gain a lot of my information visually, and i feel as if i can understand someone's essence by looking at them. but you're taking it too far. you sounds like so fucking presumptuous and naive. honestly, get over yourself.

Quote Originally Posted by Wacey View Post
I can see what you mean, but I think I would add one step further and say this: I think that it is true some people are very intuitive about other people and can quickly see who they are, however, all we are really capable of seeing is our own perceptions and projections of other people. Our minds literally give meaning onto what we see outside ourselves all the time. Every time you see someone, you must understand that it is not "their" essence you are seeing, but your minds own projections of who and what that person is, that you seeing.