yes! I wanted to make a thread about HOC but kept forgetting about it
overall this felt like gamma so+sp series with a few minor characters from other quadra

Francis Underwood: ESI-Se or SEE (so/sp 3w2) - much of his political manipulation is based upon unearthing character flaws of others and then using this information to his own benefit, directly pressuring their weak spots when he needed something from them, which afaik is attributed to gamma SFs, there is also a significant e2-e8 interplay as he changes his tactics from cajoling to despotic domineering

Claire Underwood: ILI-Te - the way she and Frank discuss their marriage almost as if it was a contract or business deal of some kind hints of gamma types for both of them, they also seem to understand where the other is coming from very well (in one scene they discuss how they don't really have a vision for where all of this is headed, which sounded tactical > strategic for both of them so may be ILI-ESI is more fitting than ILI-SEE).

Adam Galloway, Claire's lover: EIE - photographer, a refined soul who provides Claire with an emotional outlet and a distraction from her rather pragmatic life and union of interest with Frank

Remy Danton: EII - he runs a script of his own and is rather indirect in his dealings & innuendos, which contrasts with the very direct and to-the-point methods of Frank as gamma SF, Frank is wary of Remy and for a good reason

Zoe Barnes: LII - she's mostly engaged in searching out and manipulating information, no matter the personal cost to herself, so intuitive logical type seemed fitting

Tom Hammerschmidt, Zoe's boss: LSE-Te - stereotypical lse, hardworking, detail-oriented manager who pedantically checks for quality, believer in the established & old-rooted personal bonds

Lucas Goodwin, Zoe's lover: IEE - in one episode he argues some manner of ethics with Zoe to which she is either oblivious or doesn't consider it significant to take into consideration, possibly supervision between them LII-IEE

Janine Skorsky, Zoe's co-worker: SLI

Peter Russo: LSE (could be LIE also)

Christina, Russo's girlfriend: ESI phobic 6

Doug Stamper: ? his type has completely evaded me, i think this is one of those cases where the type of the actor and the type of the character interfere with one another creating a kind of untypable amalgam