Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
Yes, hence my caution about assuming that because I look introverted by normal standards I'm an introvert in socionics.

I definitely agree that emotivist seems likely. If no one has any objections, I think we'll call that one settled . . . at least for now.

I understand what you're getting at, but I'm not sure that my lack of ability to judge the motives of a stranger on an internet forum, a stranger who had only written a few sentences, is very indicative of my ability to judge the motives of people in general. A large part of judging motive comes down to body language and prior history, which was, of course, entirely absent in that case. And to me, what I said seems to indicate the opposite: that I'm motive-aware, since I was focusing on why the person did what they did, what their purpose was. I wasn't so concerned about what had actually taken place, except that it was something for me to react to and use as a very small window into Absurd's intentions (also, I was being slightly facetious).

I'm still open to the possibility of LSE, but right now I'm leaning much more in other directions.
ok, the motives (a reason for doing something, esp. one that is hidden or not obvious)

intentions is what LSE has incapability of judging (a thing intended; an aim or plan)

It's one thing to observe one's actions with regards to what they are doing and predict what they could be doing but not being able to figure out what they meant by that or what the intentions of the individual are can cause an LSE to backfire at people inadvertently.

Take my LSE cousin, "he did this!" and me "yes, but he didn't mean to hurt you, he was just stating an observation from his experience" And, being a negativist type and noticing what's not there they are likely to notice the absence of a positive comment, hence don't thrive well in atmosphere where positive interaction is lacking with regards to them. If they are joking around and making fun of other things they can have emotional fun indefinitely.