... it baffles me how often he is considered an ENTP. Can someone help explain this to me?

Here's what I know about him...

He claimed that the key to his success was a consistent work schedule; like "clockwork" he said. He would begin at 9:30 everyday, lay out all of his daily activities, work, have lunch, and continue working, etc... and end at about the same time every day.

He would go on solitary "thinking" walks, as he called them, for both physical and mental exercise.

He was described as a "wide-eyed observer, and an analytical thinker".

He was a naturalist, and enjoyed exploring nature.

He collected shells, rocks, and enjoyed watching birds/etc... as a kid.

And his work also revolved around a patient and painstaking attention to detail, detail, and detail. Now, most ENTPs HATE HATE HATE the very word. Even on boards like these, the ENTPs claim that they have no ability to concentrate for such things.

So why damn him as an ENTP?

I guess it's always possible, but I've never heard anyone be able to explain it.

Please, give me another view and tell me why I'm wrong.
