I'm not at all convinced that all these personality typologies are able to present a "clearer picture" - taking socionics as an example, there is no way that one can get a "clearer picture of oneself" from a typology that crudely bundles everyone alongside 400+ million of other individuals by means of vaguely and confusedly hand-waving at some generic traits, half of which have little to do with the said typology and half of which peak in behaviorist absurdity, and then proceeding to call all these millions of individuals "identicals" - if anything this is liable to make things only more confusing and muddled.

Throw in the fact that some typology devotees proceed to adopt certain typology conjured stereotypes that fit their idealized image of the self, and/or enable them feel liked and socially accepted, and that do not represent their authentic self, and then go around playing into these false stereotypes thus subjecting themselves (and others) to copious amounts of derealization and egregious self-deception that lasts for years - and it becomes completely hair-raising.

In discussions elsewhere it has been mentioned that socionics doesn't extend to more than a third of manifestations of a personality, which is true of most of the other personality typologies, in which case, provided that a person has been able to avoid the trap of self-delusion, there is really not much that can be glimpsed from these typing schemes - I think many people realize this at some point or another, so learning about these typologies doesn't significantly change their usual behavioral patterns. And my own reply is that no, it hasn't really altered my behavior.