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Thread: LEGERDEMAIN - pppplease type me by asking me questions nad i make video

  1. #121
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Independent. Proud, even haughty, needs a sensitive approach, praise and attention. Inclined towards skepticism. Poorly sees the future evolution of events. Concerned about making timely choices in life, yet feels dependent on the vicissitudes of fate.
    Doesn't know how to express his feelings openly. Life's hardships make him resort to "black" humor
    Shows a contrast in expression of his emotions: at times he is cool and self-absorbed, like "iceberg in the ocean", at other times – excited and energetic. Evaluates human relations by degree of emotional displays. Turbulent emotions for him are an indicator of instability and potentially poor relations. During a conflict does not get involved too deeply in the dispute, but if he feels that his values have been trespassed upon he responds harshly. Won't be frank with outsiders. Doesn't like it when someone tries to "peer into his soul" and penetrate into his inner feelings. He must be understood without words.
    SLI likes it when his abilities and achievements are appreciated. If his achievements are not noticed, he may lose all desire to try, or even fall sick if his abilities are not needed or requested for a long time. Needs new, challenging situations and unusual problems that can distract him from the monotony of everyday life. If he feels uninterested in something, he will simply detach and go about his business. Needs to be inspired and encouraged to take up a task, otherwise he will demobilize and fall into inertia and melancholy. Without new and exciting goals, his mood drops. He responds well to a language of compliments and praises that promises timely success. His state is optimal when the success is just out of reach, yet nearby.
    SLI's mood depends on how he is treated by others. He trusts only deep affections – steady feelings that have been tested by time. In dealing with others, he sets his own psychological distance and grows very anxious if someone transgresses it. Intolerant of intrusive and imposing people. Smoothness of relations to him is an indispensable condition for living a fulfilling life. Despite the scruples and distance in communication, he is quite tolerant of human weaknesses, gentle and forgiving of people.
    Inclined to skepticism. Likes to analyze and ridicule. In public usually doesn't show his emotions and feelings, although he is very impressionable. Very dependent on his internal state and moods; stagnant and productive periods alternate in his life. Reserved, doesn't like excessive familiarity.
    He is only effective in doing that which brings him satisfaction, due to which may make an impression of a lazy person
    Does not like languid manner of speaking - instead prefers well-defined, clear, punctual self-expression.
    Establishment of personal contact is characterized by well-wishing coldness. In conversation he is usually dispassionate, although on his face there might be a subtle smile of politeness.
    At such moments he needs well-wishing compassion, active questioning, optimistic and inspiring advice such as: "Why are you feeling down? Really, nothing bad has happened, and everything will be fine tomorrow!" And although he does not attach much importance to this, he is in need of composite information about other people, their potential and the relationships between them. If you communicate with him on a friendly and personal basis, frequently compliment to his abilities, provide him with the opportunity to work following his own methods, your success in interacting with him is guaranteed.
    Since displaying emotional nuances is hard for you, you prefer to talk in a joking manner to sentimentality, due to this you can sometimes be misunderstood. Failures you prefer to endure in silence and solitude. To avoid any misunderstanding of situations, try to trust your partner and talk to him in a serious tone.
    You may be recommended to travel more often, seek changes even in details of habitual way of life.

    GABIN is reserved (because he is easily wounded), and does not like to put his feelings on display for strangers. Fact is that he is not so confident in himself, as it may seem. Learn to give praise and support to your partner, then he will more easily manage his life, and will feel somewhat better about himself

    Just a guess.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    I thought SLI, but the video seems SLE ...I don't know. Maybe every forum needs an untypable caste...
    Everyone is typable if type is just a generalization of a group of people, I personally don't think any one type suits me better than another, but my typology forum persona has been recorded in my posts, tinychat and shoutbox communications. I'd like to reiterrate like 17 times that you all are typing my typology persona, not me. I am not my posts on the internet, and certainly not asinine banter. or am i?????

    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    no i think it's just that we can only go so far in typing someone with limited info, before the individual must figure one which one he is, himself.

    fwiw, i didn't find anything that went against SLI in the video (though i know some ppl disagree with me). in fact, i didn't see any signs of Fe-HA which is usually a big clue i use in typing someone SLE/ that manifests to me is ridiculous/lame ways they try to act the clown to get laughs and if they dont get the laughs, they get all butthurt.

    but again, the video is only one snippet of legerdemain's being, so hard to judge conclusively.
    I would post more videos if I thought it would help, but most of my videos are self-shot and involve me sitting alone someplace and staring at my webcam or on other people's phones and mostly nude, so I doubt it'd be appropriate. ): ridiculous/lame like eating raw fish and licking someone's forehead? JUST CURIOUS.

    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    What is going on in this thread?

    Is that clear just because he's self-typed as ST? What if he's wrong? I'm curious, has anyone ever considered EIE for him? He seems pretty dramatic, to say the least. And I've expressed before, I'm skeptical of his Ti.

    He makes me think of a weird mix between Jadae & Absurd. Beta NF & Delta ST, which leaves me a bit confused about his type.

    I can't really commit to Beta ST for him either. LSIs don't seem as 'ACTIVE' as him - look at someone like squark. And Leger has responded to my posts before in generalizations, in a way that made me doubt that he was a Sensor. And SLEs generally seem more composed than him too - not going for a hyuk hyuk every 2 seconds.
    I don't recall responding to your posts in generalizations only. I've used generalizations....just like everyone else on this forum, but I prefer the concrete and specific to generalizations in conversations about concrete and specific topics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Geminatronix View Post
    Haha, typing threads can be hilarious.

    Leger is introverted. I have never been privvy to seeing him be extroverted behaviourly in vent or tinychat, he takes excessive recharge time, all the clues are there. He's my dual, but I can share.

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    Say you hang out with people you are very comfortable with. Does socializing with them energize you or drain you? It is understood that you enjoy the time spent with these people, but what does it do to your energy level?

    Would you prefer emo DEEP poetresses or fluttery chattery airheads for a life partner?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post

    Say you hang out with people you are very comfortable with. Does socializing with them energize you or drain you? It is understood that you enjoy the time spent with these people, but what does it do to your energy level?

    Would you prefer emo DEEP poetresses or fluttery chattery airheads for a life partner?
    1) There aren't many of those left. B) Energized physically and psychically at first. My physical stamina gives out before my psychic stamina. I think, depending on what kind of hanging out it is. I could drink beer and chat with people all night about many different topics, less true when physical activity is required. I don't talk much when surfing with other people, for example. When I have I tend to get blind-sided by massive waves mid-sentence ):

    Damn are those my only choices? I've probably been with more of the latter type. (btw I don't think those choices are mutually exclusive, and I hate you for that) I don't know which I would prefer. I don't think I can answer this question. I like intelligence if it's this kind: "A very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience. It is not merely book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings—"catching on," "making sense" of things, or "figuring out" what to do."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legerdemain View Post

    Damn are those my only choices? I've probably been with more of the latter type. (btw I don't think those choices are mutually exclusive, and I hate you for that) I don't know which I would prefer. I don't think I can answer this question. I like intelligence if it's this kind: "A very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience. It is not merely book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings—"catching on," "making sense" of things, or "figuring out" what to do."
    They are not your only choices, just your choices in terms of comfort level between SLI and SLE.

    If you imagine yourself living with your life partner, are you looking for a very calm and drama-free relationship or do you like to be with someone who likes a bit of drama, push/pull tension, hate sex, that sort of thing?
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    Quote Originally Posted by JadaeRat View Post
    OH COME ON LOL! Kim!!!!
    What? Those are perfectly fine descriptions of IEI and IEE....
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    They are not your only choices, just your choices in terms of comfort level between SLI and SLE.

    If you imagine yourself living with your life partner, are you looking for a very calm and drama-free relationship or do you like to be with someone who likes a bit of drama, push/pull tension, hate sex, that sort of thing?
    oh beta NFs hate sex? i didn't realize that...
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  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    What? Those are perfectly fine descriptions of IEI and IEE....
    I'm only a moron an airhead some of the time, the rest I am sparticus genuis.

    Now this is a story all about how, my type got changed, turned upside down. Just wait for a minute and watch chatbox right there, & I'll tell how Gem became the moderator with blue hair.

    In typology central friended and praised, on the picture thread was where she spent most her days. Chilling out, selfies, relaxing all cool, And all typing some people and getting them schooled.

    When a couple of girls who were up to no good, Started annoying her & her friends in the forumhood, She got in one little flame war & got pissed off & said 'I'm moving in with that exboyfriend in the forum with the socionics toffs.

    So Gem pulls up to the forum for a year without being a hater, And yells to typocentral 'Yo creeps! Smell Ya later', Became a mod in her kingdom she was finally there, To sit on her throne as the mod with blue hair.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Geminatronix View Post
    I'm only a moron an airhead some of the time, the rest I am sparticus genuis.
    The beauty of NeFi...the graceful balance act between ditziness and brilliance...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    If you imagine yourself living with your life partner, are you looking for a very calm and drama-free relationship or do you like to be with someone who likes a bit of drama, push/pull tension, hate sex, that sort of thing?
    Assuming I'm with a "life"(already halfway through) partner. I'd prefer a no-to-low-drama relationship with some push/pull and hate sex(but not real hate) but not too much too often because then I'll get desensitized and stop caring.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legerdemain View Post
    Assuming I'm with a "life"(already halfway through) partner. I'd prefer a no-to-low-drama relationship with some push/pull and hate sex(but not real hate) but not too much too often because then I'll get desensitized and stop caring.
    My best guess then is SLI after all.
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    I'm gong to take a different socionics test every day until I run out of days or tests. I may not take one every day, but every day I take one I will. I will also post the results here. I decided I don't like socionics, mostly b/c of the dragons and magic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JadaeRat View Post
    I tend to think of types like crystals. Salt, like snow, is a crystal. And when it is dissolved, it reacts with the environments in a myriad of relations, depending upon that environment, and all of the prior relationships it had. Phobias and bonds, and so on. And I see type no differently -- it has a structure, and that structure binds and repels, creating all sorts of ways it becomes anew. But that structure is always itself, somewhere or in lots of somewheres, over time and space.

    This is probably not what is meant by "they have chemistry". Or is it!?!? Maybe both :]

    Which reminds me, Conflictors are kind of like HIV, if HIV could be a person.... Then what are duals like? I hope not herpes =[
    This is socionics gold...
    Thanks Jadae!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    The beauty of NeFi...the graceful balance act between ditziness and brilliance...

    crossing out the graceful is right
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  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    What is going on in this thread?

    Is that clear just because he's self-typed as ST? What if he's wrong? I'm curious, has anyone ever considered EIE for him? He seems pretty dramatic, to say the least. And I've expressed before, I'm skeptical of his Ti.

    The answer is no, it's not just because he's self-typed as ST. I have a lot more critical thinking than that...cmon now...

    THe reason why i think he is ST club is for a few reasons, some of which i'm able to verbalize:
    --his interpretation of and answers to the questions were very direct and literal, to the point, without any sort of inclination towards a more intuitive/between the lines approach.
    --he seems focused on the physical world around him, not really ideas or the existential realm or alternate reality.
    --he just seems fairly devoid of emotional expression (and to be honest doesn't really recognize it either -- from InvisibleJim's failed attempt at sarcasm that went over Leger's head completely--which actually makes me think Fe-POLR for him)

    but obviously, Leger shouldn't confine himself to the ST club -- it's just that i've sort of narrowed him down to that from what i've been able to gather, but obv i could be wrong.
    Last edited by Suz; 11-18-2013 at 04:58 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    The answer is no, it's not just because he's self-typed as ST. I have a lot more critical thinking than that...cmon now...

    THe reason why i think he is ST club is for a few reasons, some of which i'm able to verbalize:
    --his interpretation of and answers to the questions were very direct and literal, to the point, without any sort of inclination towards a more intuitive/between the lines approach.
    --he seems focused on the physical world around him, not really ideas or the existential realm or alternate reality.
    --he just seems fairly devoid of emotional expression (and to be honest doesn't really recognize it either -- from InvisibleJim's failed attempt at sarcasm that went over Leger's head completely--which actually makes me think Fe-POLR for him)

    but obviously, Leger shouldn't confine himself to the ST club -- it's just that i've sort of narrowed him down to that from what i've been able to gather, but obv i could be wrong.
    lol. wow, it's like you actually live inside my head. Are you psychic or sumthin?

    Quote Originally Posted by JadaeRat View Post
    Dis is wut I think Leger should be doing wif his life:

    wah hooooooooooooooooo!!!
    Been there, done that.

    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    Leger, I am going to go with an SLE typing for you.

    I was thinking after I posted earlier - the way in which you try to get others to laugh actually reminds me of the same style Jim Carrey uses. And he is commonly typed SLE.

    I can see how others find you in the ST club. And quite frankly you don't seem firmly logical - I can't see you being LSI or LSE. That leaves two types, really - SLE & SLI, which seem to be, at a glance, what most people are typing you. I'm glad they see the Sensing side of you first, because that's what is most readily apparent.

    The question is, are you exhibiting Se or Si? This seems to be where some people may be having disagreement. You seem to be responding to every person's post in a typical back-and-forth discussion, if not to just say you 'don't know', or maneuvering the topic into something that you know about. 1. The fact that you're responding to most everything seems much more Se than Si. 2. SLIs typically are so focused on relaxing, that they ignore a lot of people and nonsense. I'm having trouble picturing you as an SLI like Rob or Park, or other SLIs I know irl. 3. You seem to disregard the rules of grammar and capitalization - I'm sure Director Abbie would agree with me on this. You don't seem very Te-valuing.

    You seem to be 'more willing to do crazy shit' lol, as a nice way of putting it, like I see from Se-leading Egos. You actually remind me of woof a bit in a way, as SEE. But your posts are more structured than the typical SEE. I can see the Ti in you finally - it was just hidden as Ti-creative. You use your logic loosely to serve your impulsive, fun-seeking needs, not an end in and of itself. But there's a desire in you, searching for structure, trying to piece out together a logical framework and understanding.

    @Starfall - you both have my blessings of socionics duality. Now go forth and have Beta babies you lovebirds.

    And Leger - one last note. As a warning - a lot of women on this forum find you attractive, congrats, but be careful that they don't type you as their dual just because they want you in the same quadra. 3 years ago, I've had an IEI type me as SLE and an EIE type me as LSI. Be careful what women type you.

    So I'll go with SLE for now.
    I do ignore the rules of grammar, captilizaton and spelling in informal environments. When writing a paper for classes or writing fiction I am totl *itler. i only wish 2 b as strng n brve as *itler sumdai. Idk y ne womin wood fine me attracve, I try so hrd 2 reple dem, wsh i was gay.

  18. #138
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    @William, if you are going to compare him to other SLI's on this forum there are a few others you missed, for example, Loki. I see a lot of similarities to what Leger writes compared to what Loki used to write. You say responding to all the different statements is Se. I don't really agree with that for a couple of reasons. One, where do you get this idea? Two, I think SLI's do respond to everything and IMO are a little insecure about the wrong impression of themselves especially when people are telling them wrong impressions. "Really? thats what you think of me? I had no idea you thought of me like that especially since it's not true?" IEE's can do this for them, unfortunately for us, IEI's can do this for SLE's as well, so it really all comes down to Leger figuring out what kind of ST he is. SLI's seem to joke about "who they ARE", but I think they really DO like talking about it. Three, I see a more defensive approach in SLE's when talking about themselves as they want to be met on their own terms. "The world will know me for who I am, period".

    On second thought, SLI's do that too.

    No longer care to type you bud, interest has moved on.
    Last edited by wacey; 11-18-2013 at 08:02 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wacey View Post
    @William, if you are going to compare him to other SLI's on this forum there are a few others you missed, for example, Loki. I see a lot of similarities to what Leger writes compared to what Loki used to write. You say responding to all the different statements is Se. I don't really agree with that for a couple of reasons. One, where do you get this idea? Two, I think SLI's do respond to everything and IMO are a little insecure about the wrong impression of themselves especially when people are telling them wrong impressions. "Really? thats what you think of me? I had no idea you thought of me like that especially since it's not true?" IEE's can do this for them, unfortunately for us, IEI's can do this for SLE's as well, so it really all comes down to Leger figuring out what kind of ST he is. SLI's seem to joke about "who they ARE", but I think they really DO like talking about it. Three, I see a more defensive approach in SLE's when talking about themselves as they want to be met on their own terms. "The world will know me for who I am, period".

    On second thought, SLI's do that too.

    No longer care to type you bud, interest has moved on.
    lol. I was bored like three pages ago.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wacey View Post
    @William, if you are going to compare him to other SLI's on this forum there are a few others you missed, for example, Loki. I see a lot of similarities to what Leger writes compared to what Loki used to write. You say responding to all the different statements is Se. I don't really agree with that for a couple of reasons. One, where do you get this idea? Two, I think SLI's do respond to everything and IMO are a little insecure about the wrong impression of themselves especially when people are telling them wrong impressions. "Really? thats what you think of me? I had no idea you thought of me like that especially since it's not true?" IEE's can do this for them, unfortunately for us, IEI's can do this for SLE's as well, so it really all comes down to Leger figuring out what kind of ST he is. SLI's seem to joke about "who they ARE", but I think they really DO like talking about it. Three, I see a more defensive approach in SLE's when talking about themselves as they want to be met on their own terms. "The world will know me for who I am, period".

    On second thought, SLI's do that too.

    No longer care to type you bud, interest has moved on.
    Yep this goes along with what i was going to mention... @William, distinguishing SLE from SLI is *not* about trying to figure out if he's using Se or Si. No no no.
    The reason is that SLEs and SLIs are both strong in BOTH functions. One of the points I was trying to make is that i'm getting a sense of both Se and Si coming from him. The difference rests in which function he values more... that's a hard way to type someone.

    Instead, I find that trying to figure out what the WEAK functions is more helpful in making the distinction. What is his POLR (what function irritates him the most, what makes him angry, what is he completely blind to). What is his so-called "Hidden Agenda" (what function is he weak at that he wishes he were better at -- what function is he embarrassed and defensive about being weak at, what function, when criticized on it, does he take the criticism as an insult). Criticism of the creative function can also be taken as an insult, btw, but with the creative function, you know you're good at it, whereas with the hidden agenda, you want people to THINK you are good at it, but you painfully realize you arent, and hope no-one notices. In fact, manifestations of one's hidden agenda can be so intense that I actually find that to be one of my favorite things to hone in on, when trying to type someone.

    The role function can be hard to tease out, as can be the 7th function (i forget what it's called). And like i said up top, the dominant and demonstrative functions, while obvious, still keep you wondering among "club" members.
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    ummmm... you're not SLE then. As Fi-POLRs, SLE's are blind to Fi and hate the idea of it.
    Fi isn't fulfilling but it still feels nice.

    nope, still SLE

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    I've decided I'm EIE

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    You know I thought about what you said about police abusing their authority and I think that is true it does happen. It's hard for me, because I have been surrounded by police my whole life both personally and professionally, I understand both sides of the issue. Blatant abuse of your power, as demonstrated by this video, makes me sick, and I am sure it is found at all levels of society. It just so happens a cousin of mine sent me this short vid on FB, I think it's applicable to what you were talking about.

    There is no excuses when you are humiliating people for no reason.

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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    ... ? You mention me to criticize my typing method? Three things:

    1. Seeing whether he uses Se or Si more is a valid typing method, because typically (almost always), a person will use their leading function publicly much more often than their ignoring function.
    2. You mention typing someone based on their strong functions is 'hard', because both SLE & SLI have the same strong functions. Then you mention typing based on their weak functions is better... although they both have the same weak functions. Seems contradictory.
    3.Saying weaker functions are easier to notice is definitely much more opinion based. Have you considered perhaps you're just not noticing 'Se' or 'Si' correctly?

    Whatever method you want to use to type is fine lol. It doesn't mean it's the perfect way for everybody.

    But I am curious, in all of your 'correct' typing methods, bottom line, what do you think his type is? Do you have a type for him, or just more theories about how to correctly type someone?
    wow you are so sensitive! I wasn't criticizing you. Just sharing what i've found to be the case in my experience.
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    I'd say SLE.

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    Due to circumstances beyond my control
    A) I will not be using the forum
    B) I will not be using shoutbox
    C) I will not participate in this thread(b/c I'll be not be using the forum, lulz). Anyway, thanks for participating in my experiment.

    This is your perception of individuals:

    This is your perception of individuals on socionics:

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    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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