I know it's not a new idea but this particular model is new to me, reusing tyres, bottles, cans and having very little outlay to build a home...offgrid! So the idea is you are completely self sufficient, the home has an internal waste unit, solar electricity, heating/cooling system and you can grow your own crops too. I imagine there are some things you still need to purchase but it will be very low comparitive.

Heres a quick vid of one mans Tedx talk regarding this. His story is pretty amazing, I watched a documentary on him a couple of days ago.He had his licence revoked and he was shunned by the local gvt...once he helped in the tsunami aftermath building his earthships for the victims he finally got given some credit for his work.


I want one!...It's fast becomming a dream for me, living in this self sufficient way, building communities with like minded folk who care about the planet... yah seems like the life for me.