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Thread: Joy's ESTj description

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    Default Joy's ESTj description

    This is a response I wrote to someone who asked me about ESTjs via PM. I decided to post it.

    I'm afraid that my description of ESTjs will be a bit biased by my own experiences with specific, unhealthy ESTjs as well as my intertype relation with them, but I'll give it a shot.

    ESTjs are the work hard, play hard types. They bust their asses during the week at work, often working overtime, but then at night after work they will just relax for a few hours. These periods of rest are just that though... ESTjs become restless and depressed by long periods of inactivity. The ones I know enjoy working out. The weekends are for partying (if they're not working overtime lol). The ones I know like to ask questions of people and get specific information about them, but offer very vague information about themselves and get irritated if you try to get them to be more specific and cough up facts. They see their business as their business, but also see your business as their business... this could be a battle of the Te's with me though, an intertype power struggle. The ESTjs I knew also seemed to believe that they're good at manipulating others to get what they want, but it was always painfully obvious when they were trying to be sneaky. ESTjs are the most "normal" type, and generally follow society's norms. They walk like soldiers... upright with shoulders square and head held high, but their gait has a bit of a cocky swagger. One of the ESTjs I know is emersed in his job at a club run by Sicilians, and he is also emersed into drug culture. As a result, his ideas of "normal" are skewed, but he still adheres to them. His walk is also a bit different. He tries to be more fluid. He looks a little silly sometimes... like he thinks he's a rapper or something. In spite of his "gangster" mentality, he is similar to most ESTjs in that he appreciates family values. He definitely intends on having a family of his own once he's done partying (he's only 22). The "wanna be gangster" ESTj believes that teaching children about life and looking out for children's best interests is everyone's responsibility, not just the child's guardians. I think many ESTjs kinda see family as the whole point of life. This could be partially due to their dual seeking function are partly due to their desire to fulfill society's expectations of them. They also seem to have an affinity for the military, at least from what I've seen. ESTjs value loyalty and try to be kind and loyal people. They can also be very generous, though sometimes it looks like they're trying to buy friends. One of the ESTjs I know would on occasion bring groceries over to my brother and sister in law's house and use their kitchen to make a meal, leaving the leftovers with them... he knew they could barely afford groceries, much less regular, traditional meals. Another thing I have noticed with ESxjs is that they are very concerned with their mate being attractive. The ones I know are unwilling to even consider unattractive, or even average or plain people for relationships.

    ESTjs are also fussy about the organization of their surroundings, something that caused a lot of problems between me and the 2 ESTjs that I lived with. I would even go as far as to say that it was the main reason my ESTj husband and I divorced. Another reason we fought was the management of our finances. He'd get irritated when I talked about how important it was for us to invest. On one hand, I saw investing as an absolutely essential and necessary thing to do. On the other hand, however, neither he nor I was good at exercising moderation in spending. The result was an overextended household budget. I'd sit there going over our bills and I'd begin to feel frustrated because there was nothing left to invest. When I'd complain, stating how critical investing is, he'd become very frustrated and defensive and we'd start arguing. At the same time, he'd be frustrated by the lack of organization in our home and the dishes in the sink, and strike back at me by criticizing my domestic skills (or lack there of), something which I am EXTREMELY sensitive about. It was a downward spiral, and as time went by, the issues went beyond those basic types of arguments. As I became more distant, he became more aggressive. He'd say, "how come you'd rather be at work than at home?" (lol yes, an ESTj said I was working too much... 2 full time jobs isn't conducive to marital health) and I'd say "because I don't get yelled and bitched at at work!" I knew the relationship was over when he said that I was a bad mother and I realized that there was absolutely nothing he could say that could hurt me anymore. A few weeks later, I knew the marriage was over when a friend of mine said "Joy, my parents divorced when I was a kid. The only thing worse than having parents who aren't together is having parents who shouldn't be together." I didn't want my son to grow up thinking that that's how relationships work. I knew that his father and I brought out the worst in eachother, and I didn't want Travis see his dad's temper and aggression come out everyday like it was.

    The other ESTj that I know quite well was part of my group of friends and dated my sister for a while. He and I were arch rivals for a while. It seemed to be a bit of a power struggle. I learned that he and I could get along very well if there wasn't anyone else around. We even had a very good understanding of eachother. Once he and I hung out by ourselves for a while, it was much easier to get along in group situations. He moved in with me and the INTj I was with for little while when my sister was dating him. It turned ugly very quickly. He rearranged my kitchen for crying out loud! The power struggles ensued once again. After he moved out we were able to get along quite well. For the last year of my relationship with the INTj I was with, this ESTj tried to plant little doubts about the relationship in my mind. It was apparent that he was trying to be "sneaky" in the way he was trying to convince me to split up with the INTj. He also frequently complained that all of the attractive women were "married or engaged or something". After the INTj and I split up, he came over one day and met Peter... he was going to get something for us, and Peter gave him $60. He left with it and I haven't seen him since. He's not the type that would generally do something like that, meaning he must have taken it pretty personally.

    Anyways... I'm afraid there isn't much more I can offer about ESTjs. I can see how an INFj could bring out the best in them. Perhaps someone else will have a better description of ESTjs. As I've already stated, the ESTjs I knew weren't the healthiest of people.

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    oh, how could I forget?

    ESTj humor:

    When I'm with ESTjs, it's hard not to laugh at other people. If I'm sitting next to an ESTj in a class, I can glance at him and is giving me a look and I know he's thinking exactly the same thing I am about whoever is talking, and we both laugh. It's hard for me to keep ESTjs quiet once they realize that I share their sense of humor when it comes to making fun of other people. It's also a little hard for me to stay quiet because no matter how much my role scolds me, the stuff we're saying is hilarious and hard to stop laughing about. When I went to see a recital at my son's school, his father and I say next to eachother. I kept trying to tell him to be quiet, but the choir director lady had us giggling to no end. No one else in the auditorium was laughing. He'd make comments, the same thing I was thinking and wanted to say (but wouldn't), and I'd shush him because people around us could here and it's very rude, and I didn't want to hurt the choir director lady's feelings. One of the ESTjs I knew would take me out to bars. (ESxjs seem to like to take me out, and I'm almost certain it's because they like being seen with me. They know people will mistake us for a couple and in their minds, that makes them look good, I guess.) We'd talk to the bartender and patrons in the bars we went to, and he'd often say things that were rude... exactly what I was thinking, but rude nonetheless. It's hard to shush someone while you're also trying not to laugh.

    So yeah. ESTjs are fun.

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    A couple people mentioned that it is unlikely that a Te type would spend money recklessly...

    The Guardian... helps his partner by accomplishing all undertakings, taking care of details and sparing material resources. Without such assistance The Enterpriser can be too extravagant, reckless and neglectful of his responsibilities...
    Just because someone has business sense doesn't mean he's good at sticking to a personal budget. Te types may be good at understanding financial matters, but that does not mean that an ENTj won't make mistakes like spending too much on brand name clothes, etc. particularly when they're just starting out on their own for the first time. I've learned not to acquire any consumer debt, to only borrow money to make money, but at 19 I was more concerned with lifestyle.

    This is NOT a type thread about me, so I'll leave it at that... if you want to argue my type, do it in one of my type threads, and if you want to argue what I've said, do it here.

    Does anyone have anything to say about ESTjs?

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    your second post was right on... If I'm with the right person, if I see something humorous in another person i'll often be the first to look over at who I'm with and see if they noticed what I noticed about people. I'm a TOTAL people watching type and always find humor in others...whether or not it's because they aren't attractive, very attractive, walk funny, just have strange clothes on, or anything else....etc...I can always come up with something about pretty much anyone... definitely not always in a bad or rude way but always something that can be taken as humorous.
    I'd like to think of myself as the person that's most likely going to say what every one else is thinking but can't say themselves...this happens quite a bit at work and usually gets me on one person's bad side and a few others good side just because I spoke up when something needed to be said.

    as for money...i pay my bills but I'm very reckless when it comes to money... very reckless when it comes to others because as you pointed out...ESTJ's can be quite the giving type... if i'm with others that I work with, and make about the same amount of money as... I will pay for a tab one time and usually they'll get it next time and so, if i'm with someone who's doesn't make as much as me or something i'll usually be the first to say "i got this one" and usually take care of the bill... some people in the past have told me this was rude of me once or twice but no matter what my financial situation is i'll 9 out of 10 times feel like I need to take care of the bill because I don't like getting hand outs from others...I'd much rather be the giving type. As we discussed in the tipping thread some time ago, I tip very well and usually my name and face are remembered even if i've only met a waitress, waiter, bartender, etc... one time. All i ever ask is that I'm respected for the way i tip...a smile and a thank you next time the person sees me usually is all i'm looking for.
    As for me, I usually go out about 4 nights a week to "rest" and just "party" some times... but when it comes to work you were spot on, i love working overtime and do it a lot. at work, i run the show and have pretty much let every one know to some this may be a bad thing but when it comes down to it most of the people I know and work with would all want me to be around when shit needs to get done rather than anyone else, i keep things running smooth.
    I'm sure I'll add more to this post later on but it's all I can really think of at this time...

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    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    Hey cracka! You left out the first post
    i kinda tried bouncing around a i'll add more if you really want...hahaha, but she's pretty much got me in a bubble up there.

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    anyone ever noticed that an ESTJ can be nice/mean/nice/mean and so on but people will still like that person.

    but the estj can say one thing to make the person totally crumble at their feet. for example the bad mother quote above.

    when i was with my ex i could pretty much say anything and her not take it to heart no matter how mad i was or what either one of us had done. Everything could be taken with a grain of salt.

    On Christmas Eve one year we had this huge fight, i mean, biggest argument I've ever been in with a woman other than my mother...

    For the first time I called are a real many other words and so on... and she told me later on that it was the only time I'd actually "hurt" her in the 2+ yrs we were together with anything i'd said or done. I'm sure it was the way I'd said it and the context it was used in and at the time she deserved to feel my wrath for many reasons that I won't go into here. we broke up a month later.

    For the most part people always know where they stand with me, if i'm mad at them... leave me alone for a day and i'll be over it. (i actually wish others could do that too) I'll usually be the first to say sorry and make up, I don't like to hold a grudge at all, well not usually, not over anything small.

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    Default Re: ESTjs

    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    I think many ESTjs kinda see family as the whole point of life. This could be partially due to their dual seeking function are partly due to their desire to fulfill society's expectations of them. They also seem to have an affinity for the military, at least from what I've seen. ESTjs value loyalty and try to be kind and loyal people. They can also be very generous, though sometimes it looks like they're trying to buy friends.
    Family and friends have always been a big deal in my life. Now i live 2600 miles from any family but try to make it home at least once a year to see everyone. I try to go home in May because that's usually when the entire family gets together and I may as well see anyone I can while i'm there. I never forget birthdays, I always call if people are sick or something crappy is going on in their life, I almost bankrupt myself by helping my brother and his family out when they were in a money crunch, it took my mother to tell me to stop and that they would need to learn to get by on what they have...etc.
    My father was in the army for 20 yrs and I grew up with it for the earlier stages of life, it I wasn't the "I want to make money" type then i'm sure I would have been in one military branch or another, i just felt it wasn't for me. Although, working for the Fortune 500 company i'm working for now does have a considerable military feel to it the way the place is run. I was however an Eagle scout after 10 yrs of being in boy yeah i'm a

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    Quote Originally Posted by cracka
    your second post was right on... If I'm with the right person, if I see something humorous in another person i'll often be the first to look over at who I'm with and see if they noticed what I noticed about people. I'm a TOTAL people watching type and always find humor in others...whether or not it's because they aren't attractive, very attractive, walk funny, just have strange clothes on, or anything else....etc...I can always come up with something about pretty much anyone... definitely not always in a bad or rude way but always something that can be taken as humorous.
    I'd like to think of myself as the person that's most likely going to say what every one else is thinking but can't say themselves...this happens quite a bit at work and usually gets me on one person's bad side and a few others good side just because I spoke up when something needed to be said.

    as for money...i pay my bills but I'm very reckless when it comes to money... very reckless when it comes to others because as you pointed out...ESTJ's can be quite the giving type... if i'm with others that I work with, and make about the same amount of money as... I will pay for a tab one time and usually they'll get it next time and so, if i'm with someone who's doesn't make as much as me or something i'll usually be the first to say "i got this one" and usually take care of the bill... some people in the past have told me this was rude of me once or twice but no matter what my financial situation is i'll 9 out of 10 times feel like I need to take care of the bill because I don't like getting hand outs from others...I'd much rather be the giving type. As we discussed in the tipping thread some time ago, I tip very well and usually my name and face are remembered even if i've only met a waitress, waiter, bartender, etc... one time. All i ever ask is that I'm respected for the way i tip...a smile and a thank you next time the person sees me usually is all i'm looking for.
    As for me, I usually go out about 4 nights a week to "rest" and just "party" some times... but when it comes to work you were spot on, i love working overtime and do it a lot. at work, i run the show and have pretty much let every one know to some this may be a bad thing but when it comes down to it most of the people I know and work with would all want me to be around when shit needs to get done rather than anyone else, i keep things running smooth.
    I'm sure I'll add more to this post later on but it's all I can really think of at this time...
    I do not want to be an INFj anymore .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Megan
    I do not want to be an INFj anymore .
    Sorry if you don't like Me or My post. but i wouldn't hold any of my views against all ESTJ's... My biggest gripe about socionics is that's it's just another way for people to dismiss others before even meeting or getting to know them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cracka
    Quote Originally Posted by Megan
    I do not want to be an INFj anymore .
    Sorry if you don't like Me or My post. but i wouldn't hold any of my views against all ESTJ's... My biggest gripe about socionics is that's it's just another way for people to dismiss others before even meeting or getting to know them.
    My opinion is not based solely on socionics.

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    thank you so for answering this thread cracka. you remind me a lot of an ISTp I know.

    as far as the bit about family, I was more refering to having a spouse and children of their own.

    one ESTj made an impression on my in his attitude about children. he would talk to and play with and try to teach kids about life, and he felt that it was everyone's responsibility to do so. he'd talk to them like adults and expect them to behave appropriately, but he'd take them someone outside to play and have fun.

    any type can be sadistic. any type can be evil.

    I'm sure there are a whole lot of wonderful ESTjs.

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  12. #12
    le petit prince raisonpure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megan
    Quote Originally Posted by cracka
    your second post was right on... If I'm with the right person, if I see something humorous in another person i'll often be the first to look over at who I'm with and see if they noticed what I noticed about people. I'm a TOTAL people watching type and always find humor in others...whether or not it's because they aren't attractive, very attractive, walk funny, just have strange clothes on, or anything else....etc...I can always come up with something about pretty much anyone... definitely not always in a bad or rude way but always something that can be taken as humorous.
    I'd like to think of myself as the person that's most likely going to say what every one else is thinking but can't say themselves...this happens quite a bit at work and usually gets me on one person's bad side and a few others good side just because I spoke up when something needed to be said.

    as for money...i pay my bills but I'm very reckless when it comes to money... very reckless when it comes to others because as you pointed out...ESTJ's can be quite the giving type... if i'm with others that I work with, and make about the same amount of money as... I will pay for a tab one time and usually they'll get it next time and so, if i'm with someone who's doesn't make as much as me or something i'll usually be the first to say "i got this one" and usually take care of the bill... some people in the past have told me this was rude of me once or twice but no matter what my financial situation is i'll 9 out of 10 times feel like I need to take care of the bill because I don't like getting hand outs from others...I'd much rather be the giving type. As we discussed in the tipping thread some time ago, I tip very well and usually my name and face are remembered even if i've only met a waitress, waiter, bartender, etc... one time. All i ever ask is that I'm respected for the way i tip...a smile and a thank you next time the person sees me usually is all i'm looking for.
    As for me, I usually go out about 4 nights a week to "rest" and just "party" some times... but when it comes to work you were spot on, i love working overtime and do it a lot. at work, i run the show and have pretty much let every one know to some this may be a bad thing but when it comes down to it most of the people I know and work with would all want me to be around when shit needs to get done rather than anyone else, i keep things running smooth.
    I'm sure I'll add more to this post later on but it's all I can really think of at this time...
    I do not want to be an INFj anymore .
    I wonder how I'm going to attract people like you when you're too busy laughing your head off at the mere sight of me. Now that I think about it, I suspect a guy I know of being ESTj. He always looked pretty amused when talking to me, and I felt attracted to him instantly, so much so that I totally lost my composure and behaved like a blundering idiot in his presence. I couldn't get his fascination with wrestling, and I can't stand to read his blog. He even asked me if I knew any attractive girls

    Out of curiosity, is there a thread on how INFjs can attract the attention of ESTjs? Otherwise I think I'm doomed

    Edit: DOOMED, I say.

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    if you can't stand to read his blog, it wouldn't be a good idea to date him lol

    He even asked me if I knew any attractive girls
    some boys are idiots and think this is a way of flirting, depending on how it's said

    Out of curiosity, is there a thread on how INFjs can attract the attention of ESTjs? Otherwise I think I'm doomed
    show off the FiNe!

    jk (sorta), I don't really know. The ESTjs that were attracted to me were attracted to me because of how I looked. One made particular mention of several occasions of liking the way I carry myself. I carry myself with confidence, which is important for any type to do. Beyond that I don't know what he was talking about.

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    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    Out of curiosity, is there a thread on how INFjs can attract the attention of ESTjs? Otherwise I think I'm doomed

    Edit: DOOMED, I say.
    Raison assuming your an INFj(which i believe you are) the best way to attract one is to be yourself. Its been said before. Be the best person you can be focus on your strengths and build on those.

    Joy is right about the attractive girl thing. That could actually be his retarded way of flirting with you, i used to do similar things a while ago. I think in a lot of ways people aren't too hard to attract at least a little bit. People flattered by someone else liking them. Just dont act too needy and show him attention. Ask him out on a date.

    Edit: btw my estj friend said he likes a girl who is a little fragile etc. I often find this attractive myself aswell. Although you need to make your your confident on the inside.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Fragile wasn't the right word, i probablly meant feminine. If a girl is a little reserved / unconfident it can be endearing.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  17. #17
    le petit prince raisonpure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    He even asked me if I knew any attractive girls
    some boys are idiots and think this is a way of flirting, depending on how it's said
    Joy is right about the attractive girl thing. That could actually be his retarded way of flirting with you, i used to do similar things a while ago. I think in a lot of ways people aren't too hard to attract at least a little bit. People flattered by someone else liking them. Just dont act too needy and show him attention. Ask him out on a date.
    Unbelievable He asked me through MSN, so I couldn't tell whether he was flirting, and assumed he was serious. That was years ago, but I'll keep that information in mind. Thanks

    Fragile wasn't the right word, i probablly meant feminine. If a girl is a little reserved / unconfident it can be endearing.
    I can see how Joy could say "Ew" to that, since I thought no one liked unassertive pip-squeaks in modern times. You guys are sick

    Raison assuming your an INFj(which i believe you are) the best way to attract one is to be yourself. Its been said before. Be the best person you can be focus on your strengths and build on those.
    And all this time I've been trying to make myself more logical and practical, and less sentimental Actually, I think I already attract the attention of ESTjs without effort. I've encountered 3-4 strangers in the middle of my explorations. Two of them had expensive suits on. Every single one of them exuded confidence and power/authority, kept their gazes fixed on me for longer than necessary, had a patronising smile hanging on their lips, and a towering presence... Since they all happened to be in their 30's as well, only one of them didn't manage to make me feel like a prey, and that was an unforgettable experience. Otherwise I just labelled them as Potential Stalkers, and tried to get the hell away from them -- especially after they managed to follow me through to whatever obscure place I had escaped to Totally freaky.

    The curious thing is that the guy I was talking about made me behave in COMPLETELY uncharacteristic ways. He was so impeccably dressed, so tall and confident, that I felt like digging into a hole. And I always ran away from him whenever I saw him approaching me. It was infatuation at first sight And no, not every tall guy makes me feel cornered. But I always wondered at my unusual reaction to him.

    Judging from my interactions with my aunt, I think ESTjs are awesome. After living with her for a while, she started giving me things out of the blue, taking me out to places, and she even paid for my expenses! All that made me feel pretty indebted to her, so I tried to be more independent, but our interactions lessened as I tried not to rely on her. I love her ideology on child rearing, and think it is a shame she isn't married. She was also very concerned about punctuality, so I'd scramble around like a servant in order to meet her specified time. It's not like that with my ENTj father, who'd tell me to get ready while he continued to sit in front of the computer, remind me to get cracking after a while, and then ask me to wait when I'm done because he has to finish making last-minute procedures with his game


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    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    Quote Originally Posted by Megan
    Quote Originally Posted by cracka
    your second post was right on... If I'm with the right person, if I see something humorous in another person i'll often be the first to look over at who I'm with and see if they noticed what I noticed about people. I'm a TOTAL people watching type and always find humor in others...whether or not it's because they aren't attractive, very attractive, walk funny, just have strange clothes on, or anything else....etc...I can always come up with something about pretty much anyone... definitely not always in a bad or rude way but always something that can be taken as humorous.
    I'd like to think of myself as the person that's most likely going to say what every one else is thinking but can't say themselves...this happens quite a bit at work and usually gets me on one person's bad side and a few others good side just because I spoke up when something needed to be said.

    as for money...i pay my bills but I'm very reckless when it comes to money... very reckless when it comes to others because as you pointed out...ESTJ's can be quite the giving type... if i'm with others that I work with, and make about the same amount of money as... I will pay for a tab one time and usually they'll get it next time and so, if i'm with someone who's doesn't make as much as me or something i'll usually be the first to say "i got this one" and usually take care of the bill... some people in the past have told me this was rude of me once or twice but no matter what my financial situation is i'll 9 out of 10 times feel like I need to take care of the bill because I don't like getting hand outs from others...I'd much rather be the giving type. As we discussed in the tipping thread some time ago, I tip very well and usually my name and face are remembered even if i've only met a waitress, waiter, bartender, etc... one time. All i ever ask is that I'm respected for the way i tip...a smile and a thank you next time the person sees me usually is all i'm looking for.
    As for me, I usually go out about 4 nights a week to "rest" and just "party" some times... but when it comes to work you were spot on, i love working overtime and do it a lot. at work, i run the show and have pretty much let every one know to some this may be a bad thing but when it comes down to it most of the people I know and work with would all want me to be around when shit needs to get done rather than anyone else, i keep things running smooth.
    I'm sure I'll add more to this post later on but it's all I can really think of at this time...
    I do not want to be an INFj anymore .
    I wonder how I'm going to attract people like you when you're too busy laughing your head off at the mere sight of me. Now that I think about it, I suspect a guy I know of being ESTj. He always looked pretty amused when talking to me, and I felt attracted to him instantly, so much so that I totally lost my composure and behaved like a blundering idiot in his presence. I couldn't get his fascination with wrestling, and I can't stand to read his blog. He even asked me if I knew any attractive girls

    Out of curiosity, is there a thread on how INFjs can attract the attention of ESTjs? Otherwise I think I'm doomed

    Edit: DOOMED, I say.
    Not all the ESTjs are like this, of course, which is proved also by your last post.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  19. #19
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    I think ESTjs are great... I just can't live with them. Again, individual wellness and personal compatibility mean more to relationships than "type".

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    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    I wonder how I'm going to attract people like you when you're too busy laughing your head off at the mere sight of me. Now that I think about it, I suspect a guy I know of being ESTj. He always looked pretty amused when talking to me, and I felt attracted to him instantly, so much so that I totally lost my composure and behaved like a blundering idiot in his presence. I couldn't get his fascination with wrestling, and I can't stand to read his blog. He even asked me if I knew any attractive girls

    Out of curiosity, is there a thread on how INFjs can attract the attention of ESTjs? Otherwise I think I'm doomed

    Edit: DOOMED, I say.
    oh please don't get me wrong in the sense that I actually do make fun of every person that crosses my path, this is faaaarrr from the truth. for the most part I don't make my days go by looking at others or talking about them... really, I don't. Like the first sentence in my post started "if i'm with the right person" then I can be "judgemental" (for lack of a better word) of people but most of the time it's things like that to just keep me chatty about something and to keep from being bored when i'm just sitting somewhere or walking around.

    as for attracting an estj, all YOU have to do is smile and get noticed by one...once they notice you noticing them you're most likely in and most of your work is done. lol

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    i wish all estj's were i'm only 5'6"

  22. #22


    A few more generations of cracka breeding and you may have a new race of squirrels =p

  23. #23


    I only know one ESTj and I dislike him. I really only dislike him because of how he treats ME, for instance, ignoring me and acting like what I say is stupid or not worth hearing. If he would at least acknowledge me and try to get along I'd probably like him more.

    Not to mention, he pulls random facts about stuff out of his ass, even if he barely knows anything about the subject at all. I've called him out on it a few times and I think he just gets embarassed and ignores what I say and keeps going.

    It was humorous when he was trying to argue with me about a subject I'm BEST at, art! LAFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    cracka, if you don't mind answering:

    Can you remember the faces of those you have met only once?

    What would make you go up and talk to a stranger?

    Do you have any other peeves apart from people stealing your time?
    yes, i can remember faces very well...maybe not names with them but if I've met someone in the past i'd recognize them about 85% of the time...
    here's a great story for example from this past saturday...

    I went to a work Picnic with some friends and coworkers on Saturday. On the way back i was somewhat driving over the speed limit and got pulled over. The cop has me out doing a sobriety test which was ok since i'd only had one beer during the course of the day which was about 5 minutes before I'd left and he just smelled it on my breath... enough about that though...
    So, while i was getting my field sobriety test i actually remembered this police officers face...which was strange because I was about an hour from home out in the middle of nowhere in a place where i'd never been before. After all was said and done he gave me the ticket etc... I asked him if he'd had some windows tinted at this shop I went to around last october. He replied yes and that he had the windows tinted on a truck there around that time. I told him that I thought he seemed familiar and that was where I'd remembered him from. I never once talked to the guy, and i only saw him sitting in a chair across from me for about 30 minutes the day I got my windows tinted. I have always had that type of memory hopefully that's the long way of answering your first question.
    I talk to strangers all the time...not like if i see someone walking past but if i'm standing in line somewhere and notice something I feel like saying, i'll point it out to whomever is around... like, if i'm at a packed store, i'll have no problem saying "how bout this place" to someone standing next to me or something like that and sometimes even start a conversation like this. haha, funny that I have always thought of myself as a shy, which pretty much everyone else in the world has told me is not true...haha.

    as for peeves...i'll think about it and post but i'm tired of typing at this moment... Hopefully that answered what you
    and as far as this goes.
    I'll draw the line here because I'm posing questions to one. Don't want to scare him off (but he sounds like he could take it )
    yeah, I can take anything on here... it takes a bit to get me mad over the internet...haha

  25. #25


    well you can't get mad at me craka i said i liked j00 ^_^

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    Quote Originally Posted by aurora_faerie
    well you can't get mad at me craka i said i liked j00 ^_^

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    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    Some bizarre thoughts surfaced in my head while I was reading that part but I better not disclose it here ..
    haha, if you feel like sharing I do accept pm'

    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    Just thought I'd share that whenever I describe an ESTj to my sister, she tends to perceive that the person is 10 or more years older than his/her real age.
    I'd agree to a certain extent. Most of my life I always feel like i was forced to grow up before everyone else. not as much forced from others but rather myself.
    I'm 26 now and feel like it's been a billion years ago. since I started actually working around 13 or so...unlike all the other kids where i was from. during the summer and spring i cut grass, during the winter and fall i collected leaves and cut/chopped firewood for people. then when i was actually 16 i got a real job and have since never been umemployed except for 1 week when i started college and didn't have a place to work yet since it was 90 miles from home. After college, at 20, I moved 1800 miles from home in TN to AZ for a job with the same company I'm with today. I had never lived by myself or really had any bills that I didn't pay my parents, but felt i was grown up enough to do it. I go home about once a year and now live even farther away up here in Oregon.
    During that part of life, I would definitely say I felt and seemed considerably older. Now that I'm 26 and established I feel like more of a kid than I was at any time since i was a young'n. As an ESTJ way of thinking... do all this shit now, get it right, then have fun and live like you want to because it will all pay off in the long run.
    sorry for the long posts people, since socionics is still not my thing I just post how things in socionics relate to my life, it's pretty much all I can do here.
    Just my $.17

  28. #28
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    Thought I'd add....

    With the ESTj I was with, if I looked like I was about to get up, he'd ask me what I wanted (juice, that kind of thing) and then he'd go get it. It made him happy. He'd also constantly offer me stuff like that. In dating, he often wanted to take me out to eat (and go out partying, but I'm sure not all ESTjs are like that).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    ...(and go out partying, but I'm sure not all ESTjs are like that).
    My dad is.
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  30. #30
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    A story about ESTjs and a particular kind of problem that they run into relatively often.

    There was a kid, maybe 13 years old, who did odd jobs for people around where he lived. Once an old man hired him to mow his lawn. He had a rather big house and an even larger yard so preferred not to do it himself. He was going away for the weekend and he suggested the boy do the job Friday evening. He promised he'd leave the tools for the job so the boy would find them.

    Come Friday afternoon the boy came to the granpa's house and looked around. Behind the house there were a couple of locked sheds, a gazebo and a pool. No tools except for what he finds behind one of the sheds: a couple of shovels, some saws and a scythe. The boy looks at the scythe in disbelief and goes around the yard once again... He checks the sheds and they are indeed well locked. He checks the doors of the house itself and they are likewise locked. He checks everything else there is to check but the only tools are behind that shed.

    The boy picks up the scythe. It's about as big as he is and he tries a few strokes with it. After a few attempts he finds a good way to swing it and discovers that he, indeed can cut the grass with it, even though the tool is cumbersome. So the kid starts to work. He progresses slowly and it doesn't take long before his hands start to hurt. He has some gloves that hinder blistering but that doesn't really make him happy.

    By the time night falls the kid has done about half the yard. He returns the next day, cancelling his saturday plans to continue his work. Many things go through his head while he's working and he's pissed as hell but nevertheless he continues until the work is done. He only finishes late saturday evening since he's still tired from the first day and works slower. he goes home shaking his head and cursing crazy old people in his mind.

    On sunday the old man comes back and looks at his yard. He shakes his head. The boy is waiting for him at his doorstep. "What the hell did you do to my lawn?" he asks. "You cut it like crap. I'ts never been this uneven! I'm not going to pay full price for that kind of a job. Here's half of what he agreed." The kid can't believe his ears. He glares murderously at the old man in a way that visibly shakes him, then he takes the money and walks away.

    The old man, still shaken, goes inside. Later in the day, he decides to check his tool-shed. For a moment, he wonders about the lock. He's sure that he left it open. How else could the kid have cut the lawn? His brand new motor lawn mower with three gears and a seat is in the shed, so clearly the kid must have gotten to it. He tries to remember if he gave the kid keys and if the kid returned them. Yet he can't remember. The lawn-mower doesn't seem to be broken so he goes back inside the house and decides to forget this puzzle and have a shot of whiskey instead.


    This is actually a response to a comment about ESTjs in another thread. It's not unheard of that ESTjs blame other people when some work they're involved in does not succeed. You will undoubtedly be able to make your own conclusions about the morals of the story.
    First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
    It's not unheard of that ESTjs blame other people when some work they're involved in does not succeed.
    I think it's more of an ESTp trait.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  32. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
    It's not unheard of that ESTjs blame other people when some work they're involved in does not succeed.
    I think it's more of an ESTp trait.

    Extraverts in general.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
    It's not unheard of that ESTjs blame other people when some work they're involved in does not succeed.
    I think it's more of an ESTp trait.

    Extraverts in general.
    People in general.

    I don't see what's so important about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It's just more people to declare war on.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
    A story about ESTjs and a particular kind of problem that they run into relatively often.

    There was a kid, maybe 13 years old, who did odd jobs for people around where he lived. Once an old man hired him to mow his lawn. He had a rather big house and an even larger yard so preferred not to do it himself. He was going away for the weekend and he suggested the boy do the job Friday evening. He promised he'd leave the tools for the job so the boy would find them.

    Come Friday afternoon the boy came to the granpa's house and looked around. Behind the house there were a couple of locked sheds, a gazebo and a pool. No tools except for what he finds behind one of the sheds: a couple of shovels, some saws and a scythe. The boy looks at the scythe in disbelief and goes around the yard once again... He checks the sheds and they are indeed well locked. He checks the doors of the house itself and they are likewise locked. He checks everything else there is to check but the only tools are behind that shed.

    The boy picks up the scythe. It's about as big as he is and he tries a few strokes with it. After a few attempts he finds a good way to swing it and discovers that he, indeed can cut the grass with it, even though the tool is cumbersome. So the kid starts to work. He progresses slowly and it doesn't take long before his hands start to hurt. He has some gloves that hinder blistering but that doesn't really make him happy.

    By the time night falls the kid has done about half the yard. He returns the next day, cancelling his saturday plans to continue his work. Many things go through his head while he's working and he's pissed as hell but nevertheless he continues until the work is done. He only finishes late saturday evening since he's still tired from the first day and works slower. he goes home shaking his head and cursing crazy old people in his mind.

    On sunday the old man comes back and looks at his yard. He shakes his head. The boy is waiting for him at his doorstep. "What the hell did you do to my lawn?" he asks. "You cut it like crap. I'ts never been this uneven! I'm not going to pay full price for that kind of a job. Here's half of what he agreed." The kid can't believe his ears. He glares murderously at the old man in a way that visibly shakes him, then he takes the money and walks away.

    The old man, still shaken, goes inside. Later in the day, he decides to check his tool-shed. For a moment, he wonders about the lock. He's sure that he left it open. How else could the kid have cut the lawn? His brand new motor lawn mower with three gears and a seat is in the shed, so clearly the kid must have gotten to it. He tries to remember if he gave the kid keys and if the kid returned them. Yet he can't remember. The lawn-mower doesn't seem to be broken so he goes back inside the house and decides to forget this puzzle and have a shot of whiskey instead.
    This is actually a response to a comment about ESTjs in another thread. It's not unheard of that ESTjs blame other people when some work they're involved in does not succeed. You will undoubtedly be able to make your own conclusions about the morals of the story.
    I can relate to both people in this story quite well, I used to be the little 13 yr old that would mow all the lawns around my All except for the last part where the guy forgets the puzzle and goes for the drink. I would have been wondering a lot more why the kid hadn't used to mower. I on the other hand would have called the kid and asked if he had used it, If he had, I would have apologized and gave him more money than i initially had agreed on, because then i would have seen just how much the kid worked and felt it was worth it.

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