Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
The test that you linked me to is at least consistent about one thing: that I'm an Ni-ego. So far, though, people in this thread have been fixated on typing me as someone who, besides not being one of the personality types whose profile sounds the most like me (I'm open to the possibility that this may be due to a lack of self-awareness, but people have so far not been making a good case for that), doesn't even value Ni, let alone have it in his ego.
Don't end up some Alpha while you're at it...

And people are going to type you from your intro, which is pretty, let's say already painting some kind of picture and that's the reason you actually got some of the types you got. Anyhow, if Ni isn't in your ego, what is?


No offence but you make it sound as if you already know what you hid in your ego and get twitchy when people sing something else. Spill it, then...

Quite technical intro, although few lines here and there negate themselves.