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  1. #1
    The Soul Happy-er JWC3's Avatar
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    If you disregard reinin what do you think of the various quadra descriptions?
    Easy Day

  2. #2


    The OP is Ti-Fe valuing with Ti in ego. I would strongly consider LII as an option. It's important to remember that LIIs often appear very serious because of Fe in super-id and may be mistaken for a serious type in Reinin until you see them interact with another Fe type that helps them to open up. I find that merry-serious is mostly a meaningless dichotomy unless studied in interaction with other people. Something doesn't seem right with the OP being a dynamic type. For one, the OP writes with the precision of Ti rather than Te. You don't see the OP referring to external facts, ideas or systems. Instead logic is formed around some internal criteria and this is how OP seems to judge what type to be or not to be. Furthermore, the OP writes utilizing direct statements. Things are rather than explaining a progress or the development of events, the narrative form associated with dynamic writing. OP seems to follow the writing style more associated with static rather than dynamic types.

    I also saw some statements that seemed to appeal to Fe. Very polite and appropriate but it lacks the punch of SeFi that you note in ILIs sooner or later. Also, this guy actually likes Fe socialization? Wut? Not ILI then, not LSE either. Also, it's suggestive that he says he's bad at the things he dislikes in people. Suggests that he's actually devaluing gamma-quadra because he doesn't want to be serious like gammas are, though by nature, LIIs can appear dry like that despite not desiring to be due to Fe dual-seek.

    So if I were to suggest any type, I would strongly consider LII first over anything else.

    I was reading through the rest and then I found this:
    I'm a big fan of stability when it ensures that things will remain pleasant, and stability is my worst enemy when it ensures that things will remain bad. I like to know what to expect of the future, and so unexpected changes are jarring to me; on the other hand, I crave novelty, and when things remain the same, never changing, never promising to change, life feels stagnate. I like to feel that there's some progress to be made, a goal to aim for; without that, life doesn't have any good justification. Even under the most pleasant static circumstances, it isn't how things are that makes life worthwhile; it's what things can be made to be.
    Ne-Si. So very obviously so.

    I asked someone which of the four elements did they think represented me, and they said "water." They explained that there is something flowing about my actions and that I seem like a stream directed along its course by some unknown guiding purpose. On the other hand, I feel that my posture and body language are remarkably stiff, and was recently compared to a statue. Am I unflappable? I get different opinions about this from different people. I've been called histrionic and I've been called stoic. Am I adaptable? No, I don't think I am; I dislike improvisation; I need to know what to expect so that I have a chance to prepare myself, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. The only thing I'm very adaptable about is honoring other people's suddenly expressed wishes; I find it easy to yield to other people's wants, because I typically have no strong desires of my own. But in general, no, I'm not adaptable; I like everything to be known in advance. I'm a planner (albeit not someone who is necessarily very committed to his plans; I would be upset if a really good plan was ruined, but otherwise, I'm a fairly flexible planner and can easily change things as new circumstances arise.).
    This reasoning here is very Ne with Ti. Ne throws out options, Ti dissects their logical correctness.

    I am not sure I need to read more. Unless you were to produce something that gave a very different impression of your type, I think LII is very likely your type and is a much better fit than IEI. I could buy LSI if you weren't a clear and obvious intuitive, that was apparent with your clash with Absurd about Jung's quote. What you described was a good example of intuition.

    DA you're not. This cognition is essentially taking two opposites and see how they have a common source and how each part is integral by the other in order to exist. I can see why a Ti type would superficially relate to this. It sounds like the way Ti operates in how Ti tries to weigh the logical correctness of things and find some internal symmetry to it all, but DA doesn't work like that. DA isn't about symmetry; it's about finding the intent behind something. DA concerns itself about the intent of the maker which is why Gulenko notes that DA types often seek spirituality in their lives, because why would anything else but God be the common source of the universe? Though of course, modern day DA types may more likely be atheists or agnostics and instead you'll find the ILIs deeply entrenched in the field of physics, exactly as Gulenko notes. This is because physics, more than any other science, concerns itself about the origins of the universe, the question why it came to be. In other words, it's about seeking intent, purpose and meaning. Also, IEI is vortical-synergetic. It works like a whirlwind, probing options and possibilities to see what fits. In the IEI, this would mostly occur in the realm of humanism in order to understand and make sense of people and interpersonal relationships though it does of course not always need to be. Plenty of IEIs in the sciences.

    This is an example of DA:
    Imagine the concept of Yin and Yang. On the one hand you have Yin, symbolically represented by water and also represents all that which is feminine; on the other hand you have Yang, symbolically represented by fire and also represents all that is masculine. Yin and Yang are opposing forces and can thus never be be one force, never be united as one. Yet they are inextricably linked to each other, depending on each other in order to exist. Without one there is no other, just like there is no darkness without light (forget the scientific explanation, it's the symbolism I'm getting at). So they are the one and the same, yet they are diametrically opposed of each other. The way DA understands this is that there is unity in difference, it has the same source, just like man and woman was created by God. Unity occurs through the act of common intent in creation, rather than the objects being the same in having the same qualities.

    As for enneagram, this is indicative as type 3 image creation though not necessarily your core. I find that people often end up talking about their image issues in relation to people:
    I'm more focused on making an impact than I am on being sincere. I will twist the truth and exaggerate things, in order to have the desired effect. Usually the desired effect is to be entertaining, so that people will like me. That's practically all I think about when I'm interacting with people I want to be friends with: how to make myself be pleasant company (as well as the conflict this creates between my ego and persona as I find myself replacing the "real me" with a mask.).
    Last edited by ephemereality; 10-09-2013 at 12:57 AM.

  3. #3
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    > I don't appear graceful when recording myself.

    The only important is to be there appropriate for typing, - be close to your natural behavior. It's not hard.

    In case you'll record, - place the link to 1st theme's message.

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